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american highway safety indian road safety taffic safety aashto nchrp nhtsa school safety general safety aaa traffic safety ADTSEA road safety foundation road safety organisation national road safety nhtsa national safety american highway indian highway auto safety automobile safety parents children road accident prevention tips road safety accident control child helmet india indian government slide share powerpoint This slide is

dedicated to Beijing Olympics in China.presentation china Chinese tipps pareting accident pictures, causes of road accidents, road safety

More than 1,200,000

people are killed
in Road Accidents
worldwide, every year.

Download and share the following Tips

to save thousands of lives.
Steps to be taken for
Preventing Road Accidents
( Printable version can be found towards the end of this Slide)
how to
how to prevent
prevent road
road accidents,
accidents, road
road safety
safety tips,
tips, how
how to
to reduce
reduce accidents,
accidents, how
how to
to save
save lives,
lives, parenting
parenting tips,
tips, child
child safety
safety tips,
tips, how
how to
to bring
bring up
up children,
children, child
child character
character formation,
formation, school
school project,
project, road
road safety
sa fety project
safety project

• Most important method to bring down

accidents is strict enforcement of speed
limits. 90 % of accidents can be avoided by
strict enforcement of speed limits.
• Heavy Penalty should be imposed on ALL
those who cross speed limits. If this is
strictly implemented, nobody will dare to go
at high speed.

• Existing speed limits should be brought

down further.
• Heavy penalty should be imposed for those
who cause accidents.
• Tamper proof speed controllers should be
made mandatory for all heavy vehicles. New
heavy vehicles should have built in tamper
proof speed controllers.
• Two wheeler manufacturers should be asked
to design two wheelers with a designed
maximum possible speed of (say) 50/60
kmph. This limit may be decided based on
the conditions of each country.
• New gadgets are to be developed for
collision prevention and should be fitted on
all vehicle. Research organizations should be
asked to develop such gadgets on a war
footing. For example,
example, gadgets can be
developed to automatically slow down the
vehicle, if safe distance commensurate with
the speed of the vehicle in front is not
maintained. Gadgets can be developed for
warning the driver, if the driver sleeps.
• Diving tests for issue of Driving
Driving license is to
be made more stringent and foolproof.
• Lower age limit for two wheeler and Heavy
Vehicle license should be raised to 21.
• Helmet should be made compulsory by law
in all countries, OR impose a lower speed
limit for those who do not use helmet.
helmet. Issue
of Helmet should be made mandatory with
the sale of each two wheeler.
• Helmet should be made compulsory for back
seat riders also.
• Ensure that all Helmet users are fixing the
Chinstrap of Helmet. Otherwise it will not
help during an accident.
• Ensure that ONLY good quality Helmets that
meet standard specifications are available in
the market.
• Existing traffic rules should be strictly
• Law should be modified such that the
person who makes the accident has to bear
(say) 0 to 10 % of the
the insurance claims,
depending on severity of negligence. Also
the compensations should be made very
huge, making accidents unaffordable so that
everyone will be very vigilant.
• All those who do not maintain the safe
distance for the speed should be punished.
• Safety awareness should begin from
childhood, as it is difficult to impart
awareness to a grown up a human. If safety
awareness is imparted at childhood, safety
will be a habit.
• Video and Computer games that simulate
Motor Racing should be banned by
Government OR discouraged by parents as it
will develop racing habit in children.
• All sorts of Motor sports, especially racing
should be banned by government. Telecast
of Motor Sports and Racing also should be
• Racing, over speed / highly risky riding,
driving by Heroes should not be filmed in
cinemas and TV serials. Children are likely
to imitate the same. Statutory warning will
no help. Government should censor such
• Advertisements by automobile companies
which include scenes of dangerous and
and risky
riding or driving should be banned.
Youngsters are likely to imitate the same.
Statutory warnings will not help. Such ads
will result in irreparable character formation
regarding riding and driving in kids and
children. Such children may make accidents
in future.
• Children below a certain age should not be
permitted to do cycling in busy roads and in
roads where heavy vehicles are plying.
• Refreshment parlors should be made
available at every 50 / 100 k.m. on all
highways and important roads. Truck,
Truck, Heavy
vehicle drivers should be forced to refresh
by having a face wash or by having a cup of
tea or coffee.
• The practice of keeping the traffic signals in
standby mode during nights and on holidays
is to be reviewed and discontinued.
• Advertisement boards and other items that
may obstruct visibility at junctions,
curvatures and other parts of the roads
should be removed immediately.
• Ensure that the money recovered as Road
Tax is fully utilised for the construction and
maintenance of roads.
• Time Punching
Punching of Private buses practiced in
some regions should be discontinued as it is
forcing the drivers to go at high speed, after
traffic blocks.
• Newspaper, Television and other media
should be effectively used for Public Safety
• Major accidents and
and accident prone areas
should be analysed scientifically.
• Speed should be restricted at accident prone
• More stringent traffic rules should be
• License of those who are involved in
accidents should be suspended immediately,
at least until they
they prove that they are not
• License of those who make serious accidents
should be cancelled immediately.
• All the roads should be maintained properly.
Permanent contracts or arrangements
should be in place for maintaining all roads
in good condition
condition 24 hours a day, 365 days
an year. If a gutter is repaired in time it can
save a life !!!
• Health of vehicles should be strictly
• Eyes of old aged driving license holders
should be checked at regular intervals.
• License of drunkard drivers and riders
should be cancelled immediately.
• Judicial Commissions should be setup to
monitor steps taken to control road
accidents and to monitor the accident rates
on a weekly basis.
• One way traffic should be implemented in all
roads as far as possible. Roads should
should be
widened wherever required. Curvatures
should be minimised. Medians should be
constructed in roads with two way traffic.
• Footpaths and medians should be made
mandatory for all important roads and for all
new roads.
• Zebra crossings should be provided
provided for
pedestrians for safe road crossings at
appropriate places.
• Signals for road crossings should be
provided at important and busy places
where a large number of people have to
cross the road everyday.
• Roads should be properly marked. Sign
posts should
should be provided wherever required.
• Humps should be provided at all important
places, accident prone areas. Humps should
be made mandatory for all sub roads where
it enters a main road.
• Construction, size and shape of the Humps
should be scientific. All the
the Contractors of
the Public Works and other departments
should be provided with the details of
scientific Hump construction.
• Humps should be clearly marked, to avoid
accidents. Methods of permanent nature
should be followed in Hump marking. For
example white
white marble pieces / white color /
fluorescent pigment can be used.
• Provision of small pilot humps few meters
before humps can also be considered to
ensure that humps are not left unnoticed.
• Obstructions on road sides caused by
unauthorised construction and
and road side
sales should be eliminated completely.
• Visibility should be increased near
curvatures. Sometimes, even cutting of
grass to increase visibility can help save
many lives.
• Road Safety Day / Road Safety Week should
be observed in all Schools, every
every year.
Competitions on Road Safety Tips, Slogans,
Essays, Paintings etc. should be conducted
for students of various classes.
• School Buses should be painted with Bright
Yellow color.
• Let ‘Road Safety’ be a mandatory topic for
School Projects for all classes,
classes, every year.
• A small pool of water or a hanging branch of
tree on roadsides can cause accidents as
such obstructions will make the pedestrians
and drivers to take sudden LATERAL
movement and result in accidents. Hence
any obstruction on road sides which
which can
cause a LATERAL movement should be
rectified immediately.
• Black color should not be permitted for
Cycles. Default color for Cycles should be
changed to Yellow.

