Qur'anic Subject Index: From The Nur Al-'Irfan of Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan Na'imi

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Qur'anic Subject Index

From the Nur al-'Irfan of

Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan Na'imi

Translated by Muhammad Aqdas

This booklet is available at the Sunni website


email: m.aqdas@gmail.com

This booklet is available at www.aqdas.co.uk


The Qur'an is the final revelation of Allah Õ which was revealed upon His final Messenger Muhammad 
 . The main

subject matters of the Glorious Qur'an are 3:

(1) Allah, (2) His Messengers and (3) The afterlife.

However, apart from these major themes, the Qur'an is an encyclopaedia of knowledge and subjects. It is a guidance for

mankind in all aspects of life. The subject matters that have been listed below are those that deal with the beliefs that the

Qur'an teaches.

A great scholar of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah of the past century, Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan Na'imi (1906-1971), wrote

a tafsir (commentary) of the Holy Qur'an by the name of Nur al-'Irfan. This is a short tafsir, a marginalia, and covers the

most important aspects of the Qur'anic verses. He also wrote a detailed tafsir consisting of 18 volumes which cover 18

parts out of 30 of the Qur'an. This is known as Tafsir-e-Na'imi which he failed to complete due to his demise. His short

commentary, Nur al-'Irfan, is published alongside Imam Ahmad Rida Khan Barelwi's (1856-1921) translation of the Holy

Qur'an, Kanz al-Iman fi tarjumat al-Qur'an, which is well known by its short name, Kanz al-Iman. The Kanz al-Iman is

without doubt the best Urdu translation of the Holy Qur'an which all Urdu speakers should read.

Included in Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan's Nur al-'Irfan is a Qur'anic Subject Index. The subject matter is the heading and the

relevant verses are then listed. However, the verses do not include Sura (chapter) and Ayah (verse) numbers. The index

only gives the page they are on. This is not very useful as not everyone has access to the Nur al-'Irfan. Hence, I located all

the verses mentioned in the index and derived the corresponding Sura and Ayah numbers. These are what are included in

the index below.

In my index, only a small portion of the verse and its Sura and Ayah number are given. The tafsir is not present. For this,

you should refer to the Nur al-'Irfan of Mufti Ahmad Yaar Khan. One may be confused as to how a certain verse is related

to the subject. For example, 39:33 mentions gm¹M¿e@ fi ¼xe)“@ jÐH d¯Ð¥ “ d¯Ð¦ÐeAÐÐH ÈAÐÐT S°Ðe@“. Here, there is no clear
mention of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq ¥. However, if the Nur al-'Irfan is read, we learn that this verse is referring initially to Abu

Bakr al-Siddiq. In another place, it says nÐmл)Ðֿн l›mÐË ŽÐ¾ , there is no mention of Prophet Muhammad 
 , however,
when the tafsir is looked into, it says that Imam Mulla 'Ali Qari writes in his Mawdu'aat al-Kabir that wherever the Qur'an

says ›mÐÐÐÐË, this refers to the Prophet Muhammad 

 . Hence, for detailed explanations of how each verse corresponds to

the subject it is listed under, please refer to Nur al-'Irfan or Sayyid Na'im ad-Din Muradabadi's Khazain al-'Irfan.

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Qur'anic Subject Index

Prophet Muhammad 
 is the Final Prophet

33:40 hQQI‡e@ fLAs“ Ï@ Àm±› h»e)“

5:3 f»‡PÔ f»e Nο½@ ÉmQe@
2:89 fk¾ A¿e d¯¦¾
33:45 @¯DAÕ ¼‡)α›@ AË@

Prophet Muhammad 
 is a Prophet for all creation

34:28 ŸA‡Îe o³A½ ©@ ¼‡)α›@ A¾“

25:1 @€P°Ë hQ¿eAÎe gm»Qe
21:107 hQ¿eAÎe o¿X› ©@ ¼‡)α›@ A¾“
2:58 AQ¿T f»Qe@ Ï@ Àm±› RË@
108:1 €m»e@ ¼‡)QB²@ AË@

Prophet Muhammad 
 is Noor (light)

5:15 hQI¾ KAM½“ ›mË Ï@ h¾ f½ ÈAT ¯¸

24:35 nm»)Ö¿½ l›mË Ž¾
33:46 @€Q‡¾ AT@€±
9:32 Ï@ ›mË mxµBP g@ g“¯P€P
61:8 Ï@ ›mË mxµBP g@ g“¯P€P

Prophet Muhammad 
 is Allah's Dhikr (remembrance)

65:10 ©m±› @€½˜ f»Qe@ Ï@ ÀÁË@ ¯¸

13:28 Kmιe@ hx¿BL Ï@ €½°H ©@
88:21 €½°¾ NË@ A¿Ë@
68:52 hQ¿eAÎe €½˜ ©@ mi A¾“

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Prophet Muhammad 
 is Allah's proof

4:174 f»H› h¾ gAi€H f½ ÈAT ¯¸

48:28 jem±› Ž±›@ S°e@ mi

Prophet Muhammad 
 is Haadir wa Naadir (€ÓAË “ €…AX)

48:8 @¯iAÕ ¼‡)α›@ AË@

2:143 @¯QkÕ f»Qβ Àm±› gm»P“
4:41 @¯QkÕ ©mi) R)β ¼H A‡xT“
9:128 f»ÄµË@ h¾ Àm±› f½ ÈAT ¯¹e
4:64 ž“ ÈAT fkĵË@ m¿ÎÓ ˜@ fkË@ me“
33:6 fkĵË@ h¾ hQ‡¾m¿e@ AH R)e“@ RI‡e@
8:33 fkQ³ NË@“ fkH°Qe Ï@ gA½ A¾“
73:15 f»Qβ ¯iAÕ Àm±› f»Qe@ A‡Î±›@ AË@
3:101 jem±› f»Q³“
9:103 AQ¿T Ï@ ŽIYH @m¿¦M²@“

Prophet Muhammad 
 was given 'Ilm al-Ghayb by Allah Õ

72:27 h¾ ©@ @¯X@ jIQ R)β €k•P –³

3:179 JQbe@ Rβ f»ÎBQe Ï@ gA½ A¾“
4:113 fΝL h»L fe A¾ ¼¿Î²“
6:38 ÈRÕ h¾ KAM»e@ R³ A‡¬€³ A¾
16:89 ÈRÕ Ž»e AËAQIL KAM»e@ ¼Qβ A‡eÁ˓
10:37 jQ³ JP› © KAM»e@ ŽQ¦µL
55:1-4 g€¹e@ fβ h¿)X€e@
81:24 hQ‡¡H JQbe@ Rβ mi A¾“
6:59 hQI¾ KAM½ R³ ©@ «HAP ©“ J¬› ©

