Meeting and Travel Module

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Gemma G.

Bargan BBTE 3-2

Module 4
Meetings and Travel

What this module is about

Hello! We see each other again, dear student! I hope you find this module very
interesting. This module focuses on the different types of meetings as well as travel management.
Find a place where you are comfortable of.

What you are expected to learn

In this module you are expected to:

1. Explain the different types of a meetings
2. Explain the different types of a committees
3. Enumerate the standard meeting terminologies
4. Identify the relevant information sources on travel management
5. Discuss the different information on travel management

How to learn from this module

I’d like you to picture in mind that you are in a meeting wherein you are going to discuss
this module.
It seems that it is your first time to be with in a meeting, so don’t hesitate to say anything
you want as long as it is related to your topic.
I’d like you to cooperate with me especially in the activities that I’m going to give.
Answer the pre-test, post test, and self-check honestly. Do not look at the key to

Direction: Read the following statements and identify what each statement refers to. Encircle the
letter of your choice.

1. It is the number of member of an organized body of person that when duly assembled is
legally competent to transact business in the absence of other member.
a. Ex- officio c. Co-opt
b. Quorum d. Motion
2. It is an automatic member of a committee by virtue of a position
a. Co-opt c. Ex- officio
b. Quorum d. Motion
3. This is a manner of choosing or electing into a body or groups as a fellow member of a
a. Ex-officio c. Co-opt
b. Quorum d. Motion
4. It is a formal proposal made in a deliberative assembly.
a. Ex-officio c. Co-opt
b. Quorum d. Motion
5. It is the act of amending especially for the better.
a. Amendment c. Rider
b. Quorum d.Motion
6. It is an addition or amendment to a manuscript, printer’s proof or other document
attached on a separate piece of paper.
a. Amendment c. Rider
b. Quorum d. Motion
7. It is the act of analyzing or converting a complex notion into a simpler ones
a. Resolution c. Rider
b. Amendment d. Motion
8. It is the repeating of an original source word for word
a. Verbatim c. Resolution
b. Amendment d Rider
9. It is an agreement or consent of all without dissent.
a. Resolution c. Verbatim
b. Unanimous d Rider
10. It is the lists of topic to be discussed in the meeting
a. Committee c. Meeting
b. Agenda d documentation
Definition of Terms

Amendment-is the act of amending especially for the better.

Committee-a person or one of a number of persons to whom some charge or trust is committed
or some particular business is delegated.

Co-opt-is a manner of choosing or electing into the body or a group as a fellow member.

Ex-officio-is an automatic member of the committee by virtue of a position.

Meetings- is a gathering of two or more people that has been convened for the purpose of
achieving a common goal through verbal interaction, such as sharing information or reaching

Motion-a formal proposal made in a deliberative assembly.

Quorum-the number of the members of an organized body of persons that when duly assembled
is legally transact business in the absence of the members.

Resolution-the act of analyzing or converting a complex notion into simpler ones or into its

Rider-an addition or amendment to a manuscript, printer’s proof, or other documents often

attached on a separate piece of paper.

Travel management- is the function of managing a company’s strategic approach to travel

(travel policy), the negotiations with all vendors, day-today operation of the corporate travel
program, traveler safety & security, credit-card management and T&E data management

Unanimous-having an agreement and consent of all without dissent.

Verbatim-repeating an original source word for word.

Module 4:
Meeting and Travel

4.1 Meetings

Have you seen a couple of Yes, I have been in a

employees with their boss meeting especially in an
having a meeting or have informal meeting but I
you ever had an experience haven’t had an experience in
to be in a meeting. a formal meeting.

Nope, well, maybe some of my

Oh really! Haven’t you classmates experience it. But I
conducted a formal haven’t because I’m more
meeting in your school? familiar in an informal meeting.
Is a formal meeting conducted
only in school?

Not at all actually, it is Oh, I see….Can you give

often done in business me the idea of how the two
settings. meetings look like.

Ok, I’ll better see it.

Well, just take a look at the
two pictures.
Formal Meeting

Informal Meeting

So now after looking at the Not so, but can you give
picture, is it clear to you me the definition of the
the difference between the two meetings.
formal and informal.

Ok, just take a look at the Ok….

definition itself for you to
have a better idea about the
two meetings.

Formal meeting is a preplanned meeting. It has a predetermined set of topics that one wishes to
discuss along with a set of objectives that one wishes to achieve at the end of the meeting. 

Informal meetings are generally not planned well in advance. The members are not notified
through formal means.
Requirements of Formal meetings:

If you see the above picture Why is there a need for a

about the formal meeting, requirement of a formal
now here are the different meeting?
requirements for a formal

Oh….I guess it is a damn

Simply because they are thing to have a
part of the rules. requirements in a formal

No, It’s not….it is needed So, why don’t they conduct

for formality purposes. a meeting without

Remember….the meeting that

they are conducting was a Whatever…….
formal not informal.