• Automobile and cycle manufacturers should

be asked to stop producing black and dark
vehicles. Yellow or other bright colored
vehicles should be produced instead.
• Front and Back of Lorries and Trucks should
be painted with bright Yellow color to
increase visibility. This will help to prevent
collisions while Lorries and Trucks are
parked on roadside without parking lights
switched on.

• Reflectors should be fixed on Front and Back

of Trucks and Lorries.
• Accident statistics should be periodically
reviewed to understand the effect of actions
taken. Corrective steps should be taken
based on these reviews.

• Attention distracting Hoardings, banners,

posters, advertisements etc should be
banned near roads and highways.
• Default color of Helmets should be changed
to Yellow to reduce accidents by increased
visibility. Black and dark colors should
should not
be permitted.
• All automobile manufacturers should be
asked to strengthen safety standards of
vehicles by improved design. It is to be noted
here that in the series of collisions of 200 plus
vehicles at Dubai in 2008, only few people were
killed. This is because of the high safety standards.
• All models of vehicles should be issued a
international safety rating number ( say from
1 to 100 ) based on their safety features,
design, build, color etc. Vehicle
manufacturers will compete to improve the
safety to get top ranking. This will
ultimately result in saving of many lives.
Customers can easily select the safest
vehicle based on safety number.
• Parking near curvatures should be strictly
• Road crossing near curvatures should be
made punishable.
• And, last but not least, share this
documents with all your friends, relatives,
colleagues, other contacts, government
officials and voluntary organisations to save
many lives.
If you find this documentation useful for saving lives,
please share it with your friends, relatives and other contacts
by forwarding the document
after downloading from this site.

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Printable version of the document follows:

If you need a printout of the Tips,

Print next FOUR Pages only after downloading.