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Respect for Prophet Muhammad 

 is part of Iman

48:9 l“€¸mL“ l“›ÁL“

49:2 f»L@m¥@ m³€L © @m‡¾ hP°e@ AkP@ AP
49:1 jem±›“ Ï@ S¯P hQH @m¾¯¹L ©
33:53 g˜mP g@ ©@ RI‡e@ OmQH @mÎs¯L ©
24:63 f»¡H ÈA²¯e f»‡QH Àm±€e@ ÈA²Ô @mΝUL ©
4:65 fk‡QH €UÕ A¿Q³ žm¿»YP RM)X
33:36 @€¾@ jem±›“ Ï@ R¡¸ @˜@
7:157 @mIL@“ l“€¦Ë“ l“›Á²“
5:12 fim¿L›Á²“ Rα€H fM‡¾“
8:24 f½A²Ô @˜@ jem±€e“ Ï mIQUM±@

Disrespecting Prophet Muhammad 

 is Kufr

2:104 A‡²@› @mem¹L ©

49:2 g“€ÖL © fMË@“ f»eA¿²@ ÒIkL g@
9:66 f»ËA¿P@ ¯H fL€µ½ ¯¸ @“›°ML ©
9:61 fQe@ K@°² fke Ï@ Àm±› g“˜mP
33:57 Ï@ fk‡e jem±›“ Ï@ g“˜mP hP°e@ g@
38:77 fQT› ¼ËA³ Ak‡¾ W€s@

The words of a Prophet always become true

20:97 ŸAľ© Àm¹L g@ nm)QYe@ R³ ¼e gA³

12:41 gAQMµMÄL jQ³ S°e@ €¾©@ R¡¸
10:88 fke@m¾@ R)β «¿¬@ A‡H›
2:126 A‡¾ @¯ÎIe@ @°i ŽT@ K›
2:129 fk‡¾ ©m±› fkQ³ H@“ A‡H›
14:37 RMP›˜ h¾ N‡»±@ RË@ A‡H›
71:26 ś©@ Rβ ›°L © K›

This booklet is available at www.aqdas.co.uk

Whoever is connected with Prophet Muhammad 

 is esteemed

15:72 fkL€»± Rµe fkË@ ž€¿e

90:1 ¯ÎIe@ @°k)H fĸ@ ©
95:3 hQ¾©@ ¯ÎIe@ @°i)“
93:1-2 RU)± @˜@ ŽQÎe@“ RY)¦e@“
3:110 o¾@ €Qs fM‡½
2:143 AB±“ o¾@ f»‡)ΝT ¼e°)½“
33:32 ¯XA½ hMÄe RI‡e@ șćP

Allah Õ wants to please Prophet Muhammad 

2:144 Ak…)€L oÎI¸ ¼‡Qem‡Î³

93:8 R…)€M³ ¼H› ¼QBP ·mÄe“

Merits of the Sahaba

2:137 jH fM‡¾ A¿½ Ž¿H @m‡¾ gA³

2:13 ŸA‡e@ h¾ A¿½ @m‡¾ fke ŽQ¸ @˜@“
2:218 @“€TAi“ @m‡¾ hP°e@“
49:7 gA¿P©@ f»Qe@ JIX Ï@ h»e)“
4:113 fkĵË@ ©@ gmΡP A¾“
5:7 A‡¬@“ A‡¿± fMθ ˜@
2:129 fk‡¾ ©m±› fkQ³ H@“ A‡H›
62:4 fkH m¹YÎP A¿e fk‡¾ hP€s“
63:7 h¾ R)β @m¹µ‡L © gmem¹P hP°e@ fi
9:117 hP€TAk¿e@“ RI‡e@ Rβ Ï@ KAL ¯¹e
3:155 fk‡² Ï@ Aµ² ¯¹e“
3:152 f»‡² Aµ² ¯¹e“
57:10 R‡)ÄYe@ Ï@ ¯²“ –½“
48:29 ›Aµ»e@ Rβ È@¯Õ@ j¾ hP°e@“
59:8 hP€TAk¿e@ È@€¹µÎe
59:9 ›@¯e@ “mIL hP°e@“

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8:4 A¹X gm‡¾m¿e@ fi ¼xe)“@

34:4 fP€½ d­›“ n€µb¾ fke
49:3 S)m¹MÎe fkHmθ Ï@ hYM¾@ hP°e@ ¼xe)“@
2:2 jQ³ JP› © KAM»e@ ¼e˜)
98:8 j‡² @m…›“ fk‡² Ï@ R…›
9:100 N‡)T fke ¯²@“

Merits of the Ahl al-Bayt

33:33 «T€e@ f»‡² Ji°Qe Ï@ ¯P€P A¿Ë@

3:61 A‡vA‡H@ a¯Ë @meAL Ž¹³
42:23 @€T@ jQβ f»Îx±@ © Ž¸
33:56 RI‡e@ Rβ gmΦP jM»xÎ)¾“ Ï@ g@
20:82 h¾“ KAL h¿e ›Aµbe RË@“
3:103 AQ¿T Ï@ ŽIYH @m¿¦M²@“
4:54 Ï@ fiAL@ A¾ R)⠟A‡e@ g“¯ÄYP
8:33 fkQ³ NË@“ fkH°Qe Ï@ gA½ A¾“
93:5 R…)€M³ ¼H› ¼QBP ºÄe“
99:7 oP€Ie@ €Qs fi ¼xe)“@
37:24 gmemxľ fkË@ fimµ¸“

The wives of Prophet Muhammad 

 are Ahl al-Bayt

33:33 NQIe@ Ži@ «T€e@ f»‡² Ji°Qe

3:121 ¼Îi@ h¾ O“¯ ˜@“
28:8 gm»Qe gm²€³ À jB¹MeA³
28:29 «Ë“ jÎiAH ›A±“
20:10 NÄË RË@ m»Ä¾@ jÎi© ÀA¹³
21:76 fQ•e@ K€»e@ h¾ jÎi@“ lA‡QU‡³
11:73 NQIe@ Ži@ f»Qβ jLA½€H“ Ï@ o¿X›
2:196 É@€Ye@ ¯UÄ¿e@ S€…AX jÎi@ h»P fe h¿e ¼e@˜

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Merits of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq ¥

