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I'm protesting that all video games are bad, why? I have had numerous dealing with these gamers,
gamers is what they call themselves. From boyfriends too brothers and myself once, but decades
ago. Parents think there young childs language problems come from school, but it's more commom
to come from your friendly spider man games. They rate all games but just like kid tv shows they
always slip in some bad phrases. Throught my school years my liltle brothers always played this
game Zelda, i hate it to me honest, but it makes them shoot with joy. Homework, they never knew
the meaning. To young kids the game is all that matters, they get hooked like tobbaco. Wake up
beat this monster, save before you die, and then off to school. All day in school they talk with there
friends on how to beat a level or if there stuck they trade cheats, just to return home to finish the
game off. When a child gets hooked on GAMES, not phonics they forget about school and whats is
important in the future. My brother, 18 was suposed to graduate but gaming held him back. He used
to skip school because he was up throught the night, chating with other gamers, and playing
numerous rounds of the same game. Gamers even replay games, "ohh yeah I beat the game, now
lets see if I can do it quicker, but gain more points." that is every gamers moto it seems. Playing
games seems to keep kids back in education. My boyfriend and past ones were also attched to
these leeches. Day in and day out, after work, before work, and if they had a chance during lunch
breaks. Gaming causes a lack of sleep and interest in faimly and non gamer friends. Playing games
actually kept a boyfriend of mine out of work, he never had time to apply during his gaming hours,
which seems 24/7. I lost a relationship to due to games, unless I played with him, I was invincible.
He was not only without a job and money but could not even take me out for dinner, but that same
week spent his only money he had to buy a new game he had waited forever for, or he had to re-
register for online gaming, so he can play other people around the world. But, all you can really due
with online gaming is find some other gamers and talk crap to them about how the other is better at
one thing, or how many kills they've added up in ther whole gaming expierence. Now why is gaming
BAD, it takes up there whole life, they only stop to use a bathroom usually can go hours without
eating, and dont need any friends, due to online friends. School, news, relationships, parents,
parenting, and many other real life importand stuff does'nt cross there minds often. I feel bad for
whoever pays there electric, or internet bill, hours opon hours they play which causes heat to spread
thoughtout the house, and the console could give you third degree burns. The air conditioning would
be on all day long, and trust me when they use more than one tv, so they can have more players,
the house really gets hot, and unless your deaf, LOUD. Gaming to me is a complete waste of time,
fishing and not catching anything is more educational and involves more of your social life.

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