Steps to be taken for Preventing Road Accidents

1. Most important method to bring down accidents is strict enforcement of speed limits. 90 % of accidents can be
avoided by strict enforcement of speed limits.
2. Heavy Penalty should be imposed on ALL those who cross speed limits. If this is strictly implemented,
implemented, nobody will
dare to go at high speed.
3. Existing speed limits should be brought down further.
4. Heavy penalty should be imposed for those who cause accidents.
5. Tamper proof speed controllers should be made mandatory for all heavy vehicles. New heavy vehicles
vehicles should have
built in tamper proof speed controllers.
6. Two wheeler manufacturers should be asked to design two wheelers with a designed maximum possible speed of
(say) 50/60 kmph. This limit may be decided based on the conditions of each country.
7. New gadgets
gadgets are to be developed for collision prevention and should be fitted on all vehicle. Research
organizations should be asked to develop such gadgets on a war footing. For example, gadgets can be developed
to automatically slow down the vehicle, if safe distance
distance commensurate with the speed of the vehicle in front is not
maintained. Gadgets can be developed for warning the driver, if the driver sleeps.
8. Diving tests for issue of Driving license is to be made more stringent and foolproof.
9. Lower age limit for two wheeler and Heavy Vehicle license should be raised to 21.
10. Helmet should be made compulsory by law in all countries, OR impose a lower speed limit for those who do not
use helmet. Issue of Helmet should be made mandatory with the sale of each two whee ler.
11. Helmet should be made compulsory for back seat riders also.
12. Ensure that all Helmet users are fixing the Chinstrap of Helmet. Otherwise it will not help during an accident.
13. Ensure that ONLY good quality Helmets that meet standard specifications are available
available in the market.
14. Existing traffic rules should be strictly enforced.
15. Law should be modified such that the person who makes the accident has to bear (say) 0 to 10 % of the insurance
claims, depending on severity of negligence. Also the compensations should be made very huge, making
accidents unaffordable so that everyone will be very vigilant.
16. All those who do not maintain the safe distance for the speed should be punished.
17. Safety awareness should begin from childhood, as it is difficult to impart awareness
awareness to a grown up a human. If
safety awareness is imparted at childhood, safety will be a habit.
18. Video and Computer games that simulate Motor Racing should be banned by Government OR discouraged by
parents as it will develop racing habit in children.
19. All sorts of Motor sports, especially racing should be banned by government. Telecast of Motor Sports and Racing
also should be banned.
20. Racing, over speed / highly risky riding, driving by Heroes should not be filmed in cinemas and TV serials.
Children are
are likely to imitate the same. Statutory warning will no help. Government should censor such scenes.
21. Advertisements by automobile companies which include scenes of dangerous and risky riding or driving should
be banned. Youngsters are likely to imitate the
the same. Statutory warnings will not help. Such ads will result in
irreparable character formation regarding riding and driving in kids and children. Such children may make
accidents in future.
22. Children below a certain age should not be permitted to do cycling
cycling in busy roads and in roads where heavy
vehicles are plying.
23. Refreshment parlors should be made available at every 50 / 100 k.m. on all highways and important roads.
Truck, Heavy vehicle drivers should be forced to refresh by having a face wash or by having a cup of tea or
24. The practice of keeping the traffic signals in standby mode during nights and on holidays is to be reviewed and
25. Advertisement boards and other items that may obstruct visibility at junctions, curvatures and
and other parts of the
roads should be removed immediately.
26. Ensure that the money recovered as Road Tax is fully utilised for the construction and maintenance of roads.
27. Time Punching of Private buses practiced in some regions should be discontinued as it is forcing the drivers to go
at high speed, after traffic blocks.
28. Newspaper, Television and other media should be effectively used for Public Safety Awareness.
29. Major accidents and accident prone areas should be analysed scientifically.
30. Speed should be restricted
restricted at accident prone areas.
31. More stringent traffic rules should be enacted.
32. License of those who are involved in accidents should be suspended immediately, at least until they prove that
they are not guilty.
33. License of those who make serious accidents
accidents should be cancelled immediately.
34. All the roads should be maintained properly. Permanent contracts or arrangements should be in place for
maintaining all roads in good condition 24 hours a day, 365 days an year. If a gutter is repaired in time it can
save a life !!!
35. Health of vehicles should be strictly enforced.
36. Eyes of old aged driving license holders should be checked at regular intervals.
37. License of drunkard drivers and riders should be cancelled immediately.
38. Judicial Commissions should be setup to monitor steps taken to control road accidents and to monitor the
accident rates on a weekly basis.
39. One way traffic should be implemented in all roads as far as possible. Roads should be widened wherever
required. Curvatures should be minimised. Medians
Medians should be constructed in roads with two way traffic.
40. Footpaths and medians should be made mandatory for all important roads and for all new roads.
41. Zebra crossings should be provided for pedestrians for safe road crossings at appropriate places.
42. Signals
Signals for road crossings should be provided at important and busy places where a large number of people have
to cross the road everyday.
43. Roads should be properly marked. Sign posts should be provided wherever required.
44. Humps should be provided at all important
important places, accident prone areas. Humps should be made mandatory for
all sub roads where it enters a main road.
45. Construction, size and shape of the Humps should be scientific. All the Contractors of the Public Works and other
departments should be provided with the details of scientific Hump construction.
46. Humps should be clearly marked, to avoid accidents. Methods of permanent nature should be followed in Hump
marking. For example white marble pieces / white color / fluorescent pigment can be used.
47. Provision
Provision of small pilot humps few meters before humps can also be considered to ensure that humps are not left
48. Obstructions on road sides caused by unauthorised construction and road side sales should be eliminated
49. Visibility should be increased
increased near curvatures. Sometimes, even cutting of grass to increase visibility can help
save many lives.
50. Road Safety Day / Road Safety Week should be observed in all Schools, every year. Competitions on Road Safety
Tips, Slogans, Essays, Paintings etc.
etc. should be conducted for students of various classes.
51. School Buses should be painted with Bright Yellow color.
52. Let ‘Road Safety’ be a mandatory topic for School Projects for all classes, every year.
53. A small pool of water or a hanging branch of tree on roadsides
roadsides can cause accidents as such obstructions will
make the pedestrians and drivers to take sudden LATERAL movement and result in accidents. Hence any
obstruction on road sides which can cause a LATERAL movement should be rectified immediately.
54. Black color
color should not be permitted for Cycles. Default color for Cycles should be changed to Yellow.
55. Automobile and cycle manufacturers should be asked to stop producing black and dark vehicles. Yellow or other
bright colored vehicles should be produced instead.
56. Front and Back of Lorries and Trucks should be painted with bright Yellow color to increase visibility. This will
help to prevent collisions while Lorries and Trucks are parked on roadside without parking lights switched on.
57. Reflectors should be fixed on Front and Back of Trucks and Lorries.
