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Nairatna status over 12 years back.

With the government having

boldly decided to ranp uP ihe coun
try's lower calacity addiiion to
about 80,000 Mw in the curent Plan
period, Bhelhas been €nrusted the
iask of meetinq the risins demand in

The company has been gro$ing

al an impressive rate of 30 Per cent
over the past few years. This gtowth
has been nade possible primarily
due io iis diversified pordolio of
businesses, apart from committed
A FAT ORDER BOOK PROMPTS BHEL manpower and abiliry to foresee
mrrkel den nd, says Chainnan and
TO RAISE 2012 TURNOVER TARGET Managing Director of Bhel, BP Rao,
'Tve have nultiple Pordolios
operatrng 2t the same iime. Apan
SUDHEER PAL SINGH Since iis inception 45 Years back, from power segment, which is the
Bhel has been at the helm of usher- main one, we have presence in many
ing in the indigenous healy electd- industy segments. So, even il one
cal equipment indusky in India lts pordolio go€s down, the other takes
manufacturing capacity has gro$'n care ol the downside."
THAT p""* equipment grant multifold ftom a few megawatts to With an order book in otcess of
Bnarat Hea\,y Eleclricals Ltd (Bhel) 15,000 M,r today. This capacity is Rs 134,000 crore, the comPany was
is one of the compznies likely to get now being er?rnded at a much faster originaliy targeting a iurnover of Rs
the coveted 'Mahantna' staius pace with plans to add another 5,000 45,000 crore by the end of the cur-
shortly is not surprisnE. .With an Mw wiihin two years. rent Plan period ending 2012, "l now
effective monopoly in the domestic Based on this performarce and expect i! to be Rs 50,000 crore plus, "
power equipment space, it offeG a years of experience - the cumula- says Rao. This is despite the enor-
veritable backbone for the countrv's tive capacily ol projects installed mous competition ffom new players
power sector and is one of
the worldwide having already crossed on the domestic Aont as well as ftom
laraestengineenngandmanufaciur- over 100,000 Mw the company overs€as snpplicls, especially the
intenterprises inthe world. And, it secured a Place anong the top nine Chinese, who suPPlY low-cosi
is slill growins. public sector companies granted equipmeni in shorter timefi"mes. a

BusinPs\ Sit'ndrid

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