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Power trading

Power market in india

Electricity act 2003

This electricity act feacilitate the open access.

IEX came in existance for all the power related
Here add open access slide
Power marketing in india

Bilateral contract policy

•Long term
•Short term
Long term market policy
• That contract exist for a period of more than 2
Short term market policy

Less then 1 year

Most efficient ,
There has been steady growth in short term open
access. So this policy adopted by many utilities.
Concern about cpp
Here we are generate total 1215 mw
Approximately 900 mw supply to the aluminium
complex(smelter side) at full load.
30x2 mw feeders connect to the SEB grid.
And further supply for IPP as per requirement.
power trading scope
• Imbalanced disposition of resources in india.
eastren region is rich in coal sources so a lot of
pit head pps are there.
North-eastern region also hold a lot of hydro
power projects.
whereas western & norther regions of
the country suffer from power shortage due to
there immense industrial and agricultural load.
Particulars                        September 2010 (Actual)        October 2010 (Exco)                Till 17th

• PLF %                                        74                                81                                77

Aux Power Cons %                    10.42                            10.00                            10.47

Power Sale (MW)                       72                                 144                                52

Power Sale (MU)                        52                                 107                                21

SCC @ 3000 GCV                       893                                870                                941

GCV                                         2986                            2991                               2923

• Landed Coal Cost

/MT @3000 GCV         1721                              1752                               1841

Coal Cost                               1.72                              1.69                                1.93

• Other Generation Cost           0.28                              0.24                                0.25

• Import Cost                              0.03                              0.02                                 0.02

• COP #                                        2.02                                1.95                                2.20

Power EBITDA (Rs in Cr)#        26                                18                                2

( Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization )

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