58. Accident statistics should be periodically reviewed to understand the effect of actions taken. Corrective steps
should be taken based on these reviews.
59. Attention distracting Hoardings, banners, posters, advertisements
advertisements etc should be banned near roads and
60. Default color of Helmets should be changed to Yellow to reduce accidents by increased visibility. Black and dark
colors should not be permitted.
61. All automobile manufacturers should be asked to strengthen safety
safety standards of vehicles by improved design. It
is to be noted here that in the series of collisions of 200 plus vehicles at Dubai in 2008, only few people were
killed. This is because of the high safety standards.
62. Parking near curvatures should be strictly
strictly prohibited.
63. Road crossing near curvatures should be made punishable.
64. All models of vehicles should be issued a international safety rating number ( say from 1 to 100 ) based on their
safety features, design, build, color etc. Vehicle manufacturers will compete to improve the safety to get top
ranking. This will ultimately result in saving of many lives. Customers can easily select the safest vehicle based
on safety number.
65. And, last but not least, share this documents with all your friends, relatives,
relatives, colleagues, other contacts,
government officials and voluntary organisations to save many lives.
Road Safety tips for Parents, Teachers and Children
1. Safety awareness should begin from childhood, as it is difficult to impart awareness to a grown up
human. If safety awareness is imparted in childhood, safety will be a habit. So impart Road Safety and
General Safety awareness to your children during childhood itself, preferably before the age of six.
2. Video and Computer games that simulate racing should be discouraged by parents as it will develop
irreparable racing habit in children.
3. Don’t allow your children to watch Motor sports, especially racing.
4. Cinema, Serials and Advertisements involving Racing, over speed / highly risky riding etc should be
watched by children ONLY with Parental Guidance. Warn them about it’s dangers when they are small
kids itself. Parents should take such scenes as an opportunity to guide them properly.
5. Children below a certain age should not be permitted to do cycling in busy roads and in roads where
heavy vehicles are plying.
6. Parents of children residing near busy roads should keep the Gates closed always.
7. Do not give cycles and two wheelers to your children until they are mentally mature enough.
8. Ensure that children use Helmet while using Two Wheelers.
9. Back seat riders also should use Helmet.
10. If Helmet is not available do not accept the offer for a lift.
11. Don’t forget to fix the Chinstrap of your Helmet. Otherwise it will not help during an accident.
12. Ensure that your Helmet is of good quality meeting standard specifications. Otherwise replace it
13. Most important method to prevent road accidents is restriction of speed.
speed 90 % of accidents can be
avoided by limiting speeds.
14. Always maintain safe distance with the vehicle in front.
15. Don’t let your children to use mobile phones while driving / riding.
16. Ask your children to avoid Mobile phone while walking, driving, riding on the road.
17. Ask your children to avoid FM Radio, Media Players etc. while walking, driving, riding on the road.
18. When your family is planning a new car, go for a yellow or other bright colored one. Sometimes, it may
help in averting an accident because of it’s high viability, Avoid the black and dark colors as far as
19. Buy ONLY yellow or bright colored cycle for your children.
20. Let the preferred color for two-wheeler also be yellow.
21. Never drink and drive. Somebody is waiting for you at home.
22. Never use mobile phones while driving, riding.
23. Avoid long trips during night, as far as possible.
24. Insist that your child uses bright colored dresses, if your child is going for an early morning walk or
cycling or walking on a road during night or if the lighting is poor due to mist or some other reason.
25. If you are driving at night, get refreshed at regular intervals by having a face wash or by having a cup
of Coffee or Tea. Some of the co-passengers should ensure that you are awake.
26. There is a practice of keeping the traffic signals in standby mode during nights and on holidays. It is
highly risky, hence be extra cautious at junctions with signal system in standby mode.
27. Advertisement boards and other items may obstruct visibility at junctions, curvatures and other parts
of the roads. Hence be cautious about them.
28. Old age drivers should checkup their eyes periodically.
29. A small pool of water or a hanging branch of tree or rope or cable on roadside can cause accident, as
such obstructions will make the pedestrians and drivers to take sudden LATERAL movement. Drivers and
Pedestrians should not make sudden lateral movement.
30. Restrict speed at known accident prone areas.
31. Check up your vehicle regularly and especially before long journey.
32. Teach your children to look behind before making any lateral movement while walking on the road. Let
them make it a habit so that they will do it automatically before making any lateral movement.
33. Children playing ball games like Football, Cricket, Tennis etc. near Roads are likely to run across the
road carelessly to pick the ball as the ball goes out of the field. Strict instructions should be given to
children to be very careful while crossing the road to pick the ball.
34. Small children have a tendency to run across or along the roads, all of a sudden on seeing their
parents, siblings, friends or relatives etc. Hence small children should be given strict instructions not to
do that. Also try to avoid such circumstances on roads as far as possible. For example when children
return from school, we should reach the bus stop in advance to pick them to home. If we reach the Bus
stop late, children may run on seeing us from far.
35. When you are walking with small children on road side, hold on their hand. It should not be the other
way ie. Don't let the children to hold on your hand.
36. While walking with children on road side, keep the children on the outer side of the road. You should
be in the inner side.
37. Let ‘Road Safety’ be a mandatory topic for School Projects for all classes, every year.
38. Road Safety Day / Road Safety Week should be observed in all Schools, every year. Competitions on
Road Safety Tips, Slogans, Essays, Paintings etc should be conducted for students of various classes.
39. Road Safety Clubs and Forums should be formed in all Schools.
40. School Buses should be painted with Bright Yellow color.
41. Significant portion of School Uniform should be of bright colors like yellow, red, green, orange etc.
White is also ok. Idea is to increase visibility while crossing the road or walking on road side. The bright
colors will ensure visibility even under low lighting conditions. If the current school uniform is of dark
colors like gray, brown, dark blue etc., School authorities may change the uniform at the next
42. Avoid driving if you are experiencing excessive sneezing.
43. Do not drive after taking sleep inducing tablets like anti-histamines, anti-allergic, anti-depressants
44. Buy only bright colored dresses for your children. Sometimes, this may help in averting an accident.
Never select black or dark color dresses for your children.
45. Better use a Yellow colored Helmet.
46. Small children may sleep while traveling by two wheelers. Hence ensure that they are awake while
traveling by two wheelers.
47. There are certain types of two wheelers which do not require a valid license for use. This nonsense of
the authorities should not be a valid reason to risk the safety of your children.
48. Learn driving from the best reputed diving school in your neighborhood.
49. Never bribe to acquire a driving license for you or your children. Do not use shortcut methods to get
50. Appear for driving test after you are fully convinced and confident
51. Do not park vehicles near curvature.
52. Do not attempt to cross the road near curvature.
School authorities can share the above tips by:

a) Discussing the tips in Parent Teacher meetings.

b) Discussing it in School Assembly / Class
Class Rooms.
c) Printing the tips in School diary every year (next year onwards ).
d) Printing the tips in School Magazine.
e) Announcing one Tip each day under the head Tip of the Day.
f) Displaying the tips in special Notice Board in easily visible large
large letter.
g) Displaying the tips in all Class Rooms / Walls of School Building.
h) Printing and distributing the Tips among Parents / Children.
i) Forwarding the mail to neighboring schools, Parents , Teachers etc.
More than 1,200,000 people are killed
killed in
Road Accidents worldwide, every year.

Let us help to prevent road accidents by downloading and

sharing this document with Parents,
Teachers, Students, Children,
Friends, Relatives, Colleagues and other contacts.


Send your valuable feedbacks and suggestions to
Let us help to save thousands of lives
by submitting this document to
local authorities,
State and Union Governments,
Police Officials,
Home and Public Works Departments,
NGOs like Rotary, Lions clubs etc.

eijing Olympics in China. This slide is dedicated to Beijing Olympics in China. This slide is dedicated to Beijing Olympics in China. This slide is dedicated to Beijing Olympics in China. This slide is dedicated to Beijing Olympics in China.

This slide is dedicated to aiswarya rai, susmitha sen,amithab bachchan, sharuk khan and other bollywood stars , sachin tendulkar,kapil dev, gavaskar, dhoni, ganguli, rahul dravid and other cricket stars and football stars, miss universe, miss world, upendra narayanan etc This slide is dedicated to Beijing Olympics in China. This slide is dedicated to Beijing Olympics in China.Keywords:
road accident prevention tips road safety accident control child children helmet india indian government

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Bahadurgarh Bahraich Balaghat Balasore Balia Balrampur Banda Bengaluru Banganapalle Banswara Banur Bardhaman Bareilly Baripada Barmer Barrackpur Barwani Banswara Beawar Belgaum Bellary Betul Bhagalpur Bhavani Bhandara Bharatpur Bharuch Bhavnagar Bhilai Nagar Bhimavaram Bhiwandi Bhiwani Bhopal Bhubaneswar Bhuj Bidar Bihar Sharif baran Bijnaur UP Bikaner Bilaspur Chhattisgarh Bilaspur Himachal Pradesh Bilgha Punjab Bodh Gaya Bokaro Steel City Bongaigaon Buldana Burhanpur Buxar Bulandshahr Barh Bangalore Ballarpur Kozhikode Cambay Chamoli Gopeshwar Champawat Chamrajnagar Chandannagar Chandigarh Chapirevula Chapra Charkhari Charkhi Dadri Chandrapur Chengalpattu Chennai Cheranalloor Cherunniyoor Chhatarpur Chhindwara
Chikmagalur Chiplun Chitradurga Chitrakoot Dham Karwi Chittoor Coimbatore Contai Balangir Orissa Balurghat West Bengal Caryobys Coonoor Cuddalore Cuddapah Cuttack Dabra Dadra Dahod Daksh Daltonganj Daman Damoh Darbhanga Darjeeling Datia Davanagere Dehgam Dehradun Deoghar Dewas Delhi Dhanbad Dhar Dharampur Dharamsala Dharwad Dholka Dhule Dhulian Dibrugarh Dispur Dindigul Diu Dombivli Duhbai Dumdum Durg Durgapur Dwarka Ernakulam Erode Etah Etawah Faizabad Faridabad Faridkot Farrukhabad Fatehgarh Fatehpur Sikri Ferozepur Cantt. Ferozepur City Firozabad Greater Noida Gwalior Gadchiroli Gandhinagar Gangtok Ganjam Garcha Punjab Gaya Ghaziabad Ghazipur Goa Velha Godhra Gondiya Gorakhpur Gulbarga Gumla Guna Gundlupet
Guntur Gurgaon Guruharsahai Guwahati Gudalur Gudivada Gwalior Hoshiarpur Haldia Haldwani Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh Hamir Uttar Pradesh Hanumangarh Howrah Harda Harsawa Haridwar Hubli Hassan Hastinapur Hathras Himatnagar Hisar Hansi Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh Indore Irinjalakuda india hindupur Jabalpur Jaipur Jais Jaisalmer Jalalabad Jalandhar Jalgaon Jagraon Jagtial Jammu Jamnagar Jamshedpur Jaunpur Jhabua Jhalawar Jhansi Jhunjhunu Jodhpur Jorhat Junagadh india Kakinada Kalimpong Kalwa Kalyan-Dombivali Kalyani Kanauj Kancheepuram Kandla Kangazha Kannur Kanpur Kanyakumari Karaikal Karaikudi Karimnagar Karjat Karnal Karur Karwar Kaserkhode Kavaratti Khammam Khandwa Khanna Khamanon Kharagpur Khargone Kheda Khilchipur Khuldabad
Kirandul Kochi Kohima Kokrajhar Kolhapur Kolar Kolhapur Kolkata Kollam Konark Korba Kota Kotdwara Kothagudem Kottarakara Kottayam Kovilpatti Koyampattur Kozhencherry Kozhikode Kulpahar Kumbakonam Kumbhraj Kurnool Kushinagar Karamsad Kothamangalam Krishnagiri kurukshetra Lalitpur Leh Lucknow Ludhiana Lamka Madanapalle Madgaon Madikeri Madurai Mahabaleswar Mahabubnagar Mahe Mahoba Mahwa Malout Mandsaur Mangalagiri Mangalore Mapusa Marmagao Mathura Machilipatnam Mahad Meerut Mirzapur Moga Mohali Moradabad Motihari Mount Abu Mukatsar Mullanpur Mumbai Mussoorie Murwara Murshidabad Muzaffarnagar Muzaffarpur Mysore MELATTUR Mokama Nadiad Nagapattinam Nagarkurnool Nagercoil Nagina UP Nagpur Nainital
Nalgonda Nanded Nandyal Nandurbar Narasaraopet Narsimhapur Narsinghgarh Nashik Navi Mumbai Navsari Nawalgarh Neemuch Nellore New Delhi or Delhi New Guntur Nizamabad NOIDA Nanital Nurmahal Punjab Nurpur Himachal Pradesh NARNOL Palwal Panaji Panchkula Pandharpur Panipat Panna Panvel Pasla Punjab Patan Pathankot Patiala Patna Patratu Jharkhand Pimpri Chinchwad Ponda Puducherry Porbandar Port Blair Pune Puri Pushkar Palghat Punalur Pratapgarh Quilon Ranchi Rajsthan Raichur Raigarh Raisen Raipur Rajahmundry Rajgarh Rajkot Rajnandgaon Ramanathapuram Rameshwaram Rampur Rampur Ranikhet Ratangarh Ratlam Ratnagiri Raurkela Rae Bareli Ravulapalem Roorkee Rishikesh Rajampet REWA ringawa rasheed Sagars Salem Samastipur Sanawad
Sangli Sangamner Sathyamangalam Satara Satna Saharanpur Sehore Seoni Shajapur Shegaon Sheopur Shevgaon Shillong Shivpuri Shivani Sholapur shrirampur shrigonda Siddipet Sikar Silchar Silvassa Sindhanur Shimla Shimoga Shirala Siliguri Singrauli Sirohi Sironj Sitamarhi Siwan Sonipat Sriganganagar Srikakulam Srinagar Surat Suratgarh Surendranagar Sitapur SHOAIB Tamluk Tandur Tenali Thane Thanjavur Thathawata Thiruvallur Thrikkannamangal Thrissur Thoothukudi Tinsukia Tirupattur Tiruchirappalli Tirunelveli Tirupathi Tirupur Tiruvarur Tikamgarh Thiruvananthapuram Tzudikong Udaipur in Rajasthan Udaipur in Tripura Udhampur in Jammu Kashmir Udupi Udhagamandalam Ujjain Ulhasnagar Unnao Uttarpara in West Bengal Vadodara Vallabh Vidhyanagar Valsad
Vandavasi Vapi Varanasi Vasai Vasco da Gama Goa Vellore Vidisha Vijayawada Viluppuram Virar Visakhapatnam Vizianagaram Virudhachalam Vyara Warangal Wardha Wani Wayanad
This slide is dedicated to Beijing Olympics in China.

