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Fecha: _______________________________________________________________________

PICK UP YOUR QUIZ from your folder

1. What grade did you earn? __________Are you happy about how you did?

2. Did you expect a better or worse grade?


3. Why did you earn the grade you did?


4. “¿Cómo estás?” ______ _____________________ ________________________

5. Yo estoy = ________ _______________ so therefore

6. “Yo” means _________

7. “Me gusta” means _____ ______________ BUT WAIT!

8. If “yo” means “I”, then “me” can’t mean “I” too…Shocking news – Ms.
Leach lied to you all through Unit 2. “Me gusta” does not exactly mean “I
like”, it actually means “It pleases me…” Knowing this, what do you think
“te gusta” means ______________________________________________________

9. “Le gusta” means


10. “tú”(Unit 1 p. 9) means _____________________

11. “usted” means _______________________________________________



Fecha: _______________________________________________________________________

PICK UP YOUR QUIZ from your folder

12. What grade did you earn? __________Are you happy about how you did?

13. Did you expect a better or worse grade?

14. Why did you earn the grade you did?

15. “¿Cómo estás?” ______ _____________________ ________________________

16. Yo estoy = ________ _______________ so therefore

17. “Yo” means _________

18. “Me gusta” means _____ ______________ BUT WAIT!

19. If “yo” means “I”, then “me” can’t mean “I” too…Shocking news – Ms.
Leach lied to you all through Unit 2. “Me gusta” does not exactly mean “I
like”, it actually means “It pleases me…” Knowing this, what do you think
“te gusta” means ______________________________________________________

20. “Le gusta” means


21. “tú”(Unit 1 p. 9) means _____________________

22. “usted” means _______________________________________________

Me llamo _____________________

¡¡¡Exit al éxito!!!

1. ella _______ a. what?

2. nosotros ___________ b. she

3. ¿Qué? ________ c. he

4. ¿Dónde? _________ d. we

5. él ___________ e. Where?

6. ¿De dónde eres? Means ________________________________________

7. “tú” means ____________ 8. “yo” means ____________

Below complete “1, 2, Adios”  #1: what is the homework? #2: 1 thing you learned OR 1
Me llamo _____________________

¡¡¡Exit al éxito!!!

1. ella _______ a. what?

2. nosotros ___________ b. she

3. ¿Qué? ________ c. he

4. ¿Dónde? _________ d. we

5. él ___________ e. Where?

6. ¿De dónde eres? Means ________________________________________

7. “tú” means ____________ 8. “yo” means ____________

Below complete “1, 2, Adios”  #1: what is the homework? #2: 1 thing you learned OR 1

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