Requierements for a formal meeting

 plan - use the agenda as a planning tool

 circulate the meeting agenda in advance
 run the meeting - keep control, agree outcomes, actions and responsibilities, take notes
 write and circulate notes - especially actions and accountabilities
 follow up agreed actions and responsibilities
Huh…If I’m the Boss I will
So what can you say? not require my employee to
follow the requirements of a
formal meeting.

If that’s the case, I will

not let myself apply in It’s better…because if
your company. you did, I will kick you
out of my sight.

Hahaha…now I know
Shut up!!!
what kind of boss you are
in the future.
Different Types of a Meeting

After all the things that you said

Can we still be friends? to me, you think the two of us can
still be friends again!!!

Can you forgive me?

Hmmm…ok, I will forgive you
for as long as you will promise to
me that you were not going to do
it again.

Ok, I promise… so now let’s

So what’s the next discussion
go back to the discussion.
will be.

It’s all about the different Then what are they?

types of meetings.

You better read this…
Annual general meeting (commonly abbreviated as AGM, also known as the annual meeting)
is a meeting that official bodies, and associations involving
the public (including companies with shareholders), are often required by law (or
the constitution, charter, by-laws etc. governing the body) to hold. 

Board meeting-A board of directors is a body of elected or appointed members who jointly
oversee the activities of a company or organization. The body sometimes has a different name,
such as board of trustees, board of governors, board of managers, or executive board. It is often
simply referred to as "the board."

A board's activities are determined by the powers, duties, and responsibilities delegated to it or
conferred on it by an authority outside itself. These matters are typically detailed in the
organization's bylaws. The bylaws commonly also specify the number of members of the board,
how they are to be chosen, and when they are to meet.

Departmental meeting-The best way to make sure things get done--and properly--is to allow for
open communication in the workplace. Organize a meeting so that everyone in a department or
involved in a specific project is up to date on what is going on.
Different Types of Committee

Are you a part of a

committee in your

So, you are familiar with Not all of them…

the different
committees..Am I right?

I’ll better see it, for me

Well, I will tell you the
to know what
different types of
committee do I belong.
committees for you to be
familiar with them.
Executive committees a subcommittee which has well defined executive powers usually spelled
out in the charter or by-laws and which meet frequently to manage the affairs and further the
purposes of an organization or entity.

The Advisory Committee should be implementation-oriented. The scope of its advice should be
limited to thematic issues pertaining to the mandate of the Council; namely promotion and
protection of all human rights. The Committee shall not adopt resolutions or decisions, but may
propose to the Council, within the scope of its work as set out by the Council, suggestions for
further enhancing its procedural efficiency, as well as further research proposals within the scope
of the work set out by the Council.

Standing committees a committee established by an official and binding vote providing for its
scope and powers. Most governmental legislative subcommittees are standing committees, which
by another name is a permanent committee.

An ad hoc committee established to accomplish a particular task or to oversee an ongoing area

in need of control or oversight.
Organizing A Meetings

Have you ever experience Nope…..Why

organizing a meeting?

Well, I’m just asking…. Oh really! Then what are

because as of now I will tell they?
you on how to organize a

To organize a meeting:
 Decide exactly who should attend the meeting.
 Schedule a time for the meeting with the persons attending, making it clear what the
meeting is about and how long it will take.
 Schedule a place for the meeting that is conducive to discussion and does not allow
 Plan an agenda with a time schedule for addressing each issue.
 Distribute the agenda well in advance of the meeting, asking for any modifications or
 Once the meeting starts there should be one person in charge who manages the meeting
and facilitates discussion.
 The meeting leader should stimulate and clarify communication, summarizing points
 Consensus should be encouraged, but don't make that the endpoint.
 If more information is needed for making decisions, schedule another meeting with
homework assignments.
Preparing documentation required in a meetings

Can you read the different For you I will……

documentations needed in the

Notice of the meeting

 The people who are to attend a meeting should be modified a reasonable amount of time
before the meeting so that they can make arrangements to attend.
 For every larger meeting, such as a conversation, the notice should go out more than one
week before the meeting date.
 For doing arrangements, most hotels require a definite number at least one week in
 The notice maybe in the form of letter with a reply card enclose, or it may be a brochure
that has a reservation coupon to be completed and returned.

The Chairperson's agenda is divided into three columns. To the left is the ordinary agenda. The
central column contains particulars for the chairperson on who proposed the motion and any
matter that should be remembered with regard to the issue. The right column is used for details
on decisions, names of people elected to committees or members who have been charged
(entrusted) with special duties.

