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2010 BLo®×® 10 ¨O¡á


Q£-l-J¹q¤¨T ©k¡J«
hb¤ Y¦-¨¸-j¤-ɤ-s
l¢×¡h¢c¤Jw AZl¡ Q£lJ¹w ©c-j¢-¶® Dªt-Q®Q« ±d-a¡-c« ¨O-à¤-¼¢-
F¿¡ l¢-ס-h¢-c¤-Jq- ¤« Dªt-Q«
¨¿-Æ¢-k¤« Dªt-©Q¡-Y®d¡-aJ ±d-lt-·-c-¹¨q c¢-i-±É¢-´¤-¼-Y¢v c¢t-
X¡-i-J-h¡i dƤ lp¢-´¤-¼¤
Q£-l¢-Jw-´® h¢-´©- ¸¡-r¤« ©l-Ù±Y A-ql - ¢v o§i« DY®d¡-a¢-¸¢-´¡u Yj¤-¼¢-¿. ©d-m¢-J-q¢v BL¢-
J-r¢-l¢-¨¿-¼Y- ¡-X® hפ ¨¨Ql d-a¡t-Y®Z¹ - q
- ¢v c¢¼® l¢×¡h¢c¤Jw´¤¾
±d-b¡c l¬-Y¬¡-o«. AY¢-c¡v h©×-¨Y-Æ¢-k¤« ©±o¡-Y-o¢-k¥-¨T (g-È-X- jX« ¨O-à¤-¼¤-h¢-¿.c¢-j-lb¢
·¢-k¥-¨T-©i¡ h©×¡) Cl Dw-¨´¡-©¾-Ù-Y¤-Ù®. Bp¡j da¡t-YZ ® ¹
- q- ¢v
c¢-¼¡-X® h¢´ l¢-ס-h¢-c¤-Jq
- ¤« mj£-j·
- ¢-c® kg¢-´¤-¼Y
- .® l¢- × ¡- h ¢- c ¤- J w ±d- Y ¢- © j¡- b -
13 l¢-ס-h¢-c¤-J-¨q-i¡-X® CY¤-l¨j Y¢-j¢-μ-s¢-ºY®®.
- l¢×¡h¢c¤J¨q ¨l-¾-·¢v Ak¢-i¤-¼Y® ( water soluble) ¨J¡-r¤-¸¢v Ak¢- ©mn¢ D- Ù ¡- ´ ¤- ¼ ¤- Ù ® .
i¤-¼Y® ( fat souluble) F-¼¢-¹¨c jÙ¡-i¢ Y¢-j¢-´¡«.- F, V¢, C, ¨J
l¢×¡h¢c¤Jw ¨J¡-r¤-¸¢v A-k¢-i¤-¼-Y¤« f¢ o«-i¤-Ç-¹-q¤« (f¢ ©J¡«-d®q- F¼¡v Cl-i¤-¨T Ab¢-J-
J®o®) l¢×¡h¢u o¢-i¤« ¨l-¾-·¢v Ak¢-i¤¼li¤h¡X®.
- pj¢-Yo - o- ¬-¹w-´® Bl-m¬-h¡i ¨¨Q-ld - a- ¡t-Y®Z¹
- ¨
- q-¿¡« o§i« DY®d¡- h¡-±Y A-dJ - T- h- ¤-Ù¡-´¤«
a¢-¸¢-´¡u J-r¢-l¤-¾Y- ¢-c¡v Al-i®´® l¢-ס-h¢-c¤-Jw d¤-s·- ¤-c¢-¼® kg¢-©´Ù

f¢L® f¢
l¢-ס-h¢u f¢ o«-i¤-ǹw (B Complex)
Y¤-T-´-·¢v H× l¢×¡h¢c¡i¢ Jj¤-Y¢-i¢-j¤¼ l¢-ס-h¢u f¢ d¢-
Ah£u ©d¡i©¸¡w l¢-ס-h¢u ¼£-T¤ cT¼ dU- c - ¹ - q ¢v B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12
o«- i ¤- Ç - h ¡- ¨ X¼® J¨Ù- · ¢
F¿¡ l¢-ס-h¢-c¤-Jq - ¤« Ah£-c¤-Jq - ¨
- ¿¼® Y¢-j¢-μs - ¢-ºY® 1911 k¡-X®.
