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SGA Minutes

October 14, 2010

I. Call to Order: 11:31am

II. Roll Call: Absent: J. Longmire, M. Smith, M. McLean, J. Thompson , B. Bartman, Dr. Doty,
Dr. Sullivan Morgan, W. Wahlen.
C. Krause and Dr. Lindberg introduce themselves as new staff representatives.

IV. Agenda:
J. Meding: Move to add Tea Enthusiasts for provisional recognition into policy section. Second:
R. Hartman
Amended unanimously

V. Minutes. Motion to approve by J. Meding, seconded by J. Denhof

Approved unanimously

VI. External Committee Reports

a. Academic Council: H. Wahlen is not here to report on it and R. Nelson was not able to
be at the meeting.
b. General Education Committee: A. Romano: Meeting as we speak so cannot be there for
c. Honors Council: H. Wahlen not here to report on it.
d. Advisory: T. Harris: Denise Jones is happy with all the numbers. They work similarly to
us, they have a projected budget then adjust when enrollment numbers come in.

VII. Committee Reports:

a. Student Services: R. Hartman:
Maggie has been working with reaching out to students will be having some sort of idea
session on Wednesday, October 20th from 11:30am-1pm in the Frick. Joe has been
trying to figure something out with the election party. The Etiquette Dinner is next week
at 4 pm in the Prospect Room.

b. Policy Committee:
J. Meding: Had an amazing meeting this week. Twirlers Club is here for provisional
recognition and it has Policy Committee’s recommendation.
M. Potter and J. Thayer: This is something that is really close to us and since there is not
a group here we want to start an organization and get the word out. Want this to be here
so future students can join the squad even when we’re not here. Want to get the campus
involved- maybe teach people to twirl and perform at games, people can put money on
their favorite twirler and this money can be donated to a charity, maybe National Baton
Twirling Association or something else.
L. McAllister: Can anyone join?
M. Potter: Anyone can join because we can teach them, but it takes a lot of time and
practice to get the hang of it so it might be hard to perform if you’ve never done it before.
R. Hartman: How will you work out equipment?
M. Potter: We have enough batons, but we’d have to fund or fundraise to buy any outfits
we need because they are expensive.
J. Scott: Can we have an example of what you might do?
M. Potter and J. Thayer show example
I. Crone: Have you ever twirled fire?
J. Thayer: It could set the field on fire so probably not.
P. Silva: This is something that some people have been asking about so it would be a
good organization to have.
J. Denhof: Motion to vote. Multiple seconds. Motion to close debate. Multiple Seconds.
Approved unanimously
Vote to provide provisional recognition.
Approved with abstentions by B. Kaplan and M. Potter

H. Wahlen enters.

J. Meding: Tea Enthusiasts is up for provisional recognition. They want to spread the
word about tea and will work with Serene Tea. Their Faculty Advisor is Laura Wilmarth

Dr. E. Sullivan enters

R. Hartman: Will be a part of this organization if all goes well with recognition and
excited to see what it will do.
B. Mingus: Motion to provide provisional recognition, second B. Kaplan
Close debate: B. Mingus, Harman.
Vote to close debate unanimous.
Vote to provide provisional Recognition
Passes with one abstention by J. Scott.
E. McAllister: CONGRATS

J. Meding: Greenjays is up for Formal Recognition.

 E. McAllister passes gavel to J. Meding.
L. McAllister: Julie isn’t here, so I can speak on behalf of the group. We have done a
number of events to encourage recycling: a month long competition to reduce waste and
increase recycling, a fashion show, go green panel, etc.
Motion: J. Denhof, P. Silva seconds.
Denhof: Close debate, Silva second.
Vote to close debate passes with one abstention by H. Wahlen
Vote to provide provisional recognition:
Passes with one abstention by L. McAllister
 J. Meding passes gavel back to E. McAllister.
c. Finance Committee:
T. Harris: Applications for the Finance Board are still out. Encourage others to apply. Co-
op tomorrow. One of the best ways to find out about events on campus. Finance
committee from 2-330.
H. Wahlen: How many have turned in applications?
T. Harris: None, but many applications and emails taken.
L. McAllister: How is co-op going
T. Harris: 4-5 groups a week
L. McAllister: Funding?
T. Harris: Will keep you updated

d. Marketing Committee:
B. Kaplan: Comment box has been painted, but needs a third-coat. Committee is still
working on standard PR. Committee is meeting from 4-5pm today.

e. AKP:
H. Wahlen: Nothing

f. Exec:
E. McAllister: Mostly discussed the constitution.

