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'S:l~ecr. V}11- .. ·

:rAJa L~,b; Siafl I ,natrlr, F~ni~' ·.[t~ , 10'1"'1[' ,tl[b!;


WI 'ij', ~ T' ,~; iii"'- ·"UI".1i Iif!'! 'III' 'M ~'H A £:iI'D'

.. ~,.JYij Jib ,& . .lliI1. J!iL .n.. !WI' ~ gl ~ V ~ '1.1


!l¥~m:oilttl m~~~ ~~ '@'~~~ I!~,

TSLL m.l~ ·t!h'@ old ,I Itll,~l ,S,t(jry~ Of '~sBen tlliD.g~ abov~ i,"""""" Q t J:~USitT;~ and IDIS G1.O!l:ft

Of J lliSUS mid Love,

TeU me the -Story' sl'cr"ly, That I 'may t~kr. i~ ~.

Tb,~t wlonderful Re~!emptiGm~ GD:I3~~, RE M;mm Y' fo:r sin!

Tdl mf~ the St~ry loffien" :For I ftJ,ir~e:t so soon I!

'The ~If F!,arl'y:: !lew' ,,' iof '1UDrmnO'

. - .... _.," _ .... " --':5

Has :IHlS!S6,d ,~w.~·Y' at: noon ~ -

T;eD 'UU~t thl6 f~]'-'ory ~ortly"

With ea:~nest to:rre'6, ,and g,r ave , ltemJemller" tfm. the sinner VUlao,m JESUS IClIJ:D.e 'to, s,a;vc~

-, "en, me title Stprr al'f.\nljT;S, It YO'll \ll'o'1ald. reaUy be, In, IBDJ time .Qlf tto'tlbllie;,

A connortlS'1" "to n).il~,~

Tell me the same o]d SW'r,' 'Wlu~~;n 'JOn h~ve I cru.1l:S1~ ·t:01 [e.H!'ll Tbit this wID(rld.~s em_ptoy!gl,oO' I,s, eQsltimL~f me too dleal\

1re19'i ,an.a ".;amen ~~I~I.~ Woorl.ld~s Glory 8.b:a:D, l[lar,wn up on m.y Sfl 0],.

TsU me the n~ti old StiOI"Y,

"",..,: , l' -' I - " -,... - " , .' 1'1'



Y'ov_ ask me fillT" be Story

10,1' UJilSeleiD 'thin~, m11ov!8 F Of' ,J,n~;iUIg :an_~ IDs Glory'l

10 f Illll,St* :and ,fIisl Love J'~

"'Ot1 w,m't '" ' 'I e 01, ,I DId Stor:y/' ,AD,rd IIUlithing: else ri dQ! deed I re&mlOr 'W'O dlE7'~,

It ;alwillyl StiBirDa so ,lew!

Bu"t I am 'V\ra~tmfl" momreJo: 's I, Oh,! he,:w. shall 1 ~'epa

'_ To teU ,~ the old, olll Story,U

Hlijw' l:E,~tis "a.ves ram sm, '?

Listen, :aL_dl 'will teD Y'O'Il;

IGod. help both f. DU. mId, me· _ And m-akl8 II'" .e o'md, @Id StorJ'~~

Bm ~ B' ,A&lI unto, t'bee!, -

o DnlSl~ in a pl,~as aID t g,l[!rd.e:D\J' Gom 'p]aced at happy Inlh:~ ; And all within was pelicJ~fu1, AD.d :all arennd W·(I.;8 fa1lrli!

Buf oh l (bier dl's!ob1eye,d rum!

Th!t D%1e tl1ill~ft ll.e de:med.

1Ther lo,h,.led :I}ort took'l and taste,iI; TbGf' II;,d~ it~, aud-,tbey di:ed.!

H~ 'SDUlil'B l~e :lan, of Ad;a\m~

. ~ . ~.

Bu.t, So:o. of" G.on D_B weU,

,An.a brlDg limn Sal¥atioln

]To'm, sin, and d~atb, ,and hell,

ODie of the hol~ A_ g11!~ .

H:~(1 come from Heaven a ·Imr,e,.

ITDI teU tAle true, , de: .. , grry-,

Of J'e 'D il, d E is . ve.

