Bruner On Knowing

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Bruner on Knowing as a Process and Not a Product

Bruner's statement about delivering instruction is not limited to providing the facts but to
encourage the learner to participate in the knowledge-getting process. The learner then
becomes active in constructing knowledge. His statement satisfies some of the principles
of Constructivism such as learning is an active process, the crucial action of constructing
meaning is mental, and learning is not the passive acceptance of knowledge which exists
"out there." (Kaplan, 2004)

In Constructivism, spoon-feeding of facts and memorization are avoided. Instead, the

learners are guided to seek the answers. In this manner, the learners will have a better
understanding of the concepts.

I would like to cite a learning experience in the way Bruner describes the learning process
through modes of representation - inactive, iconic, and symbolic. Enactive is expressing
through movement such as demonstrations, iconic is the use of images, and symbolic is
the use of symbol systems such as mathematical formula, language, and musical notation.
(Arinto, 2010)

One lesson in Statistics, for example, is the standard deviation. For enactive
representation, the teacher or a computer-based learning program would provide a
demonstration on how to get the standard deviation given a set of data. The sequence
may be long but it is necessary in order for the student to understand. Sometimes the
learner will also be asked to compute for each segment. The computations for each
segment would usually involve the basic operations such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division.

(Source: Microsoft Clip Art Gallery)
Online Learners/Distance Education
(Source: Microsoft Clip Art Gallery)

In iconic representation, there is the use of diagrams, charts, graphs, and pictures to
represent the concept. Standard deviation is usually represented with a bell curve.




0 5 10 15 20
Bell Curve
(Source: Google Images)

Lastly, in symbolic representation, the different segments may be represented by a

mathematical formula. Instead of tabulating and counting a thousand data, a formula is
used to shorten the process.

(Source: Google Images)
(Source: Microsoft Clip Art Gallery)

The learning process is not done in a passive manner. The learners are asked to compute
for each segment until they can derive the standard deviation from a given set of data. The
learners are also given exercises and assignments before the mid-term and final exams.

Independent Learner
(Source: Microsoft Clip Art Gallery)


Arinto, Patricia (2010). Module 6: Constructivist Theories of Learning. In Learning Theories

and Instructional Design in Distance Education. University of the Philippines Open

Bruner, Jerome S. (1966). Toward a Theory of Instruction. MA: President and Fellows of
Harvard College

Pierce, Andy. Bruner-Theory of Learning. Retrieved October 15, 2010 from http://

Kaplan, Eitan (2004). Principles of Constructivism. Retrieved October 15, 2010 from http:// principles.htm

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