AY¤-l¨j l¢-ס-¨¨hu F-¼-s¢-i-¨¸-¶¢-j¤-¼l l¢-ס-h¢u Bi¢. l¢-ס-h¢u f¢ 1 (thiamine)
b¡-c¬-¹-q¤-¨T Dd¡-dOi ±d-lt-·-c-
¨¨c±TQu AT¹¢i oÆ£tX ¨¨QliªL¢J¹q¡X® Ah£c¤Jw. ·¢-c¤« l¢-m-¸¤-Ù¡-J¡-c¤« op¡-i¢-
Q£-l¢- m-j£-j·
- ¢-¨k D-d¡-dO - i ±d-±J¢-iJ - q
- ¤-¨T o¤-Lh
- h- ¡i cT-·¢- ´¤-¼¤. J¡t-©f¡ ¨¨p-©±V-×¢v c¢¼®
¸¢-c® A-Y¢-o¥-Èh ® h- ¡i Aq-l¢v B-lm - ¬-h¡i ¨¨Q-li - ª-L¢-J¹- q- ¡- Dªt-Q®Q¨· d¥t-X-h¡-i¢ d¤-s-·¤-l¢-
X® l¢-ס-h¢-c¤-Jw. ©J¡-mc - ¢t-½¢-Y¢ Dw-¨¸-¨T-i¤¾ m-j£-j· - ¢-¨k c¢t- T¤-¼-Y¢-c® op¡-i¢-´¤-¼¤.
- J - j
- w, di-s¤-lt-L¹ - w, i£-o®×®, A-
½¡X ±d- l t- · - c - ¹ - q ¡- X ® D- d - O - i « (Anabolism). Bp¡j Ù¢- ¸ - j ¢- ¸ ® , Yl¢- T ® F¼¢li¡X® .
lo®Y¤´w l¢MT¢¸¢μ® DªtQ« o§Y±Éh¡´¤¼ ±d±J¢ii¡X® ±db¡c gJ®nX ©±o¡Yo¤Jw. Cª
AdOi« (Catabolism). Cª ±dlt·c¨· ¨h¡··¢v l¢×¡h¢¨Ê Ag¡-l«-h¥-k« ¨f-s¢-¨fs¢
F¼ ©j¡-L« D-Ù¡-J¤-¼¤. ©d-m¢-Jw-
Dd¡dOi« (Metabolism) F¼® dsi¤¼¤ ´® È£-X-l¤« c£t-l£-´-l¤-h¡-X® ±d-
l¢-ס-h¢u B2 (Riboflavin)
¨J¡-r¤-¸¢-¨Ê D-d¡-dOi ±d-lt-·-c-

o¥j¬©YQo¢¨Ê ‘l¢×¡h¢u’
Blm¬h¡i l¢×¡h¢c¤Jq¢v Hj¤ l¢g¡L« Q£l¢Jw´® i¢-´¤-¼¤. O¢k Y-j« At-f¤-a« YT-i¡-c¤« Cª l¢-ס-h¢-
·¢-c¤« l¡-i, c¡-´®, Ab-j¹w Cl-i¤-¨T B©j¡-L¬« c¢-k-c¢-s¤-·¤-¼-Y¢-c¤«
op¡-i¢-´¤-¼¤. Jjw, d¡-k®, h¤¶, i£-o®×®, Ck-´-s¢-Jw, h¡«-o«, di-s¤-lt-L-
¹w, l¡-r-¸-r« F¼¢li¡X® ±db¡c gJ®nX ©±o¡Yo¤Jw. CY¢-¨Ê Ag¡-
l«-h¥-k« Y§-´¢v ¨l-T¢-μ¤-J£-s-k¤« J¡-r®O-i®´® h¹-k¤« DÙ¡-J¤-¼¤.