And. was jl·t trlle-tllctt Story P

~ 1D1r "IlNIiIl!IFIi·t '!!II'iIlo ill'liiA iI'"I ,., te II:!! O~j

J...U'iliiJ' l'1'~!j.Ii. iIi~,1Jjjo V""L'N,,;I _'1;.1' ~~'WJ'

And :fOuTIJd fIim in ,Si mOJ:nler, And, lm!elV tl18t ~:t 'Will'S He,

H J Whom he . a " her prD~led., So ma_ liD p "

aad eDme ,. il .• ve OIO/f' :WDer,· " ,~ v ~a_IUi,Illlil, ha,.Ji ,~l'\,YiI"!iin. ,art ll,"",-t I ,.E,"~II D "'",' u.u, I!I..U'i.U.'!iiiO Ul ~ ~

He was ,'~, oilntllmt to Ido 'ilt, ~~

To eek ad art's'th.'e-lors'tll AlthOllfli'h Be - " I£W' beforehanll ..........

Ie ,e,w u~ th:at. it would eOSit~,

BI0 livedl I H' mOls,t nroI.. ;

His 0very , hDb;~h,t was Love, Aud ~ver, ilotioD 5ho~~t1d iil ~~

TOI 'man, IntI (~i(Jn ~bove"

'U\' 1'1- - in -i~ I. u ~o[,~lJ' .;

.12; WIS a : . 'IOI"kim;~- MI::D, :::~j!

Who l(n~"'~- he .p.oor manl'9, Uiolsl , tQI I ell as IlBsiOB can:?

IS ]IS:t thrf!e yl~IEf3 werle l{lv~ly' ,[ He eeuld 0 move b~ hl~-,i

Ao,d time ,and BtJJ:""~I\l,gth '1Noullild f31il me TID teD 'rm.e, eed He (Ud~

HegallflQ llW'ay UQI m&1lne~,

For II e had BUlle to give 1, BlitHe I a-I pO:Vlf(rr of 'h'~Br'D ' An!d made dead p~orple live.

II e"a1w81' '!H~0J11jled "a;t Leisu~e P;ar ~~erJ' q:ns 'W no ca:me::

Howe;",le-r 'tired or busy-

'Thley fo'u. __ d Him jUB't '~ll! 'be !UIDl.e.' I

R~ h~~dl eacih tale lof S(iI):rlow

Wi th, an ~trb~Dtti:Ve, ea~,

-ftld ·.ork aW"3! leJaJl2ih burden lor su;_ ',er mg, sin, liJi[ I ~ear ~

Lo~o': ~ ~cu:"k :!·....-if 7010 Ie;an lU~Slr ]!'t---

Look at JQt1[H' d ins Lo~rd 1. __

·~'taRlld Bear' I he CruSI and w'a'tch I '_hu ~ I~f; Beholld tb.~, LRilDh of G~,1) !~ ~~,

" ie, , - ~nd$ ,and Fee,t :1"1:: pim',Ged, , . e canDelt hide Eli, , i a..c-e ; And crud. men I sta.nti ~tarimg~,.~j' :' R crowds) abolu.t _he p,ilat,e.

~J laugh a Him and mock Him' IThley tell Ilim to '.' 'cam,e d(;l'wtJ,.~" h,d eave tIh,nt. C'ros s of snfF~l~in;i An,·~, ckauL~ i' for at ICrewn~

~y di,d Hie bea:r ,their' mowDgs, :?

" ':as He ~ ,'tile ~ '~ .. bty GOld ? ~

~ ~lrlUld He 'na.IB dfs'troyed them" With Ol:n:e almlighty wDrd ?

T;M~I J E:S!fJ" . It:rn~lj ha;"e dl,pon'e it i; ,But 11~t m~ tell ~rou why

H£ wauliZ' not use His p'Drw'~ " ,Bu,t ehose fJ s'ta.y'nd die.,

Bre' , d become omr Iff Sm~;~ :~ ,j

,~ d, what v-Ie eoul ,cr llaY:t

He pB~d IN,ST13,AD,, and TOR, -Sl~ 'O-c- tnat nile m~dftd day .. ,

mIllFl:":' m'F':r.1Io noiF...,. 1~;1IlI! '

,~, 1Ij;!I.miII~'" Vwu ~.&.'V~' '~,

,0, wonder'fBl Red\Ii!'mpti~n!

