Math Test #2 (The Clock)

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Math Test #2

The clock (Telling Time)

I. Fill the blanks with the right answers.

digital 25 a.m. 60 before midday

minute after midday analog hour p.m.

1. The most common clocks are the __________________and the __________________.

2. A minute has _____________ seconds.

3. The _________________hand is the short one.

4. The long one is the ___________________ hand.

5. There are 60 minutes in an hour and ________________ hours in a day.

6. A day is divided in 2 periods: _______________ and ______________.

7. A.M. means _________________________ and P.M. means ______________________.

II. What time is it? (from digital to analog)

1:00 _ 6:30 5:45

9: 05 12:12 4:19
7:58 2:34 3:43

III. What time is it? (from analog to digital)

_________ _________ _________

_________ _________ _________

_________ _________ _________

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