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There are three interesting sites that can be really useful for all those teachers who are
interested in innovation in their classroom.

ICT4LT Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for Language Teachers

This site is very innovative because it helps to learn technology and at the same time how
to apply it in the teaching language. This site is great for those teachers without previous
knowledge in technology. It is divided in three modules, basic, intermediate, advanced, it
also has an additional module that discuss the pros and cons of different types of CAA
(Computer Aided assessment including a look at the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages (CEFR) and the detection of plagiarism.

The main aim of this program is to introduce teachers to new technologies and to present
the arguments for using them in the language classroom. The module 1 includes a
discussion on the effectiveness of new technologies as learning and teaching aids also
how ICT can be integrated into teaching modern foreign languages.

Technology integration and adult learning

This presentation describes the difference between the digital natives and digital
immigrants. It also explains the process of adult learning about ICTE through thinking,
applying, experiencing and reflecting process. At the same time show how to help faculty
and students benefit from technologies and the importance of group interaction.

Technology integration and adult learning

English Language Space Station

This site offers a variety of activities for teachers to apply in the classroom. It can be a
good way to apply technology and at the same time to make the class more creative. You
can find a sort of topic lesson to use in reading, grammar, writing, also punctuation tasks,
connect the word order, typing tasks, how to make a poster, how to make a menu, watch
videos, ESOL exercises, worksheet, etc.

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