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The very purpose of APC is to reap benefits, apart from that, it helps us in achieving some indirect profits
from by:-


, that in turn help us in achieving
tighter controls and longevity of Rotary as well as static equipments.

 Due to the huge feedstock & product (profitability driven selectivity) requirements, we need to put
additional efforts to    

order to achieve stringent quality controls.

by providing additional handles to trade off
between the variable operating parameters and adverse ambient conditions.

So, generally the strategies included in the formulation of the Handles (MV͛s) & Objectives (CV͛s) matrix
itself are a true reflection of the objectives of the process unit, explained mathematically.

Say the basic objectives of the FCCU plant itself is to produce large quantities of Propylene, Gasoline &
Diesel grade LCO.

As per the objective it is always profitable to produce large quantity of LPG by increasing
the,throughputs, Severity (Rx Temp, Catalyst selectivity, cat circulation & lower pressure of the Rx-Rg
system), but at certain stages we do end up by constraining the plant capacities & the efficiency of
recovering the products produced in the downstream of plant (Gas Conc. Unit).

The typical constraints arising as a consequence of the increase in the severity & the conditions
favorable for producing larger quantities of LPG are:-

Op -ncreased Fuel gas make.

Op Flooding issues in DC4 & DC5 sections.
Op -ncrease in the pressure of the Gas Concentration Unit, Pressure Vessels (HP & MC Receiver etc)
Op -ncreased losses of C3͛s in fuel gas stream because absorption limitations.
Op Degraded product qualities, specs will be disturbed.

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