o§-É-h¡-i¢ D-Y®d¡-a¢-¸¢-´¡u Jr¢-i¡s¤Ù®.- o¥-j¬-±d- c®® J-r¢-l¤-¨Ù-¼® dU-c-¹w ¨Y-q¢-i¢-μ¢-¶¤-Ù®. J-jw, h¤¶, l¢-ס-h¢u B3 (Niacin)
J¡-m-·¢-¨k Aw-±T¡-l-i-k×® l¢-J¢-j-X-·¢-¨Ê o-p¡- ¨l-Xå, d¡v, h¡«-o«, h£u, h£-¨c-Xå, Ck-´-s¢-Jw, d- b¡-c¬-J«, ©±d¡-¶£u Cl-i¤-¨T D-d¡-d-O-i-·¢-c¤« c¡-V£-l¬¥-p-·¢-¨Ê mj¢-
i-·¡v l¢-ס-h¢u V¢ DY®d¡-a¢-¸¢-´¡u hc¤-n¬-¨Ê ¸¡-i, h¡-Ø-r«, J¡-j-×®. Q£-l-J« F-¼¢-l-i¢v c¢-¼® Cª i¡i ±d-lt-·-c-·¢-c¤« op¡-i¢-´¤-¼¤. ©±o¡Yo®: dμ¢-k-Jw, Jjw, h¤¶,
Y§-´¢-c® Jr¢-i¤«. l¢-ס-h¢u k-g¢-´¤«. d¡v, AÙ¢-¸j - ¢-¸,®- b¡-c¬-¹w. CY¢¨Ê
F-i¤-¨T A-g¡-l«-h¥-k« D-Ù¡-J¤¼ G×-l¤« ±d-b¡-c¨ - ¸¶ Ag¡-l·- ¢v ±d-J¡-m©- hv-´¤¼ g¡-L·®
l¢-ס-h¢u V¢ ((Calciferol) Y§´® dj¤-´c- ¡-l¤-Ji - ¤« l¢-¹¤-Ji
- ¤« ¨O-
o¥-j¬-±d-J¡-m· - ¢v c¢¼® kg¬-h¡-J¤¼ l¢×¡h¢c¡X® CY®. ©j¡-L« c¢-m¡-c®b-Y-i¡-X®. l-jÙ Ot-½-·¢-c¤« H-j¤ J¡-
j-X« C-Y¢-¨Ê J¤-s-l® B-X®. m§¡-o-c¡-q-·¢-¨Ê o«-j- फ.
Aw-±T¡-l-i-k×® jm®h¢-Jw Y§-´¢v d-Y¢-´¤-©Ø¡w o§¡-
g¡- l ¢- J - h ¡- i ¢- · ¨¼ Cª Q£- È-X-·¢-c¤« F o-p¡-i¢-´¤-¼¤.
l¢-ס-h¢u F-i¤-¨T B-b¢-J¬«- Yk-©l-ac, Pt-À¢, h- l¢-ס-h¢u B6 (Phridoxine)
lJ« D-Y®d¡-a¢-¸¢-´¨ - ¸-T¤«.- h£u, Ah¢-©c¡ Bo¢-V¢-¨Ê-i¤« e¡×¢ B-o¢-
h£-¨cXå, h¤-¶-i¤-¨T h-º-´-j¤, ¹¢i J¡-r®O, l-oí¤-´-¨q j-Ù¡-i¢ J¡-X¤-J, ©d-m¢-J-q¢-
¨k ©l-ac, J-jw l£-´«, Yk-h¤-T¢ ¨J¡-r¢-i¤J F-¼¢-l- V¢-¨Ê-i¤« D-d¡-dO
- i- ·
- ¢-c® op¡-i¢-´¤-
¨lXå F¼¢li¢v l¢×¡h¢u ¼¤. ©±o¡Yo®: h¤¶, J-jw, b¡-c¬-¹w,
V¢ i¤Ù®.- i®´¢-T-i¡-´¤-¼¤.
l¢-ס-h¢u C dμ-´-s¢-Jw, hˬ«. ¨Y¡-k¢-¸¤-s¨·
F- ¿ ¤- J - q ¤- ¨ T mj¢- i ¡i ±d-m®c¹- w, Sj-ؤ-Jq - ¤-¨T B-©j¡-L¬-´¤-
lqt-μ-i®´¤« h¥-±Y-·¢v c¢- - -f¬¥-¶¢ l¢-ס-h¢u F¼¡-X® Q£-lJ« C ¨d¡-Y¤-¨l As¢-
i-¨¸-T¤-¼Y - ®. O¤l¼ jÇ¡-X¤-´q - ¤-¨T l-qt-μi
- ®´® op¡- s-l®, Ac£-h¢i (l¢-qt-μ); li-s¢-q´« Y¤-
¼¤« ©e¡-o®©e×® d¤-c-j¡-L¢- T-¹¢i kÈ-X¹w CY¢¨Ê Ag¡-l-
jX« ¨O-à¤-¼-Y¢-c¤« Q£-lJ« i¢- ´ ¤- ¼ ¤. J¡- i ¢- J - È - h - Y - i ® ´ ® CY® o- p ¡- i - h ¡- J ¤- ¼ ¤.
d©È F±Y- © ·¡- q « ek- ± d- a - h ¡- ¨ X¼ J¡- j ¬- · ¢v ·¢v J¡-X¡«.
