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Being Organised Empowers us to Achieve

Group Members:_____________________________________________________________________________

Were we able to organize ourselves in order to be able to prove or disprove our hypothesis?

Science Skills 4 3 2 1
Identify or create a -Identified/created a -Identified/created a -With some assistance -With a lot if assistance
question to explore and question to explore. question to explore. Identified/created a question to Identified/created a question to
write a hypothesis to explore. explore.
test. -Wrote specific -Wrote hypothesis to test. -With a lot of assistance wrote
hypothesis to test. - With some assistance wrote hypothesis to test.
hypothesis to test.

Decide how to record -Designed very efficient -Designed efficient tool to -Designed tool to record and With assistance, designed tool
the data gathered in the tool to record and record and organise organise data. to record and organise data.
experiment. organise data. data.

Gather the equipment -Gathered equipment -Gathered equipment -Gathered equipment needed to -Had difficulty gathering the
needed to carry out the needed to carry out needed to carry out carry out investigation. equipment needed.
investigation in an investigation. investigation.
organised manner. -Needed some assistance. - Needed a lot of assistance .
-Efficient, quick, -Organised manner.
organised manner. -Could not agree on specific
group jobs.

Carry out the -Followed instructions to -Mostly followed -With some assistance, followed -Had difficulty following
investigation in an carry out investigation. instructions to carry out instructions to carry out instructions to carry out
organized way. investigation. investigation. investigation.
-Explored question/ -Needed a lot of assistance.
hypothesis deeply. -Explored question/ -Explored question/ hypothesis.
Decide on an Presented findings Presented findings Presented findings. Needed assistance to present
appropriate media to clearly, focused on focused on audience findings.
present the findings. audience needs. needs.

Groups strengths:

Groups Goal Areas:

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