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No. Doc.

: FR INS 001-03
Rev. :1
DAILY REFINERY REPORT Tanggal : 1 Jan 2010
Hal : 1 dari 2
Date : 1-May-10
Run Days : 99
Production Today Mtd Ytd To-date Unit
Raw Sugar 750.250 750.250 47414.730 173357.666 Ton
Product 706.000 706.000 101932.050 158537.850 Ton

Item Grade Pol Quantity Mtd Unit

Raw Sugar MV. Vinh Hoa 98.400 738.246 738.246 Ton Pol
R1 99.900 99.900 99.900 Ton Pol
R2 99.800 604.788 604.788 Ton Pol
Total 704.688 704.688 Ton Pol

Grade Today Mtd Ytd To-date Unit

R1 100.000 100.000 302887.450 55420.350 Ton
R2 606.000 606.000 71044.600 103117.500 Ton
Total 706.000 706.000 101932.050 158537.850 Ton

Today Today Mtd Ytd Todate Unit

25.000 25.000 2209.448 5732.408 Ton
Final Molasses
13.850 13.850 Ton Pol

Losses Today Mtd Ytd To-date Unit

Press Cake
0.000 0.000 Ton Pol

Material In Process Last Day Today Unit

Material In Process 986.87 996.68 Ton Pol
Final Molasses 82.21 125.10 Ton Pol

Yield Today Mtd Ytd To-date Unit

Theoretical 96.74 96.43 %
Product 94.10 98.82 %
Pol Refining 95.45 100.45 %
Corrected 96.78 96.14 %

Today Composition Ton (Pol) Today (%) Mtd (%) Ytd (%) To-date (%) Standar (%)
Melting 738.246
Final Product 704.688 95.45 95.45
Material In Process 9.810 1.33 1.33
Final Molasses 13.850 1.88 1.88 2.44
Press Cake 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.03
Undermined loss 9.898 1.341 1.341 1.290
Total 738.246 100.00 100.00

Time Process Today Mtd Ytd To-date Unit

Running 24 24 Hours
Process 0 Hours
Boiler 1 0 Hours
Boiler 2 0 Hours
Mechanical 0 Hours
Electrical 0 Hours
Instrument 0 Hours
Other 0 Hours
Note :

Prepared Approved Acknowledge

Irfan Juniardi Heri Widarmanto Imam Santoso

Section Head Laboratory Factory Manager General Manager
No. Doc. : FR INS 001-03
Rev. :0
Tanggal : 1 Jan 2010
Hal : 3 dari 3

Production Today Mtd Ytd To-date Unit

Raw Sugar 742.454 5979.546 134713.637 196280.743 Ton
R1 312.000 1872.000 310179.450 62712.350 Ton
R2 408.000 3632.000 85304.600 117377.500 Ton
Total 720.000 5504.000 123484.050 180089.850 Ton

