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Good Composition is a key element of good photographs yet is something that is hard to define.

Instead of looking at composition as a set of ‘rules’ to follow – I view it as a set of ingredients that can be taken out of the
pantry at any point and used to make a great ‘meal’ (photograph). Alternatively I’ve often described it as a set of ‘tools’
that can be taken out of one’s compositional tool belt at any given time in the construction of a great image.
The key is to remember that in the same way as a chef rarely uses all the ingredients at their disposal in any dish – that a
photographer rarely uses all of the ingredients of composition in the making of an image.
Today I’d like to look at five of the ingredients (or tools, or elements) of composition that I draw on in my photography.
They’re not ‘rules’ – just things that I consider when setting up a shot.


Image by actionlovr
There are patterns all around us if we only learn to see them. Emphasizing and highlighting these patterns can lead to
striking shots – as can high lighting when patterns are broken.
Read more on using repetition and patterns in photography.


Image by straightfinder
Depending upon the scene – symmetry can be something to go for – or to avoid completely.
A symmetrical shot with strong composition and a good point of interest can lead to a striking image – but without the
strong point of interest it can be a little predictable. I prefer to experiment with both in the one shoot to see which works
Read more on symmetry in photography.

Image by Grant McDonald

Images a two dimensional thing yet with the clever use of ‘texture’ they can come alive and become almost three
Texture particularly comes into play when light hits objects at interesting angles.
Read more on using light to create texture in your photography.

Depth of Field

Image by orangeacid
The depth of field that you select when taking an image will drastically impact the composition of an image.
It can isolate a subject from its background and foreground (when using a shallow depth of field) or it can put the same
subject in context by revealing it’s surrounds with a larger depth of field.
Read more on getting shallow depth of field and also this video tutorial on depth of field.

Image by stevacek
Lines can be powerful elements in an image.
They have the power to draw the eye to key focal points in a shot and to impact the ‘feel’ of an image greatly.
Diagonal, Horizontal, Vertical and Converging lines all impact images differently and should be spotted while framing a
shot and then utilized to strengthen it.
These are just some of the elements of composition that I consider in my photography. They reflect my own style and
personality but there are plenty more.


Image by foreversouls
Most of us use ‘frames’ to display our images when we hang them on walls for viewing – however ‘framing’ can be used
within the composition of a shot to help you highlight your main point of interest in the image and and/or to put it in context
to give the image ‘depth’.
Learn how to use framing as an element of composition.

Image by Image by fensterbme

The perspective that a shot is taken from is another element that can have a big impact upon an image.
Shooting from up high and looking down on a subject or shooting from below looking up on the same subject drastically
impact not only the ‘look’ of the image, emphasizing different points of interest, angles, textures, shapes etc – but it also
impacts the ’story’ of an image.
Read more on photographing people from different angles.


Image by .robbie
There can be a fine line between filling your frame with your subject (and creating a nice sense of intimacy and
connection) and also giving your subject space to breath.
Either technique can be effective – so experiment with moving in close and personal and moving out to capture a subject
in its context.
Sometimes it is what you leave out of an image that makes it special

Image by *L*u*z*a*
The positioning with elements in a frame can leave an image feeling balanced or unbalanced.
Too many points of interest in one section of your image can leave it feeling too ‘heavy’ or complicated in that section of
the shot and other parts feeling ‘empty’.
Read more about balance in photography.


Image by baboon
The colors in an image and how they are arranged can make or break a shot.
Bright colors can add vibrancy, energy and interest – however in the wrong position they can also distract viewers of an
image away from focal points.
Colors also greatly impact ‘mood’. Blues and Greens can have a calming soothing impact, Reds and Yellows can convey
vibrancy ad energy etc.

Read more:

Taking better pictures: composition
Published: June 20, 2005

By Kleber Stephenson

Good composition is essential in photography. It allows you to convey messages and emotions through the images that
you shoot. Fortunately, good photo composition is easy to achieve by following a few simple guidelines.

Rule of thirds

First, learn the "rule of thirds." As you look through your camera's viewfinder, imagine there are lines dividing the image
into thirds, both horizontally and vertically, essentially dividing your image into nine equal-shaped blocks. Frame your
subject at one of the intersection points instead of in the center of the viewfinder, as shown in the following illustration.

Now, with this said, many photographers make a very good living breaking this rule, but your photography will become
much more interesting and visually stimulating if you use the rule of thirds when framing your subjects.


Careful framing of your subject can make a dramatic difference in your photos. Remember—every photo has a foreground
and background, so use them together to add an interesting element to the shot.

Use foreground elements to frame your photo's subject. Architectural elements work well (windows, doorways, arches,
and so on), but you can find any number of interesting elements to use for framing your photos. The important point here
is the subject. It doesn't do much good to frame your subject with interesting elements if they overshadow the subject,
making it difficult to determine what the subject is supposed to be.
Visual cropping

Crop your photos visually before you take them. Look into the corners of the viewfinder. Do you see things that shouldn't
be there? You can remove, or crop, these elements from your photos simply by moving closer to your subject, zooming in
on your subject, or moving your subject within the viewfinder. Try different angles. Look for anything that will diminish the
impact of unwanted objects in your photos.

Angle of the view

Believe it or not, the best angle for a photo is not always upright and directly in front of the subject. Some of the most
interesting photographs are those taken from a unique vantage point. Get down to the level of the flowers before taking
the picture. Climb a tree to take a picture of a meadow. Always ask yourself if the photo would look better taken as a
landscape or portrait shot. Experiment and try different perspectives. Look for angles that are interesting and demonstrate
the mood and inspiration you're trying to capture.

Achieving good balance in your photographs requires the correct combination of colors, shapes, and areas of light and
dark that complement one another. Achieving the right balance in your photos is easier than it appears. Think about your
subject and capture it from an angle, viewpoint, or even time of day that focuses attention on the subject.


To capture the essence of what you experience when viewing a scene, it helps to add an element to your photo to convey
this perspective. In the following picture, the bow of the boat helps to add an interesting perspective to the vastness of the
scene. .

Without the bow of the boat in the picture, the scene would be far less interesting and void of any drama.
Draw the viewer's eyes through the photo

A path, a row of telephone poles, or even a line of chairs at the beach can serve as elements in a good photo.

These simple guidelines should help you find your "camera's eye." The key is to experiment and have fun, and the
resulting photos will wow anyone who sees them.

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