39:33 jH d¯¥ “ d¯¦eAH ÈAT S°e@“

9:40 ›Abe@ R³ A¿i˜@ hQ‡e@ RËA
66:4 hQ‡¾m¿e@ [eA¥“ ŽP€IT“ l©m¾ mi Ï@ gA³
33:43 jM»xÎ)¾“ f»Qβ RΦP S°e@ mi
46:15 AËAÄX@ jP¯e@mH gAÄË©@ A‡Q¥““
7:43 Ž h¾ fi›“¯¥ R³ A¾ A‡²Á˓
24:22 oÄe@“ f»‡¾ Ž¡µe@ @me“@ ŽLAP ©“
92:17 jeA¾ RLmP S°e@ R¹L©@ AkI‡UQ±“
55:46 gAM‡T jH› ÉA¹¾ ·As h¿e“
3:159 €¾©@ R³ fi›“@­“
92:1-21 RÖ)bP @˜@ ŽQe@“
2:274 ›Ak‡e@“ ŽQÎeAH fke@m¾@ gm¹µ‡P hP°e@
48:29 OAYeA¦e@ @mﲓ @m‡¾ hP°e@ Ï@ ¯²“
39:18 Àm¹e@ gm¿MÄP hP°e@
28:60 R¹)H@ “ €Qs Ï@ ¯‡² A¾“
49:3 Ï@ Àm±› ¯‡² fkL@m¥@ gm¡bP hP°e@ g@
57:10 ŽLA¸“ [Mµe@ ŽI¸ h¾ ǹµË@ h¾ f»‡¾ SmMÄP ©

Merits of 'Umar al-Faruq ¥

8:64 hQ‡¾m¿e@ h¾ ¼IL@ h¾“ Ï@ ¼IÄX RI‡e@ AkP@ AP

2:187 ³€e@ ÉAQ¹e@ oÎQe f»e ŽX@
66:5 h»¹Î¬ g@ jH› RÄ)²
2:125 RÎ)¦¾ fQi@€H@ ÉA¹¾ h¾ @“°rL@“
61:13 hQ‡¾m¿e@ €ÖH“ JP€¸ [M³“
8:62 hQ‡¾m¿eAH“ l€¦‡H ž¯P@ S°e@ mi

Merits of 'Uthman al-Ghani ¥

2:261 Ï@ ŽQI± R³ fke@m¾@ gm¹µ‡P hP°e@ Ž¾

33:23 jQYË R¡)¸ h¾ fk‡¿³

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39:9 ŽQÎe@ ÈAË NËA¸ mi h¾@

57:7 €QI½ €T@ fke @m¹µË@“ f»‡¾ @m‡¾ hP°eA³
87:10 RÖ)rP h¾ €½°Q±

Merits of 'Ali al-Murtada ¥

76:7 @€QBMľ l€Õ gA½ A¾mP gm³ArP“ ›°ËAH gm³mP

58:12 f½m)UË S¯P hQH @m¾¯¹³ Àm±€e@ fMQTAË @˜@ @m‡¾ hP°e@ AkP@ AP

Merits of 'Aisha al-Siddiqa ¥

33:32 ÈAće@ h¾ ¯XA½ hMÄe RI‡e@ ÈAÄËAP

4:43 AIQ¬ @¯Q¥ @m¿¿QM³
24:11 f»‡¾ oI¦² ¼³©@AH mvAT hP°e@ g@
24:26 n€µb¾ fke meA¸ A¿¾ g“ ȀI¾ ¼xe)“@

The Khilafa of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq

5:54 j‡PÔ h² f»‡¾ Ô¯L€P h¾

48:16 ¯P¯Õ ŸAH Re“@ Ém¸ R)e@ gm²¯M±
24:55 fk‡µÎrMÄQe NY)Φ)e@ @mο² “ @m‡¾ hP°e@ Ï@ ¯²“
59:8 hP€TAk¿e@ È@€¹µÎe

The ummah of Prophet Muhammad 

 is the best ummah

2:143 AB±“ o¾@ f»‡)ΝT ¼e@°½“

4:115 jemË hQ‡¾m¿e@ ŽQI± €Q `IMP“
3:101 Ak‡¾ f½°¹ËA³ ›A‡e@ h¾ n€µX AµÕ R)β fM‡½“

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Merits of the Awliya (saints)

10:62 fkQβ ·ms © Ï@ ÈAQe“@ g@ ©@

8:34 gm¹M¿e@ ©@ l ÈAQe“@ g@

Miracles of the Awliya are true

3:37 A¸­› Ai¯‡² ¯T“ K@€Y¿e@ AP€½­ AkQ⠎sÔ A¿Î½

19:25 oÎr‡e@ aÁUH ¼Qe@ SÁi
27:36 KAM»e@ h¾ fβ l¯‡² S°e@ ÀA¸
18:18 Ôm¸› fi“ AÓA¹P@ fkIÄYL
18:71 o‡QµÄe@ R³ AI½› @­@ RM)X A¹ÎBËA³
18:84 ś©@ R³ je A‡»¾ AË@

Relics of the pious people remove difficulties (ȖIe@ `³@Ô)

38:42 K@€Õ “ ԛAH ŽÄMb¾ @°i) ¼ÎT€H ½›@

12:93 lm¹eA³ @°i) R¦Q¿¹H @mIi˜@
19:26 A‡Q² S€¸ “ RH€Õ@“ Rλ³
2:248 OmHAMe@ f»QLAP g@ j»Î¾ oP g@
20:96 Àm±€e@ € h¾ o¡I¸ N¡I¹³

The Believers have many helpers

4:75 @€Q¦Ë ¼Ë¯e h¾ ŽT@“

66:4 €QkÓ ¼e@˜ ¯H o»xÎ)¿e@“
3:52 Ï@ Re@ S›A¦Ë@ h¾
5:55 @m‡¾ hP°e@“ jem±›“ Ï@ f»Qe“ A¿Ë@
8:64 hQ‡¾m¿e@ h¾ ¼IL@ h¾“ Ï@ ¼IÄX RI‡e@ AkP@ AP
5:2 Sm)¹Me@“ €Ie@ Rβ @m˓AL“
26:89 fQα JιH Ï@ RË@ h¾ ©@
26:100 fQ¿X ÇP¯¥ ©“ hQ³AÕ h¾ A‡e A¿³
17:80 @€Q¦Ë AËABα ¼Ë¯e h¾ Re ŽT@“
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2:87 Ÿ¯¹e@ _“€H jË)¯P@“

