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Concepts of Physics

Introduction to Physics
What is Physics
Revealing law of nature from observed events is
Chess & Rules metaphor Nature & Law’s of nature
Identifying both by observed events.
We only discover the rules that are operating in nature.
Physics & Mathematics
Mathematics is the language of physics.
Idea & Language metaphor Physics & Math's
A elephant is heavier than goat but how many times.
Need to standard unit to measure.

Fundamental & Derived Quantity

Fundamental: should be independent.
Length, mass, time, current, temp, Amount of substance,
Luminous intensity. Supplementary units for plane and
solid angle.
Expressing in MLT
Homogeneity of dimensions in a equation: x= ut+1/2at.t
Conversion of the unit :volume in m3 & mm3
Deducing relation b/w physical quantities.
Vector A+B mag2=a2+b2+2abcos@,
Angle= bsin@/a+bcos@

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