Today Month Year

Product Product Product
1 Filter Aid 0.55 Ton 1.25 1.74 7.50 1.363 115.67 0.937

2 Garam ( Brine Salt ) 16.00 Ton 6.33 8.79 63.11 11.467 1754.594 14.209

3 Na OH 1.30 Ton 0.50 0.69 4.00 0.727 61.612 0.499

4 HCL 0.55 Ton 0.50 0.69 4.00 0.727 49.95 0.405

5 IPA (Iso propile Alcohol) 0.02 Lt 25.00 0.03 50.00 0.009 742.00 0.006

6 Kapur CaO Liquid 38.00 Ton 9.66 13.41 100.98 18.346 5112.26 41.400

7 Water 3.00 m3 2631.00 3.65 28309.00 5.143 545487.00 4.417

8 Pasir 4.00 Ton 2.60 3.61 22.70 4.124 496.60 4.022

9 Batu Bara 400.00 Ton 342.900 476.25 3213.000 583.757 64455.02 521.970

10 Karung ungu 20.01 lbr 6240.00 20.00 37441.00 20.001 6253784.00 20.162

11 Karung orange 20.01 Lbr 8210.00 20.12 67052.00 18.461 1672582.00 19.607

12 Tinta 0.00 Ltr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0 0.000

13 Solar Alat berat 0.80 Ltr 390.00 0.54 3120.00 0.567 96595.00 0.782

14 Solar Utility 1.20 Ltr 0.00 0.00 22225.00 4.038 135520.80 1.097

15 Solvent Ltr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.95 0.008

Today Unit QTY/Ton QTY/Ton QTY/Ton
l Product Product Product
Mil Process
Ton 15.322 0.003 15.322 15.322
kBrineNaCl Ton 7.718 0.004 7.718 7.718
Sod Boiler Ton 0.00 0.00 0.00
a Process Ton 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Ton 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Boiler Ton 0.00 0.00 0.00
HCl Process Ton 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Ton 0.00 0.00 0.00
RW M3 3551.00 3551.00 3551.00
Boiler M3 336.00 336.00 336.00
Process M3 0.00 0.00 0.00
F. Ai Cellite Ton 0.30 0.30 0.30
IPA Lt 18.00 18.00 18.00
Boiler-1 Ton 0.00 0.00 0.00
Boiler-2 Ton 226.56 226.56 226.56
Total Ton 226.56 226.56 226.56
Turbine KW 60700.00 60700.00 60700.00
PLN KWH 0.00 0.00 0.00
Boiler-1 Ton 0.00 0.00 0.00
Boiler-2 Ton 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Ton 0.00 0.00 0.00
er Sun CB4 Kg 0.00 0.00 0.00
Tre Sunox Kg 0.00 0.00 0.00
Suncond Kg 0.00 0.00 0.00
San Boiler_1 Ton 0.00 0.00 0.00
Boiler_2 Ton 1.60 1.60 1.60
ca Total Ton 1.60 1.60 1.60
ling Sun CW1 Kg 13.50 13.50 13.50
Tre Sun CW3 Kg 4.50 4.50 4.50
Sun CW3 OX Pcs 0.00 0.00 0.00
Genset Lt 0.00 0.00 0.00
Boiler_1 Lt 0.00 0.00 0.00
Boiler_2 Lt 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sol Loader BB Lt 50.00 50.00 50.00
ar Loader RS Lt 75.00 75.00 75.00
Forklift Lt 45.00 45.00 45.00
Excavator Lt 200.00 200.00 200.00
Total Lt 370.00 370.00 370.00
Gre Shell Alvania Kg 0.00 0.00 0.00
ase Total AXA Kg 0.00 0.00 0.00
Turbolube 68 Lt 0.00 0.00 0.00
SAE 40 Lt 0.00 0.00 0.00
Oil Turalik ISO VG 32 Lt 0.00 0.00 0.00
Shell Omalla 220 Lt 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ultracoolant SSR Lt 0.00 0.00 0.00
Premium Sheet 0.00 0.00 0.00
R1 Sheet 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bag R2 Sheet 10203.00 10203.00 10203.00
Off Sheet 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Sheet 10203.00 10203.00 10203.00
Make - Up Lt 0.00 0.00 0.00
De Kg 12.60 12.60 12.60
min Cationic Bag 0.00 0.00 0.00
izer Anionic
Bag 0.00 0.00 0.00
Res Carbon Active Bag 0.00 0.00 0.00
IER Innert Bag 0.00 0.00 0.00
Res FP98-Cl Bag 0.00 0.00 0.00
FP90-Cl Bag 0.00 0.00 0.00



No. Doc. :
Rev. :
Hal : 2 dari 2
Date : 1-May-10
Run Days : 99 Month To Date Year To Date
No Refined Sugar Pol Colour Moist Invert Ash Sediment MA CV No Refined Sugar Pol Colour Moist Invert Ash Sediment MA CV No Refined Sugar Pol Colour Moist Invert Ash Sediment MA CV
1 R1 Product 99.9 34.07 0.02 0.003 0.005 6.3 0.91 23.66 1 R1 Product 99.9 34.07 0.02 0.003 0.005 6.3 0.91 23.66 1 R1 Product 99.9 34.07 0.02 0.003 0.005 6.3 0.91 23.66
2 R2 Product 99.8 63.06 0.03 0.003 0.006 8.9 0.98 23.76 2 R2 Product 99.8 63.06 0.03 0.003 0.006 8.9 0.98 23.76 2 R2 Product 99.8 63.06 0.03 0.003 0.006 8.9 0.98 23.76
3 R2* Product 3 R2* Product 3 R2* Product