V¢ o-p¡-i¢-´¤-¼¤. V¢-i¤-¨T l¢-ס-h¢u B12 (Cobalamins)
J¤-s-l¤-h¥-k« D-Ù¡-J¤¼ ±d-b¡c ©j¡-L« s¢-´-×®o® BX®. Ag¢- ± d¡- i - l ¬- Y ¬¡- o « c¢- k - c ¢v- ´ ¤- ¼ Ù® .
- ¨l-Q¢-× -f¢w H¡-i ¢v,- di-s ¤-lt-L -¹w, h¤¶, d¡v,- hQ®Q-i¢v j¥-d-¨¸-T¤¼ jÇ¡-X¤-´-q¤-¨T l-qt-μ-i®´® op¡-i¢-´¤-¼¤. c¬¥-
Cª ©j¡-L« f¡-b¢-μ¡v F¿¤-Jw-´® fk-´¤-s-l¤-Ù¡- J®q¢-J® Ahë-¹-q¤-¨T o«-©më-n-X-·¢-c¤« jÇ-´¤-r-k¤-J-q¤-¨T B©j¡-L¬-·¢-c¤«
J¤-J-i¤« F-¿¤-Jw lq-i¤-J-i¤« ¨O-à¤-¼¤. h¤-Y¢t-¼-lt- ¨lXå, ©o¡-i¡-f¢u F¼¢li¢v c¢¼® Cª l¢×¡h¢u
kg¢´¤«. A-Y¬-É¡-©d-È¢-Y-h¡-X®.
´® Cª l¢×¡h¢¨Ê Ag¡-l«-h¥-k« F¿¢-c® ©l-a-c- - ©±o¡Yo®: Jjw, d¡-k®, h¤¶, i£-o®×®, dμ-´-s¢-Jw. CY¢¨Ê A-g¡-l-·¢v
i¤Ù¡J¤¼ ©j¡L« DÙ¡J¡u o¡a®b¬Yi¤Ù®. l¢-ס-h¢u ¨J (Phylloquinone)
jÇ« J¶ d¢-T¢-´¡u op¡-i¢-´¤¼¤. Jj-q¢-¨Ê B©j¡- l¢-qt-μ-i¤« Sj-ؤ-Jw-´® È£-X-l¤« A-c¤-g-l-¨¸-T¤-¼¤.
l¢-ס-h¢u F (Retinol) j-Ç· - ¢v O¤l¼ jÇ¡-X¤-´q - ¤-¨T J¤-sl
- ® D-Ù¡-J¤¼ Ac£-h¢-i ¨d¡Y¤¨l
©j¡-L±- d-Y¢-©j¡b mÇ¢ D-it-·¢ o¡«-±J-h¢J ©j¡-L¹ - ¨q L¬-J-j-h¡i ±d-lt-·-c-·¢-c¤« op¡-i¢-´¤-¼¤. C-k-´-
s¢- J w, h¤- ¶ , d¡v,- Jjw, Dj¤- q - ´ ¢- r - ¹ ® , Y´¡- q ¢, Lt-g¢-X¢-J-q¢v J¡-X¤-¼¤.
±d-Y¢-©j¡-b¢-´¡u op¡-i¢-´¤¼ l¢×¡h¢c¡X¢Y®. ©J¡-
m-¹-q¤-¨T B-©j¡-L¬-J-j-h¡i l-qt-μ-i®´¤« F o-p¡- F¼¢li¢v c¢¼® Cª l¢×¡h¢u kg¢´¤«.

