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DIRECTIONS: Read your writer’s notebook and complete the following tasks
by typing the requested entries from it. Attach this form to the front of your
entries before submitting them with you writer’s notebook. You may
structure your responses based on the structure of the assignment, but
please make sure you have the typed work format: 12 point Times or Times
New Roman, 1 “ margins, double spaced.

I. ENTRIES (do all of these tasks) (45 points)

Please type three entries as indicated below.
a. a typical entry – the kind of entry you make over and over
(i.e.: a response to the daily question, a description of your weekend
or day, etc.)

b. an unusual entry – the kind that stands out from the others, is a
little different

c. your favorite entry

II. The Art of Detail (choose one) (10 points)

a. Have you written a description of a place? Type that entry.

b. Have you written a description of a person? Type that entry.

c. Have you described an object, food, or event? Type that entry.

III. Reflection (do all) (30 points)

a. Type your favorite sentence from your writer’s notebook. Explain

why that is your favorite.

b. Type your favorite word from you writer’s notebook. Explain why
that is your favorite.

c. How do you feel about your journal at this point? Do you feel your
writing has improved? Are you using it to your advantage? Why or why not?
Is it easier to write more now than at the beginning of the school year?
Do you experiment with new styles, word combinations, and genres?
Explain why you do or do not do this. (Answer this question in a typed

IV. Quantity (15 points) (These points will only be awarded if your number
of entries exceeds the number of class-completed entries. The points will
reflect the excess.)

a. How many entries have you written since the beginning of school?

b. Do you use your notebook at home? If yes, in what way? Do you

add to entries you began in class, or do you begin new entries? If no,
why not?

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