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Growth Group Homework

For the Week of

October 24-31, 2010

“Sola Gratia”
Ephesians 2:1-10
Before the Meeting...
Quickly read Ephesians 2

1. Go around the room and share with the others your trials or
frustrations in the past week and how you dealt with them.

2. What are some ways you have tried to “earn your salvation” through
certain behaviors or activities?

3. As you look back over your life, what are some indications that you
were born with a “pre-disposition” towards sin?
4. Can you find some examples in the Old Testament of God
extending grace to mankind?

5. In light of God’s “unmerited favor” towards you, how must you

approach the relationships in your life?

6. Take some time to thank God for His grace and pray for those to
whom you must show grace in the week ahead.

Worship - Grow - Serve

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