O¥-T¡-´¢-i¡v C C-¿¡-Y¡-J¤«
O¥-T¡-´¢-i¡v c-m¢-μ¤-©d¡-J¤¼ l¢×¡h¢c¡X® (scurvy) F¼ ©j¡-L« DÙ¡-J¤-¼¤. - o¥-j¬-±d-J¡-m· - ¢-¨Ê ±d-lt-·c - e
- k
- h
- ¡-i¤-
o¢ (Ascorbic Acid). ±d-©Y¬-J¢-μ® d¡-±Y-¹-q¢v h¤-s¢-l® DX-¹¡u Y¡-h-o« D-Ù¡-J¤-¼¤. Q£- Ù¡-J¤¼ l¢-ס-h¢u V¢ mj£-j-·¢-c® l¢-ot-Q¢-
¨O-Ø¢-¨Ê o¡-¼¢-Ú¬-h¤-¨Ù-Æ¢v.- J¤-T-k¢v lμ® l-J« o¢-i¤-¨T B-b¢-J¬«-h¥-k« h¥-±Y¡-m-i-´-¿¤- ´¡-c¡-l¢-¿. a£t-M-J¡k Dd-©i¡-L« Yqt-μ-
Cj¤-Ø® BL¢-jX« ¨O-à-¨¸-T¡-c¤« j-Ç-´¤-r- Jw j¥-d-¨¸-©¶-´¡«. i¤« h-c«-d¢-j-¶-k¤« DÙ¡-´¤«.-
k¤-J-q¤-¨T-i¤« ©h¡-X-J-q¤-¨T-i¤« B©j¡-L¬« c¢- Qk-©a¡-n¨· c¢-i-±É¢-´¡u ©m-n¢-i¤-¾- - H©¶¨s l¢-ס-h¢-c¤-J-q¤-¨T o½¢-±m-h¡-X® f¢
k-c¢-s¤-·¡-c¤« Cª Q£-lJ« op¡-i¢-´¤-¼¤. Y¡-X® l¢-ס-h¢u o¢. ©J¡«-d®qJ - ®o®. h
- £-¨c-Xi-å ¢v b¡-j¡-q« J¡-X¤¼
Y§-´¢-¨k J-k-J-q¤-¨T ©J-T¤-d¡-T¤-Jw dj¢-p-j¢- - j-Ç«- J¶ d¢-T¢-´¡-c¤¾ l¢-ס-h¢u ¨J-i¤- H¼¡-X® l¢-ס-h¢u F. J¡-r®O c¼¡-´¡u ©c-
´¤-¼¤. ©±o¡Yo®: c¡jJ lt-L· - ¢v-¨¸¶ dr- ¨T J-r¢-l® 1929k¡X® ¨Y-q¢-º-Y®. V¡-c¢-n® g¡- j¢-¶® ±d-lt-·¢-´¤«.- d-r-¹-q¢-k¤« dμ-´-s¢-J-
¹w, ¨c-¿¢-´, h¤-q-J®, J¡-©f-Q®, Y-Xå¢-h-·u, n-i¢-¨k ¨J¡-i¡-L¤-©k-n-c¢v c¢-¼¡-X® ¨J q¢-k¤-h¤¾ J©j¡-¶¢u mj£-j-·¢v l¢-ס-h¢u
©d- j - i ® ´ .CY¢¨Ê Ag¡- l «- h ¥- k « o® J t- l ¢ F¼ Ba¬-Èj« l-¼-Y®. Fi¡-i¢ ±d-lt-·¢-´¤«.

english Note : hot = Fj¢l¤¾
Let that be a warning to you (AY® c¢c¨´¡j¤
Note : Cl¢-¨T ©Q¡-k¢ j¡-Q¢-l-i®´-j¤-¨Y¼® B-l-m¬-¨¸-T¤-J-
i¡-X®. C¨Y¡-j¤-d©- a-mh
- ¡-i¤« J-X´- ¡-´¡«.- Warn F¼
l¡-´¢-c® Dd-©a-m¢-´¤J F-¼t-Y®Z-l¤-h¤-¨Ù¼® dU¢-μ¤-
Daughter : I’ve done my homework. Can I go out

and play with my friends, mummy?
: Don’t make so much noise. The child is
9. You’d better/you’d better not Dd©i¡L¢μ®: l-©¿¡. CY® Hj¤ indirect Bi informal warning BX®. asleep.
¨J. ¨O¿àu c¡T¡t You’d better not walk across the park alone - people AY¡-iY® ±d-Y¬-È-h¡-i¢ warn ¨O-à¤-¼-Y¢-c¤ dJj« Daughter : Then I’ll go into the living room and watch
have been mugged there. d©j¡-È-h¡-i¢ AY® ¨O-à¤-¼¤. CY® Hj¤ conditional TV, shall I?
F«.F, FvFv.f¢ (d¡t´¢c® J¤s¤©J Yc¢μ® cT´¡Y¢j¢´¤J. Al¢¨T Jltμ sentence BX® (second conditional) ‘If I was you’ Mother : All right. But you mustn’t turn up the TV
o¡b¡jXh¡X®) F¼® ds-i¡-s¢¿ F¼ J¡-j¬« ±d-©Y¬-J« ±m-Ú¢-´¤-J.
If I were you F¼® ©Ot-´¡-¨Y I wouldn’t resign If you do that, you’ll disturb Vijay. He’s
Note : mug - ¨d¡Y¤o®Zk·¤lμ® B±Jh¢μ® Jltμ cT·¤J)
You’d better take an umbrella - it’s going to rain the job F-¼¤-h¡-±Y-h¡-i¤« ds-i¡«) preparing for his exam.
