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Ques: Advantages of use case diagram in object oriented design explain with


Ans: Use Case Diagram


Use Case diagrams show the various activities the users can perform on the system.

System is something that performs a function.

They model the dynamic aspects of the system.

Provides a user’s perspective of the system.

Benefits of Use Cases

Use cases are a mature model to capture software requirements. They are often contrasted
to large, monolithic documents that attempt but fail to completely convey all possible
requirements before construction of a new system begins.

Use cases have a number of advantages:

• Use case modeling (including the writing of use case specifications) is
generally regarded as an excellent technique for capturing the functional
requirements of a system.
• Use cases discourage premature design.
• Use cases are traceable.
• Use cases can serve as the basis for the estimating, scheduling, and validating
• Use cases are reusable within a project. The use case can evolve at each
iteration from a method of capturing requirements, to development guidelines
to programmers, to a test case and finally into user documentation.
• Use case alternative paths capture additional behavior that can improve
system robustness.
• Use cases are useful for scoping. Use cases make it easy to take a staged
delivery approach to projects; they can be relatively easily added and
removed from a software project as priorities change.
• Use cases have proved to be easily understandable by business users, and so
have proven an excellent bridge between software developers and end users.
• Use case specifications don't use a special language. They can be written in a
variety of styles to suit the particular needs of the project.
• Use cases allow us to tell stories. It is very easy to describe a use case in a
concrete way by turning it into a story or scenario.
• Use cases are concerned with the interactions between the user and the
system. They make it possible for user interface designers to become involved
in the development process either before or in parallel with software
• Use cases put requirements in context; they are clearly described in
relationship to business tasks.
• Use case diagrams help stakeholders to understand the nature and scope of the
business area or the system under development.
• Use case diagrams can be recorded using the UML and maintained within
widely available CASE tools
• Use cases and use case diagrams can be fully integrated with other analysis
and design deliverables created using a CASE tool to produce a complete
requirements, design and implementation repository
• Test Cases(System, User Acceptance and Functional) can be directly derived
from the use cases
• Use cases are critical for the effective execution of Performance Engineering

Use case diagram Example of Login Process

Ques: During object oriented design sometime need arise to readjust the inheritance
explain with example?

Ans: Inheritance provides a natural classification for kinds of objects and allows for the
commonality of objects to be explicitly taken advantage of in modeling and constructing
object systems. Natural means we use concepts, classification, and generalization to
understand and deal with the complexities of the real world. See the example below using

An example of the is-a-kind-of relationship is shown below. Is-a is often used

synonymously, but can be used to show the "object is-a class" instantiation relationship.
In classical OO, inheritance is a relationship between classes only. In one-level systems,
is-a (object instantiation) and is-a-kind-of (inheritance) are merged into one.

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Mainframe Mini Personal
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Data Proc Scientific PC Workstation

Another Example:

Inheritance is a technique by which the properties and attributes of a class are inherited
by a subclass. With inheritance we can refine the subclasses by adding some new
attributes and functionality.
For Example, the Employee class shown below is the super class and the classes
Salesman and Accounts Assistant are inherited classes.
Ques: what is object-oriented modeling? Explain object model and dynamic Model?

Ans: Object-oriented modeling is a methodology of analyzing requirements of a system

with the aim of identifying subsystems with the following desirable properties:
(a) Each subsystem should have clearly specified responsibility of performing a part of
overall task.
(b) Other parts of the subsystem should not have to know how a subsystem performs the
task assigned to it; rather they should only know what task a subsystem does.
(c) Each subsystem should be self-contained and independent
(d) Each subsystem should know what other subsystems do and how to send requests to
them for assistance so that it can cooperate with them to get its own job done
(e) Subsystem should hide from outside world the data it uses
(f) The subsystem should be designed to be reusable

Object-oriented modeling is used in practice as it

• Facilitates changing of system to improve functionality during the system life time
• Facilitates reuse of code of each of the subsystems used to design the large system
• Facilitates integrating subsystems into a large system
• Facilitates design of distributed systems
Object Model:

Three concepts are critical to understanding object models. They are:

 Data abstraction
 Encapsulation
 Inheritance

An Object diagram focuses on some particular set of object instances and attributes, and
the links between the instances. A correlated set of object diagrams provides insight into
how an arbitrary view of a system is expected to evolve over time. Object diagrams are
more concrete than class diagrams, and are often used to provide examples, or act as test
cases for the class diagrams. Only those aspects of a model that are of current interest
need be shown on an object diagram.

Dynamic Models:

Dynamic model diagrams show how runtime objects act out a use case by sending
messages to each other. There are two sorts of dynamic-model diagrams: Sequence
Diagrams and Collaboration Diagrams. They describe how objects collaborate.
(collaboration, sequence diagrams)
Collaboration diagram - show how the behavior of several objects collaborating
together to fulfill a common purpose
show the message flow between objects in an OO application and also imply the basic
associations (relationships) between classes.
State, Sequence (time focus), Collaboration (space focus), Activity (work focus),
diagrams are used to express the behaviour of a system

A system has an architecture based on a dynamic object model when it stores the object
model for itself in a way that can be modified dynamically. This means it will have
classes like "Class", "Attribute", and "Association". I've run into a bunch of systems
recently that have a dynamic object model, and have been trying to document them.
Sometimes we have called this idea an "active object model", "metadata driven system",
or "user defined products".

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