18:95 nm¹H RËm‡Q²@

The Unbelievers have no helpers

42:44 Re“ h¾ je A¿³ Ï@ ŽÎ¡P h¾“

18:17 @¯Õ€¾ AQe“ je ¯UL hγ Ï@ ŽÎ¡P h¾“
42:46 Ï@ g“Ô h¾ fk˓€¦‡P ÈAQe“@ h¾ fke gA½ A¾“
29:22 €Q¦Ë ©“ Re“ h¾ Ï@ g“Ô h¾ f»e A¾“ ›A‡e@ f½“)A¾“
30:29 Ï@ Ž…@ h¾ S¯kP h¿³
3:91 hP€¥AË h¾ fke A¿³
2:270 ›A¦Ë@ h¾ hQ¿eA•Îe A¾“
4:52 @€Q¦Ë je ¯UL hγ Ï@ hÎP h¾“
22:71 €Q¦Ë h¾ hQ¿eA•Îe A¾“
33:65 @€Q¦Ë ©“ @¯H@ AkQ³ hP¯eAs
40:18 `QµÕ ©“ fQ¿X h¾ hQ¿eA•Îe A¾“
40:21 d@“ h¾ Ï@ h¾ fke gA½ A¾“
4:173 @€Q¦Ë ©“ AQe“ Ï@ g“Ô h¾ fke g“¯UP ©“
4:145 @€Q¦Ë fke ¯UL he“
9:74 €Q¦Ë © “ Re“ h¾ ś©@ R³ fke A¾“
17:97 jË“Ô h¾ ÈAQe“@ fke ¯UL hγ ŽÎ¡P h¾“
11:113 ÈAQe“@ jË“Ô h¾ fke gA½ A¾“
33:17 @€Q¦Ë © “ Re“ Ï@ g“Ô h¾ fke g“¯UP ©“
42:8 €Q¦Ë ©“ Re“ h¾ fke A¾ gm¿eA•e@“
3:91 hP€¥AË h¾ fke A¾“
4:123 @€Q¦Ë ©“ AQe“ Ï@ g“Ô h¾ je ¯UP ©“
22:71 €Q¦Ë h¾ hQ¿eA•Îe A¾“
6:51 `QµÕ ©“ Re“ jË“Ô h¾ je «Qe
2:107 €Q¦Ë ©“ Re“ h¾ Ï@ g“Ô h¾ f»e A¾“
41:16 g“€¦‡P © fi“
2:120 €Q¦Ë ©“ Re“ h¾ ¼eA¾
9:74 Re“ h¾ ś©@ R³ fke A¾“
32:4 `QµÕ ©“ Re“ h¾ jË“Ô h¾ f»eA¾

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13:34 d@“ ©“ Re“ h¾ Ï@ h¾ ¼eA¾

11:20 ÈAQe“@ h¾ Ï@ g“Ô h¾ fke gA½ A¾“

The dead can hear

43:45 A‡Î±› h¾ ¼ÎI¸ h¾ A‡Î±›@ h¾ Žx±@“

7:79 'ɖÄe@ jQβ [eA¥( f»MbÎH@ ¯¹e Ém¹P) ÀA¸“ fk‡² ÀmM³
7:93 'ɖÄe@ jQβ JQÕ( f»MbÎH@ ¯¹e Ém¹P) ÀA¸“ fk‡² ÀmM³

The righteous can help others even after their demise

3:81 jˀ¦‡Me“ jH h‡¾mMe

21:107 hQ¿eAÎe o¿X› ©@ ¼‡)α›@ A¾“
34:28 @€P°Ë “ €QÖH ŸA‡Îe o³A½ ©@ ¼‡)α›@ A¾“
2:89 @“€µ½ hP°e@ Rβ gmYMµMÄP ŽI¸ h¾ mËA½“

The righteous can hear and see from afar and help

27:19 Akem¸ h¾ A»XA… fÄIM³

12:94 º±mP [P› ¯T© RË@
27:40 ¼³€¬ ¼Qe@ ¯L€P g@ ŽI¸ jH ¼QL AË@
3:49 f»LmQH R³ g“€s¯L A¾“ gmνAL A¿H f»xIË@“
7:27 fk˓€L © QX h¾ jÎQI¸“ mi f½€)P jË@
32:11 f»H Ž½“ S°e@ Om¿e@ ¼Î¾ f½A³mMP Ž¸
22:27 VYeAH ŸA‡e@ R³ g˜@“
6:75 ś©@“ Om)¿)Äe@ Om»Î¾ fQi@€H@ S€Ë ¼ÎP°½“
12:24 jH› gAi€H S@› g@ ©me AkH fi“

The Awliya are removers of difficulties and distributors of blessings

12:96 lA¹e@ €PIe@ ÈAT g@ A¿Î³

12:24 jH› gAi€H S@› g@ ©me AkH fi“
3:49 ¤€H©@“ j¿½©@ S€H@“
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2:60 €UYe@ žA¦H K€…@ A‡Î¹³

19:19 AQ½­ A¾– ¼e Ji©
48:25 @“€µ½ hP°e@ A‡H°e @mÎPÁL me
51:35 hQ‡¾m¿e@ h¾ AkQ³ gA½ h¾ A‡T€sA³
8:33 fkQ³ NË@“ fkH°Qe Ï@ gA½ A¾“
2:248 A¿¾ oQ¹H“ f»H› h¾ o‡Q»± jQ³

Supplications are accepted when made near the righteous

3:38 jH› AP€½­ A²Ô ¼eA‡i

2:58 oBX @mem¸“ @¯U± KAIe@ @mÎsÔ@“
4:64 Ï@ @“€µbM±A³ ž“ ÈAT

Holy places must be respected

2:58 @¯U± KAIe@ @mÎsÔ@“

20:12 Sm)¬ Ÿ¯¹¿e@ Ô@meAH ¼Ë@ ¼QÎË `ÎsA³
90:1-2 @°k)H ŽX NË@“ ¯ÎIe@ @°k)H fĸ@©
95:3 hQ¾©@ ¯ÎIe@ @°i)“
2:125 RÎ)¦¾ fQi@€H@ ÉA¹¾ h¾ @“°rL@“
2:158 Ï@ €vAÕ h¾ n“€¿e@“ Aµ¦e@ AË@

Making remembrances is important

10:58 @mX€µQγ ¼e@°I³

14:5 Ï@ ÉAQH fi€½˜“
5:114 Aˀs“ A‡e“@ © ¯Q² A‡e gm»L
5:7 f»Qβ Ï@ N¿Ë @“€½˜@“
97:1 ›¯¹e@ oÎQe R³ lA‡eÁË@ AË@
2:185 ÀÁË@ S°e@ gA¡¾› €kÕ