No In Process Brix Pol Colour pH CAO Ash Moist No In Process Brix Pol Colour pH CAO Ash Moist No In Process Brix Pol Colour pH CAO Ash Moist
1 Raw Sugar 98.40 6952.00 0.21 0.51 1 Raw Sugar 98.40 6952.00 0.21 0.51 1 Raw Sugar 98.52 6690.83 0.21 0.49
2 Affined Sugar 1012.10 2 Affined Sugar 1012.10 2 Affined Sugar 881.00
3 Green Syrup 68.41 3 Green Syrup 68.41 3 Green Syrup 68.56
4 Melter 60.32 4 Melter 60.32 4 Melter 58.86
5 Raw Liquor 58.98 2504.70 5 Raw Liquor 58.98 2504.70 5 Raw Liquor 57.99 2185.04
6 Sweet Water 10.04 7.50 6 Sweet Water 10.04 7.50 6 Sweet Water 6.22 7.50
7 Carbonator 1 54.06 9.50 7 Carbonator 1 54.06 9.50 7 Carbonator 1 56.21 9.20
8 Carbonator 2 57.48 7.50 8 Carbonator 2 57.48 7.50 8 Carbonator 2 55.89 7.31
9 Brown Liquor 1 57.10 1168.20 7.50 294.56 9 Brown Liquor 1 57.10 1168.20 7.50 294.56 9 Brown Liquor 1 55.56 789.18 7.36 314.27
10 Brown Liquor 2 56.47 1086.20 7.50 278.69 10 Brown Liquor 2 56.47 1086.20 7.50 278.69 10 Brown Liquor 2 55.03 711.60 7.42 298.52
11 Fine Liquor 55.68 362.10 7.50 262.69 11 Fine Liquor 55.68 362.10 7.50 262.69 11 Fine Liquor 54.51 250.20 7.38 278.80
12 Reaction Tank 57.51 10.50 12 Reaction Tank 57.51 10.50 12 Reaction Tank 56.20 10.68

Massecuit Sugar Colour Removal Massecuit Sugar Colour Removal Massecuit Sugar Colour Removal
No Masakan No Masakan No Masakan
Brix Colour Colour Moist Today Unit Brix Colour Colour Moist Today Unit Brix Colour Colour Moist Today Unit
1 R1 86.52 552.28 32.17 0.03 Affinasi 86.39 % 1 R1 86.52 552.28 32.17 0.03 Affinasi 86.39 % 1 R1 86.52 552.28 32.17 0.03 Affinasi 86.39 %
2 R2 87.18 1301.11 64.56 0.02 Karbonatasi 58.23 % 2 R2 87.18 1301.11 64.56 0.02 Karbonatasi 58.23 % 2 R2 87.18 1301.11 64.56 0.02 Karbonatasi 58.23 %
3 A 90.17 IER 60.94 % 3 A 90.17 IER 60.94 % 3 A 90.17 IER 60.94 %
4 B 90.22 4 B 90.22 4 B 90.22
5 C 90.1 5 C 90.1 5 C 90.1

No Final Molasses Brix Pol Pty TSAI Ash RS pH No Final Molasses Brix Pol Pty TSAI Ash RS pH No Final Molasses Brix Pol Pty TSAI Ash RS pH
1 Final Molasses 78.21 55.4 70.84 1 Final Molasses 78.21 55.4 70.84 1 Final Molasses 78.21 55.4 70.84

No Water pH Cond Hardness SO3 PO4 SI02 Sugar No Water pH Cond Hardness SO3 PO4 SI02 Sugar No Water pH Cond Hardness SO3 PO4 SI02 Sugar
1 Raw Water 7.10 219.90 59.00 0.50 29.40 0.80 1 Raw Water 7.10 219.90 59.00 0.50 29.40 0.80 1 Raw Water 7.10 219.90 59.00 0.50 29.40 0.80
2 Demine Water 10.20 37.50 0.00 0.50 0.20 0.30 2 Demine Water 10.20 37.50 0.00 0.50 0.20 0.30 2 Demine Water 10.20 37.50 0.00 0.50 0.20 0.30
3 Condensate 9.20 14.20 0.00 0.50 0.20 0.50 3 Condensate 9.20 14.20 0.00 0.50 0.20 0.50 3 Condensate 9.20 14.20 0.00 0.50 0.20 0.50
Boiler 1 Boiler 1 Boiler 1

