Youth Rates

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With a minimum wage of $12.

75 an hour, the state said he couldn’t take a job for $10, but had to go on the dole for $4.50. Madness.

If MPs really
really cared about jobs, why did
they vote 117-
117- 5 to lock him out of one?
by Sir Roger Douglas
whose minimum youth rates bill would have seen more young people get a foot on the job ladder

Earlier this year I asked Parliament to But, by a margin of 117 to 5, my Scrapping youth rates ended up
bring back minimum youth pay rates. fellow MPs – all members of all hurting the kids it was meant to help.
Why? So 16 and 17 year old job parties except ACT – effectively sent Youth unemployment rose to 24%,
seekers like the young man above our young people this message: ……. Maori youth unemployment to 41%.
could experience the dignity of work. “Go on the dole. Join a gang. Get Many things in life are the opposite
Better, I argued, for a first-time pregnant and raise a child on the DPB. of the way they seem. Youth rates seem
worker to get a foot on the job ladder “Whatever you do, we won’t let low. But the dole is much lower....……..
for, say, $10 an hour ($2.75 less than you work. Not unless you can find a And only ACT MPs really care about
the minimum wage) than muck generous boss who’ll pay you the jobseekers. Because working for some
around at home on the dole for $4.50. same as a more experienced worker.” money sure beats not working at all. …

Who really
really cares about jobseekers?

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