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Punishment of the grave is true

71:25 @›AË @mÎsÔA³ @m¸€@

40:46 AQÖ² “ @“¯ AkQβ gm…€P ›A‡e@
8:50 ÇP€Ye@ K@°² m¸“˜“
45:10 f‡kT fkv@›“ h¾
53:47 ¼e@˜ g“Ô K@°² @m¿ÎÓ hP°e@ g@“

Taqlid is necessary

21:7 gm¿ÎL fM‡½ g@ €½°e@ fi@ mÎx±A³

4:83 jËmBI‡MÄP hP°e@ j¿Îe
9:122 @mT› @˜@ fk¾m¸ @“›°‡Qe“
9:119 hQ¸ÔA¦e@ `¾ @mËm½“
1:7 fkQβ N¿Ë@ hP°e@ Ñ@€¥
31:15 Re@ KAË@ h¾ ŽQI± `IL@“
22:78 ŸA‡e@ Rβ È@¯kÕ @mËm»L“
4:115 jemË hQ‡¾m¿e@ ŽQI± €Q `IMP“

Taqiyya is Haram

3:64 gm¿Îľ AËAH @“¯kÕ@ @mem¹³

5:67 ¼Qe@ ÀÁË@ A¾ ¶ÎH Àm±€e@ AkP@ AP
2:14 A‡¾ meA¸ @m‡¾ hP°e@ @m¹e @˜@“
63:2 j‡T fkËA¿P@ @“°rL@
4:97 j±@“ Ï@ ś@ h»L fe@
7:21 hQY¥A‡e@ h¿e A¿»e RË@ A¿k¿±A¸“
21:52 gmµ½A² Ake fMË@ RMe@ ŽQA¿Me@ l°i)A¾
10:104 R‡PÔ h¾ ¼Õ R³ fM‡½ g@ ŸA‡e@ AkP@ AP Ž¸

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Mut'a is Haram

4:24 hQY³Aľ €Q

70:31 g“ÔAe@ fi ¼xe)“A³ ¼e@˜ È@›“ Rb)MH@ h¾“
24:33 hP°e@ ºµMÄQe@“

The Mi'raj (ascension) of Prophet Muhammad 

 was physical (bodily)

17:60 ŸA‡Îe o‡M³ ©@ ¼‡)P›@ RMe@ AP Ȁe@ A‡ÎT A¾“

53:8 hQ±m¸ KA¸ gA»³ R)e¯M³ RË)Ô f
33:45 @¯iAÕ ¼‡)α›@ AË@ RI‡e@ AkP@ AP
17:1 S)€±@ S°e@ hY)I±

Homosexuality is Haram

7:80 @€B¾ fkQβ AˀB¾@ oÖXAµe@ gmLAL@

2:222 ÈAće@ @meÁM²A³ S˜@ @mi Ž¸
23:7 g“ÔAe@ fi ¼xe)“A³ ¼e@˜ È@›“ R)bMH@ h¾“

There are 5 daily prayers

30:17 hQX“ gmÄL hQX Ï@ gAYIij

2:238 RB ±me@ lm)Φe@“ lm)Φe@ Rβ @m•³AX

We are all the servants of Prophet Muhammad 

33:6 fkĵË@ h¾ hQ‡¾m¿eAH R)e“@ RI‡e@

33:36 Ï@ R¡)¸ @˜@ o‡¾m¾ ©“ h¾m¿e gA½ A¾“

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The punishment for a murtad (apostate) is death

2:54 f»ÄµË@ @mÎM¸A³

4:89 fim¿L¯T“ QX fimÎM¸@“ fi@“°r³
48:16 gm¿ÎÄP “@ fkËmÎLA¹L

Negation (nafi) also requires proof

27:64 fM‡½ g@ f»ËAi€H mLAi Ž¸

6:150 fk¾ ¯kÖL –³ @“¯kÕ gA³

Having the hadith is necessary

3:32 Àm±€e@“ Ï@ @mQ¬@

2:129 o¿»Ye@“ KAM»e@ fk¿ÎP“
4:80 Ï@ aA¬@ ¯¹³ Àm±€e@ `BP h¾
59:7 l“°r³ Àm±€e@ f»L) A¾“
7:157 vAIre@ fkQβ ɀYP“
4:65 žm¿»YP RM)X gm‡¾mP © ¼H›“ –³
5:15 hQI¾ KAM½ “ ›mË Ï@ h¾ f½ ÈAT ¯¸
2:26 @€Q½ jH S¯kP “ @€Q½ jH Ž¡P
43:52 fQ¹Mľ Ñ@€¥ R)e@ S¯kMe ¼Ë@

Invoking the dead is allowed

22:27 VYeAH ŸA‡e@ R³ g˜@“

2:260 AQ± ¼QLAP hk²Ô@ f
43:45 A‡Î±› h¾ ¼ÎI¸ h¾ A‡Î±›@ h¾ Žx±@“
7:93 Ém¹P) ÀA¸“ fk‡² R)emM³

The descent of Prophet 'Isa  is a sign of Qiyamah

43:61 j²AÄÎe fΝe jË@“

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Prophet Muhammad 
 is present in the homes of believers

24:61 Ï@ ¯‡² h¾ oQYL f»ÄµË@ R)β @m¿Îij

Yaguth (
mbP) and Ya'uq (dmP) are idols not Awliya

71:23 dmP “
mbP ©“

Beating the chest and head is the way of the Kuffar

36:52 A˯¸€¾ h¾ A‡H h¾ A‡ÎPmP)

5:31 K@€be@ @°i) Ž¾ gm½@ g@ OÁU²@ RMÎP“ AP

The friend of the Kuffar is Shaytan

2:157 OmABe@ fi ÈAQe“@ @“€µ½ hP°e@“

7:27 ÈAQe“@ hQ¬AQÖe@ A‡ÎT AË@
16:63 K@°² fke“ ÉmQe@ fkQe“ mk³
18:50 ÈAQe“@ jMP›˜ “ j˓°rMM³@

The Sinners gain blessings due to the Pious

18:82 AYeA¥ A¿imH@ gA½“

52:21 gA¿PAH fkMP›˜ fkMIL@“
4:69 fkQβ Ï@ fË@ hP°e@ `¾ ¼xe)“A³

Intercession is for the believers

9:103 fke h»± ¼Lm)Î¥ g@ fkQ⠎¥“

2:255 j˘AH ©@ l¯‡² `µÖP S°e@˜ h¾
78:38 h¿)X€e@ je g˜@ h¿e ©@ gm¿Î»MP ©“
34:23 je g˜@ h¿e ©@ l¯‡² o²AµÖe@ `µ‡L ©“