4 Boiler Feed Water (SP3) 9.20 24.10 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.60 4 Boiler Feed Water (SP3) 9.20 24.10 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.60 4 Boiler Feed Water (SP3) 9.20 24.10 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.60

5 BD. Down Corner 1 (SP2) 8.90 559.20 0.00 0.60 13.20 0.80 5 BD. Down Corner 1 (SP2) 8.90 559.20 0.00 0.60 13.20 0.80 5 BD. Down Corner 1 (SP2) 8.90 559.20 0.00 0.60 13.20 0.80

6 BD.Steam Drum 1 (SP1) 8.80 934.20 0.00 0.70 18.70 1.40 6 BD.Steam Drum 1 (SP1) 8.80 934.20 0.00 0.70 18.70 1.40 6 BD.Steam Drum 1 (SP1) 8.80 934.20 0.00 0.70 18.70 1.40

7 Header-1 7 Header-1 7 Header-1

Boiler 2 Boiler 2 Boiler 2

8 Boiler Feed Water (SP3) 9.20 24.10 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.60 8 Boiler Feed Water (SP3) 9.20 24.10 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.60 8 Boiler Feed Water (SP3) 9.20 24.10 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.60

9 BD. Down Corner 2 (SP2) 9.80 326.60 274.10 0.70 6.40 0.50 9 BD. Down Corner 2 (SP2) 9.80 326.60 274.10 0.70 6.40 0.50 9 BD. Down Corner 2 (SP2) 9.80 326.60 274.10 0.70 6.40 0.50

10 BD.Steam Drum 2 (SP1) 9.90 372.10 0.00 0.70 6.60 0.50 10 BD.Steam Drum 2 (SP1) 9.90 372.10 0.00 0.70 6.60 0.50 10 BD.Steam Drum 2 (SP1) 9.90 372.10 0.00 0.70 6.60 0.50

11 Header-2 8.80 5.70 11 Header-2 8.80 5.70 11 Header-2 8.80 5.70

12 CT-1 7.60 242.50 67.50 0.50 31.40 3.00 12 CT-1 7.60 242.50 67.50 0.50 31.40 3.00 12 CT-1 7.60 242.50 67.50 0.50 31.40 3.00
13 CT-2 7.50 231.80 13 CT-2 7.50 231.80 13 CT-2 7.50 231.80
14 CT-3 7.50 229.00 14 CT-3 7.50 229.00 14 CT-3 7.50 229.00
15 VP-1 1.40 15 VP-1 1.40 15 VP-1 1.40
16 VP-2 0.80 16 VP-2 0.80 16 VP-2 0.80
17 VP-3 2.00 17 VP-3 2.00 17 VP-3 2.00
18 VP-4 0.70 18 VP-4 0.70 18 VP-4 0.70
19 VP-5 0.80 19 VP-5 0.80 19 VP-5 0.80
20 VP-A 0.90 20 VP-A 0.90 20 VP-A 0.90
21 VP-B 0.70 21 VP-B 0.70 21 VP-B 0.70
22 VP-C 0.90 22 VP-C 0.90 22 VP-C 0.90
008:45-09:30 Rubber grooment bolt lepas Dilaporkan Oleh Disetujui Oleh Diketahui Oleh
Pasang Coil Spring

Down Time Heri Widarmanto Imam Santoso

Irfan Juniardi Factory Manager Genaral Manager
Laboratorium QC & QA Section Head
No Dok