Tipps This slide is dedicated to aiswarya rai, susmitha sen,amithab bachchan, sharuk khan and other bollywood stars , sachin tendulkar,kapil dev, gavaskar, dhoni, ganguli, rahul dravid and other cricket stars and football stars, miss universe, miss world, upendra narayanan etcThis slide is dedicated to Beijing Olympics in China.

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People of the following places will find this document useful:

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Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu and Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Orissa Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal Andaman and Nicobar Islands Chandigarh Dadra and Nagar Haveli Daman and Diu Lakshadweep Delhi Puducherry Agartala Agra Ahmedabad Ahmednagar Aizwal Ajmer Akola Aligarh Allahabad Alwar Ambala Ammakandakara Amravati Amreli Amritsar Anand Anantapur Anklesvar Anuppur Araria Arcot Arrah Aruppukkottai Ashok Nagar Ashtamichira Aurangabad Bihar Aurangabad Maharashtra Asurbandh Jharkhand

Azamgarh Asansole Ballabhgarh Baharampur Bahadurgarh Bahraich Balaghat Balasore Balia Balrampur Banda Bengaluru Banganapalle Banswara Banur Bardhaman Bareilly Baripada Barmer Barrackpur Barwani Banswara Beawar Belgaum Bellary Betul Bhagalpur Bhavani Bhandara Bharatpur Bharuch Bhavnagar Bhilai Nagar Bhimavaram Bhiwandi Bhiwani Bhopal Bhubaneswar Bhuj Bidar Bihar Sharif baran Bijnaur UP Bikaner Bilaspur Chhattisgarh Bilaspur Himachal Pradesh Bilgha Punjab Bodh Gaya Bokaro Steel City Bongaigaon Buldana Burhanpur Buxar Bulandshahr Barh Bangalore Ballarpur Kozhikode Cambay Chamoli Gopeshwar Champawat Chamrajnagar Chandannagar Chandigarh Chapirevula Chapra Charkhari Charkhi

Dadri Chandrapur Chengalpattu Chennai Cheranalloor Cherunniyoor Chhatarpur Chhindwara Chikmagalur Chiplun Chitradurga Chitrakoot Dham Karwi Chittoor Coimbatore Contai Balangir Orissa Balurghat West Bengal Caryobys Coonoor Cuddalore Cuddapah Cuttack Dabra Dadra Dahod Daksh Daltonganj Daman Damoh Darbhanga Darjeeling Datia Davanagere Dehgam Dehradun Deoghar Dewas Delhi Dhanbad Dhar Dharampur Dharamsala Dharwad Dholka Dhule Dhulian Dibrugarh Dispur Dindigul Diu Dombivli Duhbai Dumdum Durg Durgapur Dwarka Ernakulam Erode Etah Etawah Faizabad Faridabad Faridkot Farrukhabad Fatehgarh Fatehpur Sikri Ferozepur Cantt. Ferozepur City Firozabad Greater Noida Gwalior Gadchiroli

