hw01 cs303

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CS 303 Logic & Digital System Design

Homework Assignment #1
Assigned: 14/10/2010
Due: 21/10/2010

1. Consider a number system with base 12; the digits are {0, 1, …, 9, A, B}. This
number system is known as duo-decimal number system. Convert 6886.3125 to duo-
decimal number system showing your steps explicitly. (15 pts)

2. Calculate the binary equivalent of 613/1024 using eight bits in the fraction using the
algorithm you learned in the lecture. Then convert the binary to decimal. What is the
error in the binary representation"How many bits are needed to fully represent the
613/1024 in binary number system? (15 pts)

3. Find 9’s and 10’s complement of the following decimal numbers. Do not use the
method that subtracts the given number from 10n. Explain your answer. (10 pts)
a. 74786 (5 pts)
b. 134453 (5 pts)

4. Do the following (10 pts)

a. Find 16’s complement of DDE2 without converting to other bases such as
decimal or binary. Describe your method. (5 pts)
b. Convert DEF2 to octal (5 pts)

5. Write your first name in ASCII codes. Use capital letters and convert Turkish
characters to the nearest English character. Use odd parity for each byte for error
detection. (5 pts)

Fall 2010 1
CS 303 Logic & Digital System Design

6. Assume that you are using 3-digit number system with base r = 8 (and n=3).
Assume also that you are using 8’s complement scheme to represent signed
integers and for subtraction operation. (20 pts)

a. Show the range of signed integers that can be represented in this scheme (5

b. Do the following arithmetic operations and detect overflows. Note that you
need to take 8’s complement of the subtrahend in subtraction operations.
Write also the carry-outs. (15 pts)

077 043 056

+ 056 + 745 - 701


705 770
+ 777 - 075


7. Find the complement of F = x’y + xy’ in sum of product terms; then show that FF’= 0
and F + F’ = 1 using algebraic manipulation. (10 pts)

8. Show that the dual of the XOR is equal to XNOR (5 pts)

9. Express the following function as a sum of minterms and as a product of maxterms:

F(x,y,z,t) = y’t + x’t + yt

(10 pts)


1) Submit your homework in hardcopy as Duygu Karaoğlan instructs.

2) Do not use SUCourse for the submission.

Fall 2010 2

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