Date : 18 October 2010

Jam : 07:00

Item Capacity Content Vol.of Spesific

Equipment Name weight tons Brix % Pol % Purity Ton Brix Ton Pol
No. m3 % mat.m3 Gravity
1 Melter Tank 30.1 90 27.09 30.50 1.13 29.36 24.23 82.53 8.96 7.39
2 Raw Liquor Tank 9 30 2.7 3.42 1.27 56.25 55.20 98.13 1.92 1.89
3 Carbonator Tank 34 50 17 20.72 1.22 47.60 43.33 91.03 9.86 8.98
4 Filtrat 1 34 70 23.8 28.71 1.21 45.34 39.45 87.01 13.02 11.33
5 Filtrat 2 34 70 23.8 28.53 1.20 43.89 39.04 88.95 12.52 11.14
6 Slurry mud tank 34 30 10.2 10.20 1.00 0.00 0.00 #N/A 0.00 0.00
7 Precoating Tank 34 50 17 21.26 1.25 53.35 53.20 99.72 11.34 11.31
8 Fine Liquor Tank 34 50 17 19.61 1.15 35.09 30.10 85.78 6.88 5.90
9 Thick Liquor Tank 74.7 50 37.35 47.49 1.27 57.00 50.05 87.81 27.07 23.77
10 R1 - Mol 60 50 30 42.84 1.43 82.01 77.48 94.48 35.14 33.19
11 R2 - Mol 60 50 30 36.53 1.22 47.36 45.61 96.30 17.30 16.66
12 R3 - Mol 60 0 0 0.00 1.41 79.84 73.28 91.78 0.00 0.00
13 R4 - Mol 30 50 15 20.60 1.37 73.67 70.13 95.19 15.17 14.44
14 A Mol 30 0 0 0.00 1.38 74.25 57.24 77.09 0.00 0.00
15 B Mol 30 50 15 20.73 1.38 75.08 48.91 65.14 15.57 10.14
16 C Mol 5.8 70 4.06 5.78 1.42 81.38 40.25 49.46 4.70 2.33
17 Green Syrup Tank 30 80 24 31.28 1.30 62.42 58.71 94.06 19.53 18.36
18 Green syrup over head tank 5.8 0 0 0.00 1.00 0 0.00 #N/A 0.00 0.00
19 Sweet Water Tank 34 90 30.6 31.10 1.02 4.15 3.25 78.31 1.29 1.01
20 VP 1 60 0 0 0.00 1.47 87.45 85.16 97.38 0.00 0.00
21 VP 2 60 70 42 56.25 1.34 68.32 66.85 97.85 38.43 37.60
22 VP 3 60 60 36 52.57 1.46 86.71 84.86 97.87 45.58 44.61
23 VP 4 60 30 18 26.07 1.45 86.40 85.10 98.50 22.52 22.18
24 VP 5 60 60 36 52.57 1.46 86.70 84.60 97.58 45.58 44.47
25 VP A 30 70 21 29.35 1.40 77.44 65.33 84.36 22.73 19.17
26 VP B 30 60 18 24.24 1.35 69.49 57.66 82.98 16.84 13.98
27 VP C 30 60 18 20.78 1.15 35.22 27.07 76.86 7.32 5.63
28 Receiver 1 64 80 51.2 74.88 1.46 87.08 85.14 97.77 65.21 63.76
29 Receiver 2 64 90 57.6 84.31 1.46 87.24 83.96 96.24 73.55 70.78
30 Receiver 3 64 90 57.6 82.32 1.43 82.19 80.90 98.43 67.65 66.59
31 Receiver 4 64 0 0 0.00 1.44 84.49 83.41 98.72 0.00 0.00
32 Receiver 5 64 90 57.6 82.45 1.43 82.51 81.46 98.73 68.03 67.17
33 R - Cutting 59.2 0 0 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 #N/A 0.00 0.00
34 Receiver A 54 90 48.6 69.42 1.43 82.05 77.05 93.91 56.96 53.49
35 Receiver B 35 60 21 30.96 1.47 88.86 78.49 88.33 27.51 24.30
36 Crystaliser 1 32 90 28.8 42.80 1.49 90.51 65.53 72.40 38.74 28.04
37 Crystaliser 2 32 80 25.6 38.07 1.49 90.74 76.09 83.85 34.55 28.97
38 Crystaliser 3 32 40 12.8 18.70 1.46 86.82 66.58 76.69 16.23 12.45
39 Crystaliser 4 32 90 28.8 42.09 1.46 86.92 55.75 64.14 36.59 23.47
40 Crystaliser 5 32 30 9.6 14.22 1.48 89.80 83.33 92.80 12.77 11.85
41 C Seed Cuting 13.8 0 0 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 #N/A 0.00 0.00
42 B - Magma 25 70 17.5 26.00 1.49 90.47 88.64 97.98 23.52 23.04
43 C - Magma 25 70 17.5 24.43 1.40 77.16 77.07 99.88 18.85 18.83
44 IER 1 36.1 0 0 0.00 1.15 35.09 30.10 85.78 0.00 0.00
45 IER 2 36.1 60 21.66 24.99 1.15 35.09 30.10 85.78 8.77 7.52
46 IER 3 36.1 0 0 0.00 1.15 35.09 30.10 85.78 0.00 0.00
47 Rotary Leaf 1.1 10.7 60 6.42 7.75 1.21 45.34 39.45 87.01 3.51 3.06
48 Rotary Leaf 1.2 10.7 60 6.42 7.75 1.21 45.34 39.45 87.01 3.51 3.06
49 Rotary Leaf 1.3 10.7 0 0 0.00 1.21 45.34 39.45 87.01 0.00 0.00
50 Rotary Leaf 1.4 10.7 0 0 0.00 1.21 45.34 39.45 87.01 0.00 0.00
51 Rotary Leaf 1.5 10.7 0 0 0.00 1.21 45.34 39.45 87.01 0.00 0.00
52 Rotary Leaf 2.1 10.7 80 8.56 10.77 1.26 54.79 53.25 97.19 5.90 5.74
53 Rotary Leaf 2.2 10.7 60 6.42 7.78 1.21 46.37 45.72 98.60 3.61 3.56
54 Rotary Leaf 2.3 10.7 0 0 0.00 1.26 54.79 53.25 97.19 0.00 0.00
55 KARBONATOR 1 37 50 18.5 23.50 1.27 56.81 55.10 96.99 13.35 12.95
56 KARBONATOR 2 37 20 7.4 9.33 1.26 55.14 52.45 95.12 5.14 4.89
57 REACTION TANK 5.02 70 3.514 3.78 1.07 18.17 17.75 97.69 0.69 0.67
58 Green Syrup Suply Tank 1 4.4 70 3.08 4.09 1.33 66.45 61.70 92.85 2.72 2.52
59 Green Syrup Suply Tank 2 4.4 70 3.08 4.09 1.33 66.45 61.70 92.85 2.72 2.52
60 R1/R2 Molases Suply Tank 6.1 80 4.88 6.73 1.38 74.75 73.10 97.79 5.03 4.92
61 Discharge Melting Tank 3.1 90 2.79 3.44 1.23 50.31 47.84 95.09 1.73 1.65
62 Distributor Afinasi 6.6 100 6.6 9.44 1.43 82.36 81.20 98.59 7.78 7.67
63 Sub Mixer A 3.4 95 3.23 4.67 1.45 86.10 79.10 91.87 4.02 3.69
64 Sub Mixer B 3.4 80 2.72 3.93 1.44 85.75 68.42 79.79 3.37 2.69
65 Sub Mixer C 2.2 0 0 0.00 1.45 84.72 68.42 80.76 0.00 0.00
66 Sub Mixer R1/R2 15 90 13.5 19.46 1.44 85.46 84.46 98.83 16.63 16.44
67 Mingler 22.7 90 20.43 27.95 1.37 72.90 69.12 94.81 20.37 19.32
Total 1087.004 1048.29 961.09