Gandhinagar Gangtok Ganjam Garcha Punjab Gaya Ghaziabad Ghazipur Goa Velha Godhra Gondiya Gorakhpur Gulbarga Gumla Guna Gundlupet Guntur Gurgaon Guruharsahai Guwahati Gudalur Gudivada Gwalior Hoshiarpur Haldia Haldwani Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh Hamir Uttar Pradesh Hanumangarh Howrah Harda Harsawa Haridwar Hubli Hassan Hastinapur Hathras Himatnagar Hisar Hansi Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh Indore Irinjalakuda india hindupur Jabalpur Jaipur Jais Jaisalmer Jalalabad Jalandhar Jalgaon Jagraon Jagtial Jammu Jamnagar Jamshedpur Jaunpur Jhabua Jhalawar Jhansi Jhunjhunu Jodhpur Jorhat Junagadh india Kakinada Kalimpong Kalwa Kalyan-Dombivali Kalyani Kanauj Kancheepuram Kandla

Kangazha Kannur Kanpur Kanyakumari Karaikal Karaikudi Karimnagar Karjat Karnal Karur Karwar Kaserkhode Kavaratti Khammam Khandwa Khanna Khamanon Kharagpur Khargone Kheda Khilchipur Khuldabad Kirandul Kochi Kohima Kokrajhar Kolhapur Kolar Kolhapur Kolkata Kollam Konark Korba Kota Kotdwara Kothagudem Kottarakara Kottayam Kovilpatti Koyampattur Kozhencherry Kozhikode Kulpahar Kumbakonam Kumbhraj Kurnool Kushinagar Karamsad Kothamangalam Krishnagiri kurukshetra Lalitpur Leh Lucknow Ludhiana Lamka Madanapalle Madgaon Madikeri Madurai Mahabaleswar Mahabubnagar Mahe Mahoba Mahwa Malout Mandsaur Mangalagiri Mangalore Mapusa Marmagao Mathura Machilipatnam Mahad

Meerut Mirzapur Moga Mohali Moradabad Motihari Mount Abu Mukatsar Mullanpur Mumbai Mussoorie Murwara Murshidabad Muzaffarnagar Muzaffarpur Mysore MELATTUR Mokama Nadiad Nagapattinam Nagarkurnool Nagercoil Nagina UP Nagpur Nainital Nalgonda Nanded Nandyal Nandurbar Narasaraopet Narsimhapur Narsinghgarh Nashik Navi Mumbai Navsari Nawalgarh Neemuch Nellore New Delhi or Delhi New Guntur Nizamabad NOIDA Nanital Nurmahal Punjab Nurpur Himachal Pradesh NARNOL Palwal Panaji Panchkula Pandharpur Panipat Panna Panvel Pasla Punjab Patan Pathankot Patiala Patna Patratu Jharkhand Pimpri Chinchwad Ponda Puducherry Porbandar Port Blair Pune Puri Pushkar Palghat Punalur

Pratapgarh Quilon Ranchi Rajsthan Raichur Raigarh Raisen Raipur Rajahmundry Rajgarh Rajkot Rajnandgaon Ramanathapuram Rameshwaram Rampur Rampur Ranikhet Ratangarh Ratlam Ratnagiri Raurkela Rae Bareli Ravulapalem Roorkee Rishikesh Rajampet REWA ringawa rasheed Sagars Salem Samastipur Sanawad Sangli Sangamner Sathyamangalam Satara Satna Saharanpur Sehore Seoni Shajapur Shegaon Sheopur Shevgaon Shillong Shivpuri Shivani Sholapur shrirampur shrigonda Siddipet Sikar Silchar Silvassa Sindhanur Shimla Shimoga Shirala Siliguri Singrauli Sirohi Sironj Sitamarhi Siwan Sonipat Sriganganagar Srikakulam Srinagar Surat Suratgarh Surendranagar Sitapur SHOAIB Tamluk Tandur Tenali Thane

Thanjavur Thathawata Thiruvallur Thrikkannamangal Thrissur Thoothukudi Tinsukia Tirupattur Tiruchirappalli Tirunelveli Tirupathi Tirupur Tiruvarur Tikamgarh Thiruvananthapuram Tzudikong Udaipur in Rajasthan Udaipur in Tripura Udhampur in Jammu Kashmir Udupi Udhagamandalam Ujjain Ulhasnagar Unnao Uttarpara in West Bengal Vadodara Vallabh Vidhyanagar Valsad Vandavasi Vapi Varanasi Vasai Vasco da Gama Goa Vellore Vidisha Vijayawada Viluppuram Virar Visakhapatnam Vizianagaram Virudhachalam Vyara Warangal Wardha Wani Wayanad

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People of the following places will find this document useful:

India , Brazil , China , India , Brazil , China , India , Brazil , China, India , Brazil , China

Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu and Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Orissa Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal Andaman and Nicobar Islands Chandigarh Dadra and Nagar Haveli Daman and Diu Lakshadweep Delhi Puducherry Agartala Agra Ahmedabad Ahmednagar Aizwal Ajmer Akola Aligarh Allahabad Alwar Ambala Ammakandakara Amravati Amreli Amritsar Anand Anantapur Anklesvar Anuppur Araria Arcot Arrah Aruppukkottai Ashok Nagar Ashtamichira Aurangabad Bihar Aurangabad Maharashtra Asurbandh Jharkhand

Azamgarh Asansole Ballabhgarh Baharampur Bahadurgarh Bahraich Balaghat Balasore Balia Balrampur Banda Bengaluru Banganapalle Banswara Banur Bardhaman Bareilly Baripada Barmer Barrackpur Barwani Banswara Beawar Belgaum Bellary Betul Bhagalpur Bhavani Bhandara Bharatpur Bharuch Bhavnagar Bhilai Nagar Bhimavaram Bhiwandi Bhiwani Bhopal Bhubaneswar Bhuj Bidar Bihar Sharif baran Bijnaur UP Bikaner Bilaspur Chhattisgarh Bilaspur Himachal Pradesh Bilgha Punjab Bodh Gaya Bokaro Steel City Bongaigaon Buldana Burhanpur Buxar Bulandshahr Barh Bangalore Ballarpur Kozhikode Cambay Chamoli Gopeshwar Champawat Chamrajnagar Chandannagar Chandigarh Chapirevula Chapra Charkhari Charkhi

