Meet The IFA Candidates For Scott County Supervisors

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John P. Riley, 63 John R. Green, 51 Jesse J. Anderson, 28

Blue Grass Davenport LeClaire
Married with 6 children Single father Married with one daughter

Structural Engineer/Sole Proprietor Sub Contractor/Sole Proprietor Administrator/Family Business

US Army Infantry 1967 – 1969 Heavy equipment technician 50 employees
Purple Heart February 1968 Landscape and property design Bachelor of Arts,
Bachelor of Science, Property maintenance/management Politcal Science/
Civil Engineering, USMC (Ret.) Public Administration,
Iowa State University 1972 Cancer Survivor Augustana College, Rock Island
Oath Keeper
“There has been a lack of diligence
“There is a ‘right size’ of govern-
govern- and accountability in the execution
ment that is smaller and less intru-
intru- “...with common sense, guided by and oversight of large project budg-
We need to de-
sive to its citizens. documents, along with
our founding documents, ets. County taxes are too high and
termine that size and get to it as transparent and diligent scrutiny.” I know by cutting out the waste we
quickly as possible.” could decrease taxes without low-
ering our standard of living.”

Key Issues: Key Issues: Key Issues:

“...unacceptable governmental “Relentless spending and over “...focus on local jobs, a tight
growth and unaffordable expendi- taxation, private property and indi- budget, and lower taxes…”
tures, resulting in high property vidual rights.”
taxation.” “...we must stop selling ourselves
“...the two parties have both sought out to failed federal and state pro-
“ everyone in the private sector is election to influence government to grams because they come attached
suffering one way or another, and operate in the service of perpetuat- to grant money.”
the prospects do not appear bright ing the parties at the expense of
if we stay the current course.” transparency and accountability.” “...overhaul our priorities to meet
the day. The county...lists ‘Rail
“...someone at some level has to “ ...individual property owners Service: Chicago to Iowa City’ as a
tighten the purse strings. And that’ rights, which an elected servant is ‘High Priority’ but makes no men-
s what I hope to do.” oath and duty bound to protect.” tion of lower taxes, property rights,
or transparency.”
John P. Riley John R. Green Jesse J. Anderson
Resolutions: Resolutions: Resolutions:

“County spending should be de- “regulate based on the State and “There are no magic tricks or gran-
flated to maintenance levels and the Federal constitutions” deur ideas necessary to fix the dis-
budget thoroughly scrubbed of ex- connect. Integrity, diligence, and a
cess. This is the only path to prop- sense of obligation to the tax-
erty tax relief and it is a step to- with the best interests of the
“... payers is all that is needed and, if
ward righting the economy.” constituents in their counties at the elected, that is how I will lead.”
“Scott County officials should be
“...focused on restoring our county, able to focus on the people of Scott
state, and country to the constitu-
constitu- limit the government directives
“... County without ever having to be
tional principles of small govern-
govern- for land uses.” distracted by party affiliation.”
ment and reduced taxation.”
“With congressional approval rat-
“...consideration for possible dam- ings in the dumps, now might be a
“Even projects in the process of age should be evaluated and rec- good time to take the wheel and
being implemented should be ex- ommendations made.” steer Scott County in a direction
amined with the goal of reducing that makes sense locally. Heavy
their projected costs.” federal control is currently heading
“IFA candidates seek to be elected us towards a cliff. “
to ensure government operates
“High property taxes can be recti- within its constitutional purview and “It shouldn't matter which party has
fied as a result of spending reduc- is more
more accountable to everyone in a majority. The only important ma-
tions.” Scott County.” jority is of the people that are being

John P. Riley John R. Green Jesse J. Anderson

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