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A 23 year old primi came in labor

She was admitted to the labor ward for further observation, she was given a dose of arnica as she
complained of soreness

She progressed well for some time but as afternoon approached the pains persisted but were not
strong enough she allowed P.v.examination with great difficulty and that made assessment of progress

By 4 pm she had strong contractions and was taken to the labor room for examination, now the
dilatation was full and the head fixed .

The pains intensified and she started screaming and shouting, when I went to examine and pacify her
she shouted Dr do something immediately I cannot tolerate this I am going to die.

Every attempt by the nurse to pacify her would result in abusive replies

She was given chamomilla 1 m one dose.

Within few minutes of the dose she quieted and there was favorable progress, she delivered normally in
the next 20 minutes

On asking her experience after the whole process , she said, the first doses that you gave me only
increased my pain till a stage came where I could not bear it anymore so I was shouting and screaming ,
internally there was a feeling that the baby was not moving in the right direction so I was feeling
irritated and wanted things to go well, the nurse was trying to tell me to be quiet but how is it possible
with so much of pain? So I was screaming at her ,but then after the dose (chamomilla) I felt that the
energy inside me started flowing through a proper channel I could tolerate the pain much better and
concentrate on the process this really helped me to give birth to my baby

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