Learning Log 1

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Jessica Brown September 7, 2010

Learning Log #1 Essential Question #5 Reflection

Ferrero, D. (2005). Pathways to reform: Start with values. Educational Leadership,

64(5), 8-14.

I remember learning about the different philosophies of education in college. I saw those

philosophies as things of the past; I saw them as guides that got us to where we are in education

today. It was not until I read Ferrero’s article that I realized that educators and schools could

actually use those philosophies to guide and improve their current instruction. Now I see that,

nder a common philosophy, curriculum could be strengthened because educators would feel

united in their mission to educate students. I have seen this cohesion at my school when my

department agreed upon one curriculum and common assessments. Rather than being the lone

wolves we once were, who fended for ourselves and attempted to hide our creations, we now

share our teaching methods and seek each other out for ways of improving the united curriculum.

Imagine how much more integrated we would be if we had an aligned philosophy.

Several experts in education appear to agree that philosophy is crucial for educational

success. The main reason philosophy is ideal is because it guides schools and instruction by

outlining the purpose of education for those individuals. Ferrero says that establishing a

philosophy would settle many educators’ arguments over instruction methods and aid schools in

“the formation of communities of practice capable of developing coherent courses of study” that

the school and surrounding community could agree upon (Ferrero, 2005, p.12). In addition,

Ornstein agrees when he refers to educational philosophy as a “framework” to help schools

determine goals, content and organization, and teaching methods (Ornstein, 2011, p.2). As all

educators have seen, if there is no objective, a lesson can easily stray or lose its meaning. A

philosophy can be that objective, that much needed guide for schools.

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