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My Writing Process

Whenever, I feel free to writing something, figuring out the purpose of the prose is my starter step. On
the bases of that, I decide a suitable title for the prose, very carefully, as it drives the interest of the
reader, at a glance. Then I gather the information to serve the purpose. Keep on messing on a voice
record or a paper, in case if a recorder is not available, with relevant or irrelevant information from past
experiences, unless there is enough, to compile the prose completely. Sometimes I even make mind
maps, to link different ideas. Mind Maps look a little funny, but it helps a lot, in developing new links.
Normally, Mind Maps help me during composing a Poem, Song or sometime an entrepreneurial idea. It
helps in evaluating distinctive features very closely.

Organizing the recorded data is the following step, in which I list down every point separately. This
significantly helps in determining the linking and arranging the data, in such a manner that the prose
looks continues.

Now I deserve a coffee break…

Normally, I had to make it myself so I ignore this step. After figuring out the arrangement, I simply
compile the data. During this process, sometimes, there arises inevitable need of little modifications,
which helps in avoiding sudden falls or rise and keep the flow smooth and within the tracks.

Then, I compose the prose on a MS Word document, for further grammatical and spell checks. This is an
easier way to correct minor roughness. It saves a lot of time.

I save and close the document then.

Reading it a couple of times myself, I try improvising the matter. But conducting sensory tests by
involving my associates seems, a more appropriate way for effective proofreading.

After that, the document is ready to be turned in.

Adeel A. Siddiqui


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