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Characterization Descriptive Paragraph

Describe the main character of the story.

- Create an assertion about the main character’s main character trait (s).
- Provide two pieces of textual evidence and two explanations.
- Use the main character's thoughts, words, and actions to support your
- You can also use other character’s thoughts or actions towards the main
character to support your assertion.

Assertion about the Main Character


Textual Evidence#1:

Explanation #1:

Textual Evidence #2:


Explanation #2

Concluding Sentence about the Main Character

Characterization Descriptive Paragraph

Sentence Starters

The main character ___________ is ________________.

Name Character Trait(s)

This shows…


For example…

In conclusion…

The reason why…

He/she believes…

He/she thinks…

He/she does this because…


Don’t Forget

Character traits – Use the character trait list.

Context – Give readers a sense of what is happening in the story.

Sensory Details – Appeal to reader’s sense of sound, taste, smell, touch, sight.

Explanation – Your explanation should be MORE than 1 sentence. It should

describe how the textual evidence proves your assertion.



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