(J¤T FT¤´¤¼Y¡X® c¿Y®. hr ¨dà¡u ©d¡J¤¼¤) Daugher : OK. I’ll just go to my room and shut myself
h¤¼s¢i¢¸® cvJ¡c¤¾ expressions Y¤Tt¼¤ 10. If you do ..... you will (or you might) Dd-©i¡-L¢-μ® : Hj¤ o«-g¡-n-X-m-Jk« ±m-Ú¢-´¥: in there.
dU¢´¡«. If you eat too much chocolate, you’ll get fat. (©O¡-J®©q×® A : I wouldn’t buy that house if I were you. It is Mother : I don’t think you should go to your room
8. I warn you Dd©i¡L¢μ®: A-b¢-J-h¡-i¢ Jr¢-´¤-J-i¡-¨X-Æ¢v lXå« li®´¤«-) currently in litigation. (c¢-¨Ê o®Z¡-c·® S¡-c¡-i¢-j¤- now. The girl is tidying it.
I warn you. He’s a rather shady character - don’t If you always work as hard as that, you’ll kill yourself. ¨¼-Æ¢v B l£-T® l¡-¹¢-¿. AY¢-¨c o«-f-c®b¢μ l¬-l- Daughter : I think I’ll just go round to Maya’s house
trust him. Stay away from him. 11. I promise you Dd-©i¡-L¢-μ® : p¡-j« c-T-¼¤-¨J¡-Ù¢-j¢-´¤-J-i¡-X®) and stay there until everything is
(Bw oY¬oÜc¿. l¢m§o¢´j¤Y® . AJ¼¤ I promise you, the work won’t be easy. B: I didn’t know that. I certainly won’t buy it. Thanks normal here!
c¢v´¤J) (S¡u h¤-¼-s¢-i¢-¸® Yj¤-¼¤. B ©Q¡-k¢ F-q¤-¸-h¡-i¢-j¢-´¢-¿) for telling me. Mother : That’s a good idea. But be careful. The
(Note : shady = dishonest. character = person) If you don’t stop messing around, you’ll regret it, I Note : litigation = l¬-l-p¡-j« path is slippery.
I warn you. You’ll regret it if you resign your job. promise you! 13. I don’t think you should Dd-©i¡-L¢-μ® Daughter : OK. I’ll take care.
Jobs are hard to come by these days. Note : I promise you-c® I warn you F¼tY®Z«. A : I don’t think you should delay going to the doctor Mother : Take care that you don’t eat too much
(©Q¡k¢ j¡Q¢li®´¤Ji¡¨XÆ¢v c¢c´® I promise you-c® dJj« You mark my words F¼¤-h¡- about your cough. I think it’s getting worse. ( B
O¤-h-i®´® ©V¡-J®T¨s J¡-X¤-¼Y® Cc¢ ¨¨l-J¢-´¡u d¡- fatty food over there. They are

©Ka¢©´Ù¢lj¤« C¨Y¨Ê J¡« having a party today.

h¤¼s¢i¢¸¡X® . C´¡k·® Hj¤ ©Q¡k¢ J¢¶¤J 12. I wouldn’t... if I were you Dd-©i¡-L¢-μ® : T¢-¿. AY® J¥-T¤-Yv ©h¡-m-h¡-J¤-J-i¡-X®)
±di¡oJjh¡X®) I wouldn’t resign the job if I were you, Lal. You see it’s B :You’re right, Lal. I’m seeing the doctor this evening. Daughter : OK, mummy.
Note : regret = ©Ka¢´¤J. come by = kg¢´¤J very difficult to get a job these days. (c¢-¨Ê o®Z¡-c·® Mother : Beware of their dog. It may break loose
This particular curry is extremely hot - be warned S¡-c¡-i¢-j¤-¨¼-Æ¢v ©Q¡-k¢ j¡-Q¢-l-i®´¢-¿. C´¡-k·® Hj¤ Cc¢ dj¢-O-i-¨¸¶ expressions Dd-©i¡-L¢-μ¤¾ Hj¤ o«- again.
(Cª Js¢´® c¿ Fj¢l¤Ù®. o¥È¢μ¤¨J¡¾¤J) ©Q¡-k¢ J¢-¶¤J lq¨j ±d-i¡-o-h¡-X®) g¡-nX« dU¢-´¡«. Daughter : Thanks for reminding me, mummy.

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