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20:109 ©m¸ je R…›“ h¿)X€e@ je g˜@ h¾ ©@ o²AµÖe@ `µ‡L©

4:64 Ï@ @“¯Tme Àm±€e@ fke €µbL@“

The word Rabb (Lord) is used for a Murabbi

12:50 ¼H› R)e@ `T›@

12:42 ¼H› ¯‡² Rˀ½˜@“
17:24 @€Qb¥ RËAQH› A¿½
12:23 S@m¾ hÄX@ RH› jË@

There is no intercession for the Kuffar

2:254 o²AµÕ ©“ oÎY¾ ©“ jQ³ `QH ©

74:48 hQ³AÖe@ o²AµÕ fkµ‡L A¿³
39:43 ÈAµÕ Ï@ g“Ô h¾ @“°rMe@ É@
40:18 `QµÕ ©“ fQ¿X h¾ hQ¿eA•Îe A¾“
26:100 hQ³AÕ h¾ A‡e A¿³
19:87 @°rL@ h¾ ©@ o²AµÖe@ gm»Î¿P ©
63:6 fe É@ fke O€µbM±@ fkQβ È@m±

'Abd (¯I²) can mean helper

24:32 f½ ÈA¾@“ f½ÔAI² h¾

39:53 R)β @m³€±@ hP°e@ SÔAIP) Ž¸

The Kuffar are deaf, dumb and blind

2:18 gmT€P © fk³ R¿² f»H f¥

17:72 n€s© @ R³ mk³ R¿)²@ @°i) R³ gA½ h¾“
16:21 ÈAQX@ €Q O@m¾@
41:44 R¿² fkQβ mi“ €¸“ fkË@˜ R³ gm‡¾mP © hP°e@“
47:23 fi›A¦H@ R¿)²@“ fM¿¥A³ Ï@ fk‡e hP°e@ ¼xe)“@
27:81 ÈA²¯e@ f¦e@ `¿ÄL © “ R)Lm¿e@ `¿ÄL © ¼Ë@
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41:44 ¯QH gA»¾ h¾ g“ÔA‡P ¼xe)“@

The Prophet Muhammad 

 and the Qur'an give guidance

43:52 fQ¹Mľ Ñ@€¥ R)e@ S¯kMe ¼Ë@“

17:9 Ém¸@ Ri RMÎe S¯kP g€¹e@ @°i) g@
14:1 ›m‡e@ Re@ N¿)Εe@ h¾ ŸA‡e@ W€r‡e
3:164 o¿»Ye@“ KAM»e@ fk¿ÎP“ fkQ½ÁP“
9:103 AkH fkQ½ÁL “ fi€kBL

Isaal al-Thawab is true

9:98 Àm±€e@ Om)Î¥“ Ï@ ¯‡² OAH€¸ ǵ‡P A¾ “°rMP“

51:19 ɓ€Y¿e@“ ŽvAÄÎe ÇX fke@m¾@ R³“
52:21 ÈRÕ h¾ fkο² h¾ A‡Me@ A¾ fkMP›˜ fkH A‡¹Ye@“
4:69 fkQβ Ï@ fË@ hP°e@ `¾ ¼xe)“A³

All Prophets are faultless and sinless

17:65 gABα fkQβ ¼e «Qe SÔAI² g@

38:83 hQ¦Îr¿e@ fk‡¾ žÔAI² ©@
12:53 RH› fX› A¾ ©@ ÈmÄeAH n@€¾© «µ‡e@ g@
53:2 Sm) A¾“ f»IXA¥ Ž… A¾
7:61 Àm±› R‡»e)“ oe–… RH «Qe
6:124 jMeA±› ŽUP QX fΝP Ï@
69:44 ŽP“A¸©@ ÂQH A‡Qβ Àm¹L me
17:74 O¯½ ¯¹e žA‡IL g@ ©me
12:38 ÈRÕ h¾ ÏAH ž€ÖË g@ A‡e gA½ A¾
11:88 f»k)Ë@ A¾ RË@ f»µeAs@ g@ ¯P›@ A¾“
2:124 hQ¿eA•e@ S¯C² ÀA‡P ©
3:33 fQi@€H@ À “ AXmË “ ÉÔ Rµ)B¥@ Ï@ g@
33:21 o‡ÄX nm±@ Ï@ Àm±› R³ f»e gA½ ¯¹e

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The ranks of the Prophet's are different

12:76 ÈAÖË h¾ OAT›Ô `³€L

2:253 fk¡H A‡Î¡³ Ž±€e@ ¼ÎL

In actual Prophethood, the Prophet's are equal

2:285 jα› h¾ ¯X@ hQH d€µË ©

4:152 fk‡¾ ¯X@ hQH @m¸€µP fe“

The animal released in the name of the idols is Halal if slaughtered with the name of Allah

5:103 ©“ n€QYH Ï@ ŽT A¾

8:69 AIQ¬ ©–X fM¿‡ A¿¾ @mλ³
6:145 f²A¬ R)β A¾€Y¾ Re@ RX“@ A¾ R˯T@ © Ž¸
16:116 @°i)“ À–X @°)i KAM»e@ f»M‡Äe@ º¦L A¿e @mem¹L ©“

Animals slaughtered with other than the name of Allah are Haram

2:173 Ï@ €Qbe RH Ži@ A¾“

5:3 J¦‡e@ Rβ [H˜ A¾“

No one has knowledge without Allah's granting

27:65 ś©@“ Om)¿)Äe@ R³ h¾ fΝP © Ž¸

46:9 f»H ©“ RH ŽµP A¾ S›Ô@ A¾“
7:188 €Qre@ h¾ O€»M±© JQbe@ fβ@ N‡½ me“
31:34 JQbe@ fβ@ ©“ o²AÄe@ fβ l¯‡² Ï@ g@
5:109 KmQbe@ ɖ² NË@ ¼Ë@ A‡e fβ ©

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Nothing can happen without the will of Allah Õ

7:188 AµË ©“ @€… Rĵ‡e ¼Î¾@ © Ž¸

12:67 ÈRÕ h¾ Ï@ h¾ f»‡² R‡@ A¾“
2:107 €Q¦Ë ©“ Re“ h¾ Ï@ g“Ô h¾ f»e A¾“
1:4 hQMÄË žAP@ “ ¯IË žAP@
12:68 ÈRÕ h¾ Ï@ h¾ fk‡² R‡bP gA½ A¾

