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Induction Module

Pre Joining (2-3 weeks prior to joining)

 Get a Pre joining form filled ( suggested Online)

 Medical Check
 Reference Check
 HR SPOC to contact new joinee for any assistance

Phase I

Day 1

 Checklist for the HR dept.

- Workstation
- Visiting card
- SIM card
- COBC booklet
- Joining kit to contain
1. Coca – Cola bag
2. T-shirt
3. Policy document ( 5 pages)
4. Notebook
5. Welcome letter
6. Bottling Buzz

 HR should receive all the new joinees on the first day

 Welcome address by the CEO or SM
 Complete the checklist (mentioned above)
 Joining formalities
- Bank a/c form
- Telephone form
- HRIS details to be filled for every new joinee
 LUNCH – Either an employee from the HR dept. Or respective function should join the
 FFS ppt – HR dept

Day 2

 Route ride ( 1 MD per 2-3 new joinees)

 Checklist given to new joinees to understand basics like RED, KOLOJK etc.
Day 3

 Route ride

Day 4

 Factory / Plant visit

 Checklist given to understand BPM, no. of lines etc, plant capacity etc.

Day 5

 Distribution – Visit an Anchor distributor or C&FA

 Checklist of orders, DAS etc.

Day 6

 RO to Units
 Sales training at respective Units
 Projects to be given by respective Unit managers
 Checklist of things to understand during sales stint to be completed

Phase II

Day 1

 To be conducted at Corporate/ RO (depends on the level inducted)

- If inducted between 1 st - 10th then call on 20th of the month
- If inducted between 10th - 20th then call on 30th of the month
- If inducted between 20th - 30th then call on 10th of the next month
 Finance – ppt
 Supply chain – ppt
 Legal – ppt
 IS – ppt

Day 2

 HR – ppt – structure, values etc.

 Ethics - ppt – COBC
 HR & Finance – ppt – policy

Day 3 – 4 (optional)

 Off site activities – team building exercises etc.

Day 5

 Conduct quiz on the given checklists

 Feedback form
 Concluding session – talk by CEO or SM

Phase III

 At respective Units, RO , Corporate where the joinee has to report

 HR introduces the dept. Heads
 One on One session with dept. Members
 Mentor is assigned, will monitor for the next 3 months and take constant feedback

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