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Coit Tower RFP Community Meeting June 3, 2010 Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Center Goal To find a Coit Tower operator who protects and respects the history of the monument, offers an operational plan that responds to community concerns, and maximizes revenue from the landmark while maintaining the historic stature of the tower. Selection Process © Once deadline passes, all submissions will be reviewed by members of the selection committee, which will include at least one representative from neighborhood groups. * Ifnecessary, some of the proposal teams may be asked to come in for interviews with the selection committee * Submitted proposals cannot legally be shared with the public until a selection is made. This is because RPD may decide to declare the RFP failed and re-issue the RFP later. If the proposals are released publicly now, it undermines competition in any subsequent RFP. * Once a selection is made, RPD staff will bring that selection to the Rec Park Commission. ‘+ Afier the selection is approved, RPD staff will enter into contract negotiations with the selected proposer. Any contract will require Rec Park Commission approval before being signed and, as with all Rec Park Commission meetings, any supporting documents will be posted online in advance of the public hearing. RFP Facts * RFP was drafted with extensive input and review from neighborhood groups with specific focus on traffic concems, historic preservation, and noise issues. j* Original RFP was released February 5, 2010 with a response deadline of May 7. In an attempt to drum up additional bidders, the deadline was extended to July 2 and marketing efforts were intensified. + The RFP seeks a concessionaire to manage the gift shop at the tower, operate the clevators, the coin-operated binoculars around the parking lot, and run a potential food service pusheart in front of the tower. «The proposed lease is five years with one additional five year extension «REP allows operator to have a limited number of special events, the size and number of which will be determined by selection committee as part of selection process. The Department wants to work closely with the community to evaluate the appropriateness of events. ‘* Alcohol is permitted only for indoor special events. All special events with alcohol will require RPD approval. You can download the RFP and all of its amendments at: hitp://

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