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Police Officer (P.O.

) Complete with WAS (x5) / WERE (X4) / WASN’T / WEREN’T

Marilyn Manson (M.M.)
A: Where ………. you last night?
B: I …………… at my grandmother’s home.
P.O.: Good night Mr. Manson
A: Who ………. you with?
M.M.: Good night officer. Can you tell me why I am here?
B: I ………… with my sister.
P.O.: Yes Mr. Manson. Last night there was a crime in your neighbourhood. You are accused
A: ……………. Lucas with you?
of the crime. You have to answer me some questions.
B: No, he……….. What about you? Where ……. you last night?
M.M.: Allright. No problem.
A: I ……… at home.
P.O.: Where were you last night Mr Warner?
B: ………… your mother and your father with you?
M.M.: I was in a concert in Chicago last night.
A: No, they …………… I ……… alone.
P.O.: Were you alone?
M.M.: No, I wasn't. I was with hundreds of people!
P.O.: What?
M.M.: I was in a concert and hundreds of people were with me.
P.O.: Was it your concert?
M.M.: Yes, it was. I was in my concert with hundreds of fans!
P.O.: Is there any evidence that tells me you were there?
M.M.: Yes, here you have the ticket of my concert. Look at it!
P.O.: But there were some fingerprints in the crime scene. They match with the name
“Marilyn Manson”.
M.M.: It can’t be posible!
P.O.: Yes, it is. You are Marilyn Manson, aren’t you?
M.M.: I am not Marilyn Manson. My real name is Brian Warner
P.O.: Really? Sorry Mr Warner. We are completely mistaken.
M.M.: I see. Now, let me go!

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