Remembrance of the Mawlid is the practice of Allah Õ

9:128 f»ÄµË@ h¾ Àm±› f½ ÈAT ¯¹e

5:15 hQI¾ KAM½ “ ›mË Ï@ h¾ f½ ÈAT ¯¸
3:164 hQ‡¾m¿e@ Rβ Ï@ h¾ ¯¹e
9:33 S¯)keAH jem±› Ž±›@ S°e@ mi
62:2 ©m±› hQQ¾©@ R³ H S°e@ mi
19:16 fP€¾ KAM»e@ R³ €½˜@“
61:6 ¯¿X@ j¿±@ S¯H h¾ RLAP Àm±€H @€ÖI¾
28:7 jQ…›@ g@ R)±m¾ É@ R)e@ A‡QX“@“
4:174 f»H› h¾ gAi€H f½ ÈAT ¯¸

Knowledge is a blessing of Allah Õ

2:31 Akν ÈA¿Äe@ ÉÔ fβ“

3:18 ÒĹeAH A¿vA¸ fΝe@ @me“@“
20:114 A¿Î² RËÔ­ K› Ž¸“
39:9 gm¿ÎP hP°e@ SmMÄP Ži Ž¸
9:122 hP¯e@ R³ @mk¹µµQe oµvA¬ f»‡¾ o¸€³ Ž½ h¾ €µË ©mγ
18:66 h¿ÎL g@ R)β ¼IL@ Ži
4:113 fΝL h»L fe A¾ ¼¿Î² “
55:1-2 g€¹e@ fβ h¿)X€e@
18:65 A¿Î² A˯e h¾ lA‡¿Î²“
27:16 €QBe@ ÇB‡¾ A‡¿Î²
35:28 ÈA¿Îe@ lÔAI² h¾ Ï@ RÖrP A¿Ë@

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26:197 ŽQv@€±@ R‡H ÈA¿Î² j¿ÎP g@

21:7 gm¿ÎL fM‡½ g@ €½°e@ Ži@ mÎx±A³
2:269 @€Q½ €Qs RL“@ ¯¹³ o¿»Ye@ OmP h¾

Calling the Prophet's 'Bashar' (€ÖH) is the way of the Kuffar

18:33 €ÖIe ¯U± © h½@ fe ÀA¸

23:24 f»Î¾ €ÖH ©@ @°i) A¾
23:33 f»Î¾ @€ÖH fM¬@ hxe
36:15 A‡Î¾ €ÖH ©@ fMË@ A¾ meA¸
64:6 @“€µ»³ A‡Ë“¯kP €ÖH@

Allah Õ cannot lie

4:87 AP¯X Ï@ h¾ d¯¥@ h¾“

4:122 –Q¸ Ï@ h¾ d¯¥@ h¾“
3:9 ÔAQ¿e@ ºÎrP © Ï@ g@
3:194 hQH˜A»e@ Rβ Ï@ o‡e
3:61 hQH˜A»e@ Rβ Ï@ o‡e ŽU‡³

The Sinners avoid punishment by the virtue of the Pious

8:33 fkQ³ NË@ “ fkH°Qe Ï@ gA½ A¾

48:25 @“€µ½ hP°e@ A‡H°e @mÎPÁL me
51:35 hQ‡¾m¿e@ h¾ AkQ³ gA½ h¾ A‡T€sA³
71:27 @›Aµ½ @€TA³ ©@ @“¯ÎP ©“
22:38 @m‡¾ hP°e@ h² `³@¯P Ï@ g@

The Wasila (intermediation) of the Awliya is important

17:57 K€¸@ fkP@ oÎQ±me@ fkH› R)e@ gmbMIP

2:89 @“€µ½ hP°e@ Rβ gmYMµMÄP ŽI¸ h¾ @mËA½“
2:144 AiA…€L oÎI¸ ¼‡Qem‡Î³
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2:37 OA¿Î½ jH› h¾ ÉÔ R)¹ÎM³

7:134 ¼e h‡¾m‡e ÁT€e@ A‡² NµÖ½ hxe
7:134 ŽQv@€±@ R‡H ¼¾ hဇe“
9:103 AkH fkQ½ÁL“ fi€kBL
5:35 @“¯iAT “ oÎQ±me@ jQe@ @mbMH@“
3:38 jH› AP€½­ A²Ô ¼eA‡i
2:61 ś©@ NI‡L A¿¾ A‡e W€rP ¼H› A‡e aÔA³
18:21 @¯U± fkQβ g°rM‡e
3:164 o¿»Ye@“ KAM»e@ fk¿ÎP “ fkQ½ÁP“

All things are permissible in the first instant (oXAH©@ ÈAQÕ©@ R³ Ž¥©@)

2:29 AQ¿T ś©@ R³ A¾ f»e ÇÎs

6:145 A¾€Y¾ Re@ ś©@ R³ ¯T@ © Ž¸
66:1 ¼e Ï@ ŽX@ A¾ ɀYL fe
5:101 f½ ÈmÄL f»e ¯IL g@ ÈAQÕ@ h² @mÎxÄL ©
6:119 f»Qβ ɀX A¾ f»e Ž¦³ ¯¸“
6:140 È@€M³@ Ï@ fk¸­› A¾ @m¾€X“
6:142 Ï@ f»¸­› A¿¾ @mν
6:144 hQQË©@ É@ ɀX hP€½°e@ È) Ž¸
6:150 @°i) ɀX Ï@ g@ g“¯kÖP hP°e@ f½ È@¯kÕ fÎi Ž¸
7:32 Ï@ o‡P­ ɀX h¾ Ž¸
5:87 Ï@ ŽX@ A¾ NI)Q¬ m¾€YL ©

Imparting of the soul is for everyone

39:30 gmMQ¾ fkË@“ NQ¾ ¼Ë@

3:144 ŽM¸ d@ OA¾ g ÈA³@
3:185 Om¿e@ o¹v@˜ «µË Ž½
55:26 gA³ AkQβ h¾ Ž½
21:34 g“¯Îr)e@ fk³ N¾ g ÈA³@

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Some people take misguidance from the Qur'an

2:26 @€Q½ jH Ž¡P

5:64 @€µ½ “ AËAQb¬ ¼H› h¾ ¼Qe@ ÀÁË@ A¾ fk‡¾ @€Q½ g¯PÁQe“
43:52 AËÔAI² h¾ ÈAÖË h¾ RH S¯kË
74:31 ÈAÖP h¾ Ï@ Ž¡P ¼e@°½

