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00 +o4k;¢km9 00

1. O Thou, the knower of all the Milk-Ocean of

ividt;i,lx;S+su/;jl/e Scriptures! The expounder of the topics of the great
Upanisadic treasure-trove! On Thy faultless feet I
mihtopinWTkiqt;qRin/e 0 mediate in my heart, Be Thou my refuge, O Master,
˙dye klye ivml' cr5'
.v x'kr deixk me xr5m9 00!00
2. O the Ocean of compassion! Save me whose heart is
k®5;v®5;ly p;ly m;' tormented by the misery of the sea of birth! Make me
understand the truths of all the schools of philosophy!
.vs;grdu",ivdUn˙dm9 0 Be Thou my refuge, O Master, Sankara.
.v x'kr deixk me xr5m9 00@00
3. By Thee the masses have been made happy, O Thou
.vt; jnt; suiht; .ivt; who hast a noble intellect skilled in the inquiry into self-
knowledge! Enable me to understand the wisdom
injbo/ivc;r5 c;®mte 0 relating to God and the soul. Be Thou my refuge, O
Master, Sankara.
.v x'kr deixk me xr5m9e 00#00
4. Knowing that Thou art verily the Supreme Lord,
.v Ev .v;init me intr;' there arises overwhelming bliss in my heart. Protect me
from the vast ocean of delusion. Be Thou my refuge, O
smj;yt cetis køtuikt; 0 Master, Sankara.
mm v;ry mohmh;jli/'
.v x'kr deixk me xr5m9e 00$00
5. Desire for the insight into unity through Thee will
suktÕ åe i/kÕte bhu/; .vto spring only when virtuous deeds are performed in
abundance and in various directions. Protect this
.ivt; smdxRnl;lst; 0 extremely helpless person. Be Thou my refuge, O
Master, Sankara.
aitd7nimm' pirp;ly m;'
.v x'kr deixk me xr5m9e 00%00
6. O Teacher! For saving the world the great assume
jgt7mivtu' kilt;kÕtyo various forms and wander in disguise. Of them, Thou
shinest like the Sun. Be Thou my refuge, O Master,
ivcriNt mh;mhs≈zlt" 0 Sankara.
aihm;'xiu rv;+ iv.;is guro
.v x'kr deixk me xr5m9e 00^00
7. O the best of Teachers! The Supreme Lord having
gu®pu'gv pu'gvk¸tn te the bull as banner! None of the wise is equal to Thee!
Thou who art compassionate to those who have taken
smt;myt;' nih koåip su/7" 0 refuge! The treasure-trove of truth. Be Thou my refuge,
O Master, Sankara.
xr5;gtvTsl t_vin/e
.v x'kr deixk me xr5m9 00&00
8. Not even a single branch of knowledge has been
ividt; n my; ivxdwkkl; understood by me correctly. Not even the least wealth do
I possess, O Teacher. Bestow on me quickly Thy natural
n c ikÿcn k;çnmiSt guro 0 grace. Be Thou my refuge, O Master, Sankara.
:upmev iv/eih kÕp;' shj;'
.v x'kr deixk me xr5m9 00*00

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