 Roll call
 Confirmation of minutes of previous meetings
 Confirmation of contract of lease

Minutes or reports also known as protocols are the instant written record of
a meeting or hearing. They often give an overview of the structure of the meeting, starting with a
list of those present, a statement of the various issues before the participants, and each of their
Travel Arrangements

One of your most interesting and yet most exacting tasks as a secretary will be to make
travel arrangement for your boss’s business trip.
You should, therefore, know the procedures to be followed when making travel


1. By the travel department of your company.
2. By the use of travel services or travel agency.
3. By the secretary herself.

Information sources on travel management

Have you come across into Yes, it is my dream to work

your mind to travel abroad or abroad, but the opportunity
do you have any plan to work never comes across on me.

Oh, I see…..well here are

the different relevant
information sources about
travel management.
Agency A business or service authorized to act for others: an employment agency.

Consulate A subsidiary office of a foreign government, usually in a location other than the host
nation's capital. Consulates typically handle visa applications and other business affairs of the
foreign government.

A timetable or schedule is an organized list, usually set out in tabular form, providing

information about a series of arranged events: in particular, the time at which it is planned these
events will take place.

Maps are the plural of map, a visual representation of an area.

A directory is, in general, an approach to organizing information, the most familiar example
being a telephone directory.
Travel document

What if opportunity knocks Of course…..I will accept it,

on you to work abroad, wholeheartedly.
would you want to accept

Hmmm…..if I’m not

mistaken, I need the
But do you know what
passport, visas, health
documents will you need
certificates and others.
to process?

Well, you are right but

let me tell you the
different information on
travel management.
A passport is a travel document that also serves as proof of citizenship from the issuing

A Visa (from the Latin charta visa, lit. "paper that has been seen") is an indication that a person
is authorized to enter the country which "issued" the visa, subject to permission of an
immigration official at the time of actual entry.

Driver's licenses are generally not considered travel documents, since they bear no information
on nationality and conditions which would lead to refusal of a travel document have generally
not been tested.

A traveler's cheque (also traveller's cheque, traveller’s cheque, traveller's check or

traveler's check) is a preprinted, fixed-amount cheque designed to allow the person signing it to
make an unconditional payment to someone else as a result of having paid the issuer for that
A credit card is a small plastic card issued to users as a system of payment. It allows its holder
to buy goods and services based on the holder's promise to pay for these goods and services. The
issuer of the card creates a revolving account and grants a line of credit to the consumer (or the
user) from which the user can borrow money for payment to a merchant or as a cash advance to
the user.

Foreign currency, the term currency can refer to a particular currency, for example Pound
Sterling, or to the coins and banknotes of a particular currency, which comprise the physical
aspects of a nation's money supply. The other part of a nation's money supply consists of money
deposited in banks (sometimes called deposit money), ownership of which can be transferred by
means of cheques or other forms of money transfer such as credit and debit cards. Deposit
money and currency are money in the sense that both are acceptable as a means of exchange, but
money need not necessarily be currency.

So, now you know what Well, thanks for the

documents you are going information.
to bring if you travel.


Two Classes of Air Services:

1. FIRST CLASS-the traveler is seated in front of the plane and received special meals and
free drinks.

2. ECONOMY OR COACH-passengers may also receive free meals or snacks but they are
not as elaborate those served in the first class. This kind of service is scheduled not
normally meal times.


1. Call the reservation listed in the directory.
2. Write down the date and time you call and the name of the clerk handling the reservation.
3. Supply the necessary information to be reservation clerk.
4. After supplying the necessary information, the reservation may be confirmed.

CONFIRMATION OF RESERVATION-is a rapid process since airlines use on line

computers to check seat availability. If there is no space available, your employer’s name can be
placed on a waiting list.
5. Tickets may be picked up at the airport just before flight time. Therefore, your employer
should arrive at the airport at least 30 minutes before departure.
6. Tickets may be paid by:
a. Airline credit card which is usually issued in the company’s name
b. Check mailed to the airline company
c. Bank credit card
d. Cash upon receipt of tickets


Hotel Reservation can be made by means of the following procedures:

1. Send a telegram to the hotel or motel
2. Write a letter to the hotel or motel
3. Telephone the hotel or motel if the time is limited.

In making hotel reservations, you should specify the following information

1. Kind of accommodation, whether single or double, or suite room.

2. Approximate rate
3. Number of persons registering
4. Date and approximate time of arrival
5. Length of time room is needed
6. You should also request a written confirmation


Do you know what does Nope….But, can you give

itinerary mean? me an idea or the
definition of that word.

Ok, your wish my command but, Ok, I’ll just read it….
wait… on this page you will also
know the different checklist for
a trip.
Itinerary-is a summary of all arrangements for a trip, whether domestic or overseas, so that the
person travelling will know exactly where to go and what to do. It is also called the detailed
outline of a trip, which is used as a guide by the traveler.