Dadri Chandrapur Chengalpattu Chennai Cheranalloor Cherunniyoor Chhatarpur Chhindwara Chikmagalur Chiplun Chitradurga Chitrakoot Dham Karwi Chittoor Coimbatore Contai Balangir Orissa Balurghat West Bengal Caryobys Coonoor Cuddalore Cuddapah Cuttack Dabra Dadra Dahod Daksh Daltonganj Daman Damoh Darbhanga Darjeeling Datia Davanagere Dehgam Dehradun Deoghar Dewas Delhi Dhanbad Dhar Dharampur Dharamsala Dharwad Dholka Dhule Dhulian Dibrugarh Dispur Dindigul Diu Dombivli Duhbai Dumdum Durg Durgapur Dwarka Ernakulam Erode Etah Etawah Faizabad Faridabad Faridkot Farrukhabad Fatehgarh Fatehpur Sikri Ferozepur Cantt. Ferozepur City Firozabad Greater Noida Gwalior Gadchiroli

Gandhinagar Gangtok Ganjam Garcha Punjab Gaya Ghaziabad Ghazipur Goa Velha Godhra Gondiya Gorakhpur Gulbarga Gumla Guna Gundlupet Guntur Gurgaon Guruharsahai Guwahati Gudalur Gudivada Gwalior Hoshiarpur Haldia Haldwani Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh Hamir Uttar Pradesh Hanumangarh Howrah Harda Harsawa Haridwar Hubli Hassan Hastinapur Hathras Himatnagar Hisar Hansi Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh Indore Irinjalakuda india hindupur Jabalpur Jaipur Jais Jaisalmer Jalalabad Jalandhar Jalgaon Jagraon Jagtial Jammu Jamnagar Jamshedpur Jaunpur Jhabua Jhalawar Jhansi Jhunjhunu Jodhpur Jorhat Junagadh india Kakinada Kalimpong Kalwa Kalyan-Dombivali Kalyani Kanauj Kancheepuram Kandla

Kangazha Kannur Kanpur Kanyakumari Karaikal Karaikudi Karimnagar Karjat Karnal Karur Karwar Kaserkhode Kavaratti Khammam Khandwa Khanna Khamanon Kharagpur Khargone Kheda Khilchipur Khuldabad Kirandul Kochi Kohima Kokrajhar Kolhapur Kolar Kolhapur Kolkata Kollam Konark Korba Kota Kotdwara Kothagudem Kottarakara Kottayam Kovilpatti Koyampattur Kozhencherry Kozhikode Kulpahar Kumbakonam Kumbhraj Kurnool Kushinagar Karamsad Kothamangalam Krishnagiri kurukshetra Lalitpur Leh Lucknow Ludhiana Lamka Madanapalle Madgaon Madikeri Madurai Mahabaleswar Mahabubnagar Mahe Mahoba Mahwa Malout Mandsaur Mangalagiri Mangalore Mapusa Marmagao Mathura Machilipatnam Mahad

Meerut Mirzapur Moga Mohali Moradabad Motihari Mount Abu Mukatsar Mullanpur Mumbai Mussoorie Murwara Murshidabad Muzaffarnagar Muzaffarpur Mysore MELATTUR Mokama Nadiad Nagapattinam Nagarkurnool Nagercoil Nagina UP Nagpur Nainital Nalgonda Nanded Nandyal Nandurbar Narasaraopet Narsimhapur Narsinghgarh Nashik Navi Mumbai Navsari Nawalgarh Neemuch Nellore New Delhi or Delhi New Guntur Nizamabad NOIDA Nanital Nurmahal Punjab Nurpur Himachal Pradesh NARNOL Palwal Panaji Panchkula Pandharpur Panipat Panna Panvel Pasla Punjab Patan Pathankot Patiala Patna Patratu Jharkhand Pimpri Chinchwad Ponda Puducherry Porbandar Port Blair Pune Puri Pushkar Palghat Punalur

Pratapgarh Quilon Ranchi Rajsthan Raichur Raigarh Raisen Raipur Rajahmundry Rajgarh Rajkot Rajnandgaon Ramanathapuram Rameshwaram Rampur Rampur Ranikhet Ratangarh Ratlam Ratnagiri Raurkela Rae Bareli Ravulapalem Roorkee Rishikesh Rajampet REWA ringawa rasheed Sagars Salem Samastipur Sanawad Sangli Sangamner Sathyamangalam Satara Satna Saharanpur Sehore Seoni Shajapur Shegaon Sheopur Shevgaon Shillong Shivpuri Shivani Sholapur shrirampur shrigonda Siddipet Sikar Silchar Silvassa Sindhanur Shimla Shimoga Shirala Siliguri Singrauli Sirohi Sironj Sitamarhi Siwan Sonipat Sriganganagar Srikakulam Srinagar Surat Suratgarh Surendranagar Sitapur SHOAIB Tamluk Tandur Tenali Thane

Thanjavur Thathawata Thiruvallur Thrikkannamangal Thrissur Thoothukudi Tinsukia Tirupattur Tiruchirappalli Tirunelveli Tirupathi Tirupur Tiruvarur Tikamgarh Thiruvananthapuram Tzudikong Udaipur in Rajasthan Udaipur in Tripura Udhampur in Jammu Kashmir Udupi Udhagamandalam Ujjain Ulhasnagar Unnao Uttarpara in West Bengal Vadodara Vallabh Vidhyanagar Valsad Vandavasi Vapi Varanasi Vasai Vasco da Gama Goa Vellore Vidisha Vijayawada Viluppuram Virar Visakhapatnam
Vizianagaram Virudhachalam Vyara Warangal Wardha Wani Wayanad

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