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Name_____________________________________________ __nl heart sounds __murmur __/6__________________

DOB_________________ Allergies: ___ None ABDOMEN

DOV_________________ _____________________ __soft, non-tender __tenderness____________________
__no HSM __organomegaly or masses________
Subjective: ________________________________
Presents with the following for past _______ days/weeks: __NABS ________________________________
_____runny nose or nasal congestion. SKIN
_____purulent nasal discharge __nl, no rashes __rash__________________________
_____fevers, to _____degrees ___tactile only ________________________________
_____cough-- ___ productive ___ dry OTHER FINDINGS ________________________________
_____wheeze or shortness of breath
_____swollen glands
_____sore throat ________________________________
_____relief with OTC products:____________________
__viral upper respiratory infection
__acute bronchitis
__allergic rhinitis
__acute sinusitis
__acute otitis media
PMH reviewed on face sheet, specifically:
__persistent otitis media
_____smoker or around second-hand smoke
__acute pharyngitis
_____history of environmental allergies
Additional ROS:_____________________________________ ________________________________________________
Objective: __Robitussin DM or equivalent prn
VITALS: _____ temp _____ BP _____ P _____ RR _____ wt __Dimetapp or equivalent
GENERAL: ___Alert ___NAD ___non-toxic appearing __Tylenol/Motrin prn fever/pain
HEENT __Humabid LA, 2 tabs po Q12 hr prn, #____, ____RF
__lids/conjunc. nl __sclera injected __exudate __Humabid DM, 2 tabs po Q12 hr prn, #____,____RF
__PERRLA __Allegra 180mg po QD prn, #____, ____RF
__ears nl __TM erythema/dullness…R…L __Clarinex 5mg po QD prn, #____, ____RF
__loss of TM landmarks…R…L __Zyrtec 10mg po QD prn, #____, ____RF
__TM obscured by cerumen…R…L __Amoxil 250mg, 500mg or by weight x ____days
__TM obscured by exudate…R…L __Augmentin ES-600 by weight x ____days
__nose nl __nasal turbinates inflamed __Zithromax, “Z-pack” or weight x 5 days
__nasal turbinates blue/boggy __other___________________________________________
__pharynx nl __pharyngeal erythema ________________________________________________
__tonsillar exudates ________________________________________________
__tonsillar hypertrophy ________________________________________________
__other _______________________________
NECK __return in ____days/weeks if not improved, sooner
__nl __lymphadenopathy…R…L should symptoms worsen or change.
__supple __thyromegaly
__no resp. distress __resp. distress__________________
__nl breath sounds __wheezing_____________________
__rhonchi_______________________ ______________________________________
__rales__________________________ Maria Medina-Capote, M.D.
__RRR __irregularities__________________

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