Itineraries vary in form, but the basic information consists of:

1. Cities or states or provinces to be visited.

2. Flight time
3. Flight numbers
4. Dates
5. Hotel reservations
6. Appointments
7. Important reminders
8. Special information contained in the brief case

CHECKLIST FOR THE TRIP: Immediately before a trip, the secretary makes sure that these
responsibilities have been carried out:

1. If the trip will involve several days, notify associates and other company personnel who
may need to see your boss before he or she leaves.
2. Determine who is to make decisions during the executive’s absence
3. Check the calendar to find out what is to be done about meetings and other activities until
the boss returns.
4. Ask whether special mail should be forwarded.
5. Learn whether there are any personal matters, such as a paycheck, that the executive
wants taken care of.
6. Make a list of files the executive will take on the trip. (When possible, only photocopies
should be taken).
7. Prepare a list of credit card numbers and traveler’s check numbers to have on file in case
of loss. It would be advisable to take along.

Post test

Direction: identify the correct answer on the space provided.

1. It is a preplanned meeting. It has a predetermined set of topics that one wishes to discuss
along with a set of objectives that one wishes to achieve at the end of the meeting.
a. Formal meeting c. Agenda
b. Informal meeting d. Itinerary

2. This meeting generally not planned well in advance. The members are not notified
through formal means.

a. Formal meeting c. Agenda

b. Informal meeting d. Itinerary

3. It is a summary of all arrangements for a trip, whether domestic or overseas, so that the
person travelling will know exactly where to go and what to do.

a. Formal meeting c. Agenda

b. Informal meeting d. Itinerary

4. It is a rapid process since airlines use on line computers to check seat availability. If
there is no space available, your employer’s name can be placed on a waiting list.

a. First class c. Visa

b. Confirmation or reservation d. Passport

5. It is an indication that a person is authorized to enter the country which "issued" the visa,

subject to permission of an immigration official at the time of actual entry.

a. Visa c. Passport
b. Reservation d. Directory

6. It is a travel document that also serves as proof of citizenship from the issuing country.

 a. Visa c. Passport

b. Reservation d. Directory

7. It is, in general, an approach to organizing information, the most familiar example being a
telephone directory.
a. Directory c. Driver’s license
b. Map d. Foreign currency

8. It is the process of formally altering or adding to a document or record.

a. Rider c. Resolution
b. Verbatim d. Amendment

9. These are generally not considered travel documents, since they bear no information on
nationality and conditions which would lead to refusal of a travel document have
generally not been tested.

a. Directory c. driver’s license

b. Foreign currency d. Credit card

10. It is an organized list, usually set out in tabular form, providing information about a series
of arranged events: in particular, the time at which it is planned these events will take

a. Agenda c. Reservation
b. Committee d Timetable or schedule

Directions: Write T if the statement is true and write F if the statement is false.

___________1. Formal meeting is a preplanned meeting

___________2. Agency a business or service authorized to act for others: an employment


___________3. Passport is a travel document that also serves as proof of citizenship from the
issuing country. 

___________4. Map a visual representation of an area.

___________5. Credit card is a small plastic card issued to users as a system of payment

___________6. Amendment is the repeating of an original source word for word.

___________7. Committee is a list of topic to be discussed in a meeting.

___________8. Co-opt is a formal proposal made in a deliberative proposal.

___________9.In first class the traveler seated in front of the plane and receive special meals

___________10. Itinerary is a summary of arrangement of the trip.


‘Guess the Word’

The discussant will divide the class into two groups and each group must have five
representatives to play the game. Now here it is…

From the word DOCUMENTATION, rearrange some of the letters to create a new word
that will refer to or identify each statement to be read by the game master. Each member in the
team that holds the letter needed to form the correct word must come forward and arrange
themselves in the order of the guessed word. The first to form the word will be the winner.

1. It is a proposal raised during a meeting

Answer: Motion
Key to Correction


1. B 6. C
2. C 7. A
3. C 8. A
4. D 9. B
5. A 10.B

Post Test

1. A 6. C
2. B 7. A
3. D 8. A
4. B 9. C
5. C 10. D


1. T 6. F
2. T 7. F
3. T 8. F
4. T 9. T
5. T 10.T

This module is about meeting and travel management. There are different types of
meeting such as annual general meeting, board meeting and departmental meeting. Also, there
are different types of committees such as executive committee, advisory committee, standing
committee, ad hoc committee and subcommittee. This module discusses on how to organize a
meeting and how to prepare the required documentations such as the notice of the meeting,
chairperson’s agenda, agenda and minutes or reports.

In travel management you will also know the different sources travel information namely:
agency, consulate, timetable or schedule, maps and directory. You will be familiarized with the
documents that you are going to bring like passport, visa, driver’s license, traveler’s cheque,
credit card and foreign currency. You will also learn the different steps on making an airline
reservation as well as hotel reservation. In this module you will also know the basic information
on itineraries.


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