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Siddhartha Study Guide Teacher's Copy PART ONE The Son of the Brahman Vocabulary aberration ~ deviation ablutions — baths ascetics ~ those who practice self-denial for spiritual reasons avaricious ~ greedy configuration ~ shape contemplation ~ the act of considering or thinking about something for a long period of time demeanor — conduct dispel ~ scatter emaciated ~ extremely thin expiatory ~ serving to satisfy exploits ~ noble or heroic acts, functionary ~ official gait ~ the way in which a person walks germinate ~ sprout; begin to develop indignation ~ anger, especially in response to injustice invocation ~ a prayer that is usually given at the beginning of a religious service or formal ceremony malicious — in the manner of wanting to cause injury or to distress someone molten ~ melted oratorical — in the manner of a person who can speak well before a group parched ~ shriveled with beat penitents ~ people who feel sorrow for conamitting their sins plantain ~ banana propriety ~ socially acceptable conduct protruded ~ stuck out purification ~ the act of becoming innocent or free from sin sages ~ wise people sate ~ satisfy sojourn ~ 2 brief stay solitude ~ the state of being alone venerable ~ deserving of being adored or worshipped. wafied ~ caused to move lightly as if by the wind TH Siddhartha ame. ane Lesson 2 Date. Handout 2 (page 1) Siddhartha, the Brahmin Im chapter 1 you read several terms that refer to Hindu religious thought. Perhaps you were puzzled, or pethaps you paid very littl attention to them. Since they are important to the story that follows, you will need to define them by looking them up in a dictionary. The context ofthe story gives you clues to their meanings, but not full definitions. ‘You will notice that your text uses the spelling Brahmin but most dictionaries spell it Brahman with the mas an alternate spelling, These spellings are used interchangeably, and you may choose whichever you like better. Directions: Write down the definition of each term (1-7), using a standard dictionary as your reference, Then look back over chapter 1 to answer questions 8-15. 1. Brahman (An encyclopedia will give you a more complete definition) 2. Brahma 3.0m 4. Atman 5. Ablutions 6. The Upanishad 7. The Veda 8. What picture does Siddhartha have of the average Brahmin? 9. Briefly deseribe Siddhartha. For what two things does Govinda, his best friend, admire him? © COPYRIGHT, The Center for Learning, Used with permission. Not for resale. 7 sidanartha Name. Lesson 2 Date, Handout 2 (page 2) 10. Why is Siddhartha disillusioned with performing the ritual of ablution? ‘What does he fear if he stays at home and continues in his father’s religion? 11. What did the wise men teach about the Self? 12. What did the Upanishads teach about one's condition during sleep? What puzzles Siddhartha about the difference between conscious and unconscious life? 13. What are Siddhartha's feelings toward his father? What puzzles him about the man? 14, What does Siddhartha conclude about finding peace? Why does he fear that he will not find it in prescribed religious teachings? 15. How does Siddhartha test his father's patience and wisdom at the end of the chapter? How does his father show both patience and wisdom in dealing with his son? © COPYRIGHT, The Center for Learning. Used with permission, Not for resale. 8 NOTE: Read this chapter with the First Noble Truth in mind: Existence is suffering, 1, Define Brahmanism, In which activities related to Hinduism does Siddhartha engage while living at home with his father? 2. What does the name Siddhartha mean? Why is Siddhartha popular with his father, mother, and friend Govinda? 3. Hesse is considered by many German critics to be one of the finest poets of his day. Find an example of this poetic style weiizing rhyming or repetitive phrases in the descriptions of Siddhartha’ lack of joy in his life 4. Define ascetics, Who are the Samanas, and why does Siddhartha join their group? t How does Siddhartha convince his father to give him permission to leave home and join the Samanas? Support the following statement: Siddhartha’ father has not found true bliss as a Brahman following the precepts of Hinduism. What does the name Govinda mean? Why does Govinda *paled like the peel of a dry banana” when he learns about Siddharthals deterraination to leave home and join the Sarmanas? (Pg. 17) Support the following statement; Siddhartha has learned the first of the Noble Truths: Existence is suffering,

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