VIII. Advisor Reports:

I. Crone: Sorry for the side conversation. Continue to RSVP for the Board of Trustees
Dinner and meetings. Who hasn’t RSVP’d?
Also, immediately after meeting please go downstairs to get your year-book headshots
E. Sullivan: Nothing

IX. Old Business

H. Wahlen: If you look at the copy of the constitution you have, all of the changes we
have discussed have been made and shown as comments on the side. I have made a
few other changes, which are listed on the screen.
H. Wahlen: Motion to approve the amendments, seconded by J. Meding
R. Nelson: Can we change the font? Hard to read.
H. Wahlen: People seemed to be questioning if we would always be able to get 30
people so we decided to keep the number at 21. Article II. 2. g. makes the president
responsible for planning the Fall Retreat every year. Separated the Elections Committee
and AKP because in the past they have always been different groups of people working
on it. Quorum: pg 10- Liz was the only one to send an idea on how to change this.
J. Denhof: All good things. But 14 is a cause of concern. We don’t need to have a
minimum because we will always have a full board.
B. Kaplan: Understand what you are saying Jake, but I feel like we need to have a
concrete number to stay with the democratic feel.
H. Wahlen: Formal debate rules?
E. McAllister will keep track
J Meding: We need a set definition of quorum.
J. Denhof: Not saying that we will only have seven people on board, but if that’s all we
can get we need to work with it. We’re a republic so we’re representative of the student
body. If only 10 people, they would probably be more accountable than 21 people who
don’t know what they’re doing.
H. Wahlen: We need to be realistic with this constitution. Roberts Rules of Order says
that we need to have a number. We’re not just preparing this for our students but for the
future board as well. We need to have a certain number from our student body to
represent body as a whole.
R. Hartman: Having a set quorum number provides motivation to fill up the empty spots
on the board.
J. Denhof: What would we do if we only had seven people?
L. McAllister: There would be no Exec board but they could have elections to fill the
empty spots and then proceed from there.
I. Crone: We need to have this set number to help ensure that there is a higher degree
of accountability. Advisors will be here to help.
Dr. Lindberg: Clause a. and c. contradict each other. Maybe get rid of a. and move on
with b. and c.
B. Kaplan: There needs to be a certain amount of people.
L. McAllister: If we take it away it means that there is nothing saying that members need
to be present.
H. Wahlen: Friendly amendment to remove a. and change it to reflect what Liz is saying
J. Meding: Article X. 3. a. (Quorum)- change to “ that have been sworn in and must be
present at the meeting”
H. Wahlen: motion to close debate, seconded by J. Meding
J. Denhof: motion to vote on approve the amendments, seconded by H. Wahlen
Approved with 1 abstention by R. Hartman
J. Denhof: motion to approve the amendments, seconded by H. Wahlen
Approved with 1 abstention by R. Hartman
H. Wahlen: anything else?
Eileen: In order for this to be approved by the board, it needs to be done for tomorrow. If
we need more time to work this out it won’t be voted on until March.
J. Meding: motion to close debate, seconded by J. Denhof
Approved unanimously
B. Kaplan: Motion to do a roll call vote, seconded by H. Wahlen
Motion passes with 15 yays, 3 abstentions, and 1 nay

X. New Business
a. Student Life Committee – need fill in for the Marketing meeting from 3-4:30 on Friday.
Email or volunteer now.
R. Nelson: Does everyone attend this?
L. McAllister: Only Exec Board.
M. Potter: I can probably attend

b. Gubernational Debate Staffing

E. McAllister: This Sunday. Desiree Chen reached out to Hannah and I. Any other
volunteers to help out?
Hands raised: J. Denhof, R. Hartman, B. Kaplan, T. Harris., B. Mingues, R. Nelson, P.
Silva, A. Romano.

c. Partners for Peace: J. Meding

Designed to address societal issues, this year addressing hunger. This month we are
collecting canned foods to donate to a church in a Lawndale community. Going to
participate on the first weekend of November 5.
Nov 5 – load Cargo Van, fill reusable bags with canned food
Nov 6 – leave at 11am. Help serve food until 2pm. Short Service. Be back on campus by
Plenty of organizations saving that they are willing to get food. Liz and I would like SGA
to take part in this.

XI. Comments from the Gallery – None

XII. Announcements: - none

XIII. J. Denhof Motion to adjourn, T. Harris Second.

Vote passes with one abstention.

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