G'lIlD~:S litE ~!E lOY;' fb~~11 ~m 1:

The. Door' of . ;may,en is, lope1J\, And YOU 'may ~ tel" in !:

F~r' GOD r,e~el.s,e'Q. {l'Il: 11"~'\llE!e,ty'l,~1 To sbow ,th~ wo k 'Wits anne; ,An ' , J JU;,~ s:J ilL! iur-tec'nUD

, ,.'e;r:la,red t'blr! vmtfJtry won,!,

And 'DO'W,. He 'bas as e eD.dled~

, of! :9,"-,;_ UJlDa ,tb~ Tm'?iD'e~ _, f -r,b be a. Pr:wE.e, and. ' ,a,VIlour~,J~

An,tll claim "US for' H'"'s, QIVfIl .. ,


B,UT wh.en I e '1!!ft His people, .. ' e pro .' - ed them. to 'e1D,

I~' TbTe Ootfifolitelll', n ·to t~;Jchthgm , me:, gui,d,'1: them.j, .' D 1:-. e end"

Tf-lfJ is '~THlI O_:,n" OLD TO .. : . ;, 'U Bay, D'D you take i. ~i ~

This wJJOOer.:mI Red~mptio~ GOD~S REMEDY , :r sin OJ'

D's, JtCnm :at h'e~rt b,~"H'~ve it,~

'0 1fOU believe i -,131 tru.e, ,ADd'mermt ftJ - H,VER,Y SI·~; - 'R.! ,AllJd 'th,uefoJ;~ 'm~aQt -for YOU :?

~ 6iFii, - "l.:~~, fllf . - . - "it

~ULiliJII. 'T ·KD ~ GREAT SA1iIV.AT~,ig(N;

FOf' J B ", '113 '10'1', " m gi''\re I.

B eliev e l and JOli re·cei, e. it !

B eiel" ! :a:n-d yQ' . haIl. HV1eJ

Let-,v!t11'}J( see i.t

That ... htis' bu mad,e yOD 6"ee; .- lid, if i. ,S et:9 them ' ouling,

B.y ",~ J -, I, D' DI ~OB TUBE t U

- nnn li:i!n' ,". , ,11i", 1.., "ll 10 li;iI!!i; T. 1l'1"' D'II, ,

.. 'lYu,ul .-..""111 on. o,u.r e:fe~ ~rJhU ,;;t! """'" I. Jl. UIJI ...

,Anllil, in eur "Ialme I:bov'~~,

W '~D ,"\ - ' ... ·-b -" lUll ,,]I.-;l ~,L: i-

_ Ii fUlll' tI,' e IIl.JlU" ID" ,tJ; Mj:L,ory,

O~' J ..dI I I, L I' lIi':ii -

_ Ii, ,,:tIU::; '(J II H.n,Q, IE I 0'""6 i


"iii ~r p~fjr}',

L 0 ['ITY; fl ME B ~tl.GEi

'~Ii fltDm, '_1'31' lti:';,

';i!ll~ aHifi ~'mJjQ_.

001f111- A,IIIO:lll

'~U P 1l' aJ n;:J!B 'Ill R j_Ij" ~'m! ~:Elr ~ ~o 'Ii n,

Jilt ,ilmd 9~, ~,ID irII TUIiIIDW'l~~ I"_j rl'l~


B:nD.ilS :!J.:l TN I. ,a,U:fJUI']l n z; • T:U OiL ~ !Ii)~tJ nmB.y ....

l~m"'~ ,rhl •.


I" .SiD,A ¥ Cllrlit(tlll; J'~~&!!DI:N li -FaR Ml,sBJ..oN!1,

'Ttlt! OJ". Old 510'11' is a poe min 't'iIIi'O Part s writle n by Arab ella Catherine Hankev (l~3 4-1911) in 1866 and first published in 1867 by'William M acintcsh of 24 P.aternoste,r Row; London:

This 1,875 eonlon, bV the' s.ame publlsher, r~tai:n'S' the format. and the wording' of the First Edition. ,Some miner chances in em phas i s an d pu n ct u at i tin h i8.'i;,fe b e'en n 01 e.d ..

ExtenslV'e' 'information concerning the' poem, the, auther, two derivative hymns and a 1944 recorded recitation of plan II b,\I Minnie' ElsI.e Fraernan (1811-1959) is awilable at


Thls Hie was ccrnplled or imag'es' scarmed 'and formatted from a copy purchased in May 2 007 bV :5'rep:h,en M. Laws,on from Sih,fer Trees Becks, (oventry. The 4.2.5 bV 6.5 inch bccklet wa"S originally property of Eqith"H'ilton, Yie Old 'Plough lnn, ~ 0 Church Street, 5eaf.or~, and ll,lv;as presented "To Edith Prom M iss' Eliot." One, might Imagine that M iss Eliot was Edith's Sunday School ie.ather, since the author promoted and Wrote maierlals for Bible edw::at,ion classes.

Pr~pared b~{Stephen M. Law$on

J" '2 i""id'ij 7

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