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Date: October 20, 2010

To: VPK Provider

From: Keisha Dunn-Pettis, VPK Manager Family Central Inc.

Re: Reporting of remaining VPK hours

For the 2010/11 VPK school year, the VPK certificate has been revised to
include #22: # of hrs. remaining in VPK Program (Delayed Enrollment)
*See attached copy of the VPK Certificate of Eligibility. By definition,
Delayed Enrollment refers to the enrollment of a student after the VPK class
has begun. While Family Central staff does complete paperwork with those
parents whose children are beginning after a VPK program has already
begun, we are asking that you as the Provider also complete the # of hours
remaining in your program as it is quite often that a parent does not begin
your program in the timeframe reported to Family Central.

This request is being made because the State has asked that we ensure
parents are informed of hours remaining for those children who start anytime
after the VPK program has started. Should you have any questions
regarding the completion of #22 on the VPK certificate, please feel free to
contact me directly at (561) 514-3317.

Thank you for your continued commitment to providing quality childcare.

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