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Senior Surveys

District Results
Senior Survey 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Respondents 1,032 1,707 2,132 2,915 3,110
I have goals and am excited about the future. 90% 90% 97% 97% 98%
I have the tools and skills I need to reach my goals. 79% 85% 96% 96% 96%
Participation in clubs and other co-curricular activities has expanded
69% 71% 80% 80% 80%
my future opportunities.
I feel ready for the real world in terms of my technology skills. 78% 82% 93% 93% 95%
I feel ready for the real world in terms of my ability to learn on my
85% 88% 96% 96% 97%
own outside of the classroom.
I received academic guidance from my counselor. 68% 73% 83% 83% 84%
I received personal guidance from my counselor. 60% 65% 66% 67% 68%
I received college planning assistance from a counselor or other
66% 73% 86% 85% 87%
I received career planning assistance from a counselor or other
53% 57% 74% 74% 76%
I participated in a career connection. 43% 33% 32% 35%
I participated in a college connection. 44% 52% 52% 57%
I am proud of my successful completion of academic projects. 91% 90% 92%

My teachers have given me positive feedback on my school work. 92% 91% 92%

I feel ready for the real world in terms of my ability to write. 77% 82%
I feel ready for the real world in terms of my ability to read. 83% 88%

I feel ready for the real world in terms of my ability with mathematics. 64% 68%

I feel ready for the real world in terms of my presentation/speaking

77% 80%
I feel ready for the real world in terms of my listening skills. 87% 89%

Alumni Survey 2008 2009 2010

Respondents 124 295 203

I had the academic skills to transition to college or the workplace. 89% 90% 93%

I had the social skills to transition to college or the workplace. 89% 93% 95%
I am able to consider creative solutions when solving problems. 93% 97% 96%
I am able to gather the information I neeed to make informed
100% 96% 97%
decisions about what to do.
I am able to apply what I learned in high school to what I'm doing
68% 74% 73%
I have the skills to communicate effectively. 97% 95% 96%
I engage in activities that positively support the community and the
86% 86% 89%
I have the technology skills needed to be successful. 94% 87% 91%
I am able to make educated choices about my physical and
93% 94% 97%
emotional health.
I am satisfied with the education I received from the Douglas County
83% 88% 98%
School District.

Percent Agree or Strongly Agree 10/4/10 Page 1 of 1

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