The Prophet Muhammad 

 only gives guidance

23:73 fQ¹Mľ Ñ@€¥ R)e@ fim²¯Me ¼Ë@“

42:52 fQ¹Mľ Ñ@€¥ R)e@ S¯kMe ¼Ë@“
33:46 @€Q‡¾ AT@€±“ j˘AH Ï@ Re@ AQ²@ԓ
3:164 o¿»Ye@“ KAM»e@ fk¿ÎP“ fkQ½ÁP“
14:1 ›m‡e@ Re@ N¿)Εe@ h¾ ŸA‡e@ W€rMe

The soul permanently leaving the body is for the Awliya - They are alive

2:154 AQX@ ŽH O@m¾@ Ï@ ŽQI± R³ ŽM¹P h¿e @mem¹L ©“

3:169 AL@m¾@ Ï@ ŽQI± R³ @mÎM¸ hP°e@ hIÄYL ©“
34:14 ś©@ oH@Ô ©@ jLm¾ R)β fke)ÔA¾
33:53 jT@“­@ @mY»‡L g@ ©“
43:45 ¼ÎI¸ h¾ A‡Î±›@ h¾ Žx±@“
3:170 @m¹YÎP fe hP°eAH g“€ÖIMÄP“
32:23 jvA¹e h¾ oP€¾ R³ h»L –³

Elderly women are given children by the Du'a of the Pious

3:40 €¸A² RL@€¾@“ €I»e@ R‡bÎH “ fÎ) Re gm»P R)Ë@ K› ÀA¸

15:54 g“€ÖIL fI³ €I»e@ R‡Ä¾ g@ R)β RËm¿L€ÖH@ ÀA¸
37:99-100 jË)€ÖI³ hQYeA¦e@ h¾ Re Ji K›
11:72 ArQÕ RΝH @°i) “ ­mU² AË@“ ¯e@ È
3:36 fQT€e@ hB QÖe@ h¾ AkMP›˜“ ¼H Ai °Q²@ RË@“
19:7 R)QYP j¿±@ g fÎ)bH ž€ÖIË AË@ AP€½ÁP)
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The Prophet's have authority of Shar'i rulings

3:50 f»Qβ ɀX S°e@ H f»e ŽX©“

7:157 vAIre@ fkQβ ɀYP
9:29 jem±›“ Ï@ ɀX A¾ gm¾€YP ©“
7:157 fkQβ NËA½ RMe@ À–©@“ fi€¥@ fk‡² `¡P“

To join Allah and His Prophet's is belief

4:59 Àm±€e@ @mQ¬@“ Ï@ @mQ¬@

33:71 ­A³ ¯¹³ jem±› “ Ï@ `BP h¾
9:62 lm…€P g@ ÇX@ jem±› “ Ï@“
9:74 jΡ³ h¾ jem±› “ Ï@ fk‡)@ g@
9:80 jem±›“ ÏAH @“€µ½
4:100 jem±› “ Ï@ Re@ @€TAk¾ jMQH h¾ W€rP h¾“
9:105 jem±› “ f»Î¿² Ï@ S€Qij
49:1 jem±›“ Ï@ S¯P hQH @m¾¯¹L ©
9:59 jem±› “ Ï@ fkL) A¾ @m…› fkË@ me“
9:59 jem±› “ jΡ³ h¾ Ï@ A‡QLmQ±
33:29 jem±› “ Ï@ gԀL hM‡½ g@“
33:37 jQβ N¿Ë@ “ jQβ Ï@ fË@
33:36 @€¾@ jem±› “ Ï@ R¡¸ @˜@

To separate Allah and His Prophet's is Kufr

4:150 jem±›“ Ï@ hQH @m¸€µL g@ g“¯P€P“

The Shar'i rulings do not apply to the insane

4:43 S€)»)± fMË@“ nm)Φe@ mH€¹L ©

7:150 jQe@ l€YP jQs@ Ÿ@€H °s@ “ _@me©@ R¹e@“
7:143 A¹¥ R)±m¾ €s“
12:31 hkP¯P@ hB¸“
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Ba'yah is important - On Qiyamah, people will be with their leader

11:98 o¿Q)¹e@ ÉmP j¾m¸ ɯ¹P

17:71 fk¾A¾AH ŸAË@ Ž½ @m²¯Ë ÉmP
48:10 Ï@ gmPAIP A¿Ë@ ¼ËmPAIP hP°e@ g@
48:18 ¼ËmPAIP @˜@ hQ‡¾m¿e@ h² Ï@ R…› ¯¹e
60:12 ¼‡)PAIP N‡)¾m¿e@ ž ÈAT @˜@

Some people are in charge of Takweeni Ahkam by the will of Allah Õ

79:5 @€¾@ O@€H¯¿eA³

38:36 l€¾AH S€UL [P€e@ je Aˀrij
20:97 ŸAľ © Àm¹L g@ nm)QYe@ R³ ¼e gA³ Ji˜A³ ÀA¸
19:25 oÎr‡e@ aÁUH ¼Qe@ SÁi“
3:49 Ï@ g˜AH R)Lm¿e@ RX@“
Shi'a is the name given to Kafir and treacherous nations

28:4 AQÕ AkÎi@ ŽT“ ś©@ R³ –² gm²€³ g@

6:159 AQÕ @mËA½“ fk‡PÔ @m¸€³ hP°e@ g@
6:65 AQÕ f»ÄIÎP “@
30:32 AQÕ @mËA½“ fk‡PÔ @m¸€³ hP°e@ h¾ hQ½€Ö¿e@ h¾ @mËm»L ©“
34:54 JP€¾ ¼Õ R³ @mËA½ fkË@ ŽI¸ h¾ fk²AQÕAH Ž³ A¿½
55:51 f»²AQÕ@ A‡»Îi@ ¯¹e“
37:83 fQi@€H© oQÕ h¾ g@“
19:69 ¯Õ@ fkP@ oQÕ Ž½ h¾ h²°‡‡e f

The Awliya are the owners of and have authority of Allah's domain by the will of Allah Õ

3:26 ÈAÖL h¾ ¼Î¿e@ RLmL ¼Î¿e@ ¼eA¾ fkÎ)e@ ÀA¸

38:36 KA¥@ QX ÈAs› l€¾AH S€UL [P€e@ je Aˀrij
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This booklet is available at www.aqdas.co.uk

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The veil is necessary for women

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The dead become alive due to the Du'a of the Pious

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