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tutorial 13 q4

Q4. Identify and briefly explain the

causes of Trade Dispute

“Any dispute between an employer and his workers

which is connected with the employment or non-
employment or the terms of employment or the
condition of work of any such worker.’’

•Example: dismissed without just cause or excuse ,clashing

interest or unfair disciplinary action
tutorial 13 q4

Causes of a trade dispute :

•An individual who has a grievance

•A difference of opinions between a union and an employer

as to the appropriate terms and condition of service

•A difference of opinion as to the interpretation of a collective


•The non- implementation of an agreement or award

tutorial 13 q4

•An individual who has a grievance

Worker’s complaint
Is represented by his union
Who has exhausted the grievance procedure without getting
satisfactory result
For examples: A time limit will be provided to ensure no manager “sit
on” the complaints. If the supervisor is unable to satisfactorily settle the
grievance, it will be passed up to a higher level until it is finally either
settled or the union takes it as a dispute.
tutorial 13 q4

• A difference of opinions between a union and an employ

er as to the appropriate terms and condition of service
 For example, the Supreme Court has ruled that the Industrial Co
urt cannot order an employer to implement a check-off agreeme
nt. Thus, issues which are not connected specifically with the wa
ges or terms of employement of workers are not considered a tr
ade dispute.
tutorial 13 q4

• A difference of opinion as to the interpretation of a collec

tive agreement
 Conflict between an employer and his employees is an inherent
possibility given that they have clashing interests

• The non- implementation of an agreement or award

 Disciplinary action taken by the employer may be considered un
fair or unwarranted

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