Item Capacity Content Vol.of Spesific

Equipment Name weight tons Brix % Pol % Purity Brix Tons Pol Tons
No. m3 % mat.m3 Gravity
1 Final molasses 3088.9 23 713.26 10.08 1.41 79.72 42.86 53.76 8.03 4.32
2 Product Sugar Storage Bin 1 100.0 50 50.00 50.00 1.00 0.00 99.90 #N/A 0.00 49.95
3 Product Sugar Storage Bin 2 100.0 50 50.00 50.00 1.00 0.00 99.90 #N/A 0.00 49.95
4 Product Sugar Storage Bin 3 100.0 30 30.00 30.00 1.00 0.00 99.90 #N/A 0.00 29.97
5 Product Sugar Storage Bin 4 100.0 30 30.00 30.00 1.00 0.00 99.90 #N/A 0.00 29.97
6 Gula tumpahan cooler 0.0 5 0.25000 0.25 1.00 0.00 40.00 #N/A 0.00 0.25

Pty.Liquor Pty.Sugar
Sugar In stock Ton Brix Ton Pol Molases
(J) (S)
1048.29 961.09 91.68 99.99 58.95
Faktor SJM
Ton In
Estimated Stock By S.J.M SJM (%) Ton Pol
Estimated Sugar In stock 86.98 996.08 995.98
Estimated Final Molases In
13.02 125.10 266.20

Catatan : Dilaporkan oleh Mengetahui

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