Water: Dam - Brown.Edu/People/Eitans/Publications/Sharonmumford-Shapecvpr04 PDF

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Wateris very important to all human being or mankind. We can obtain water from many
sources such as ocean, river, lake, pool and others. Water is used by mankind for cooking,
washing, bathing and as a remedy for thirsty.

Factories such as ice factory and fabric factory also need water in order to carry out
their daily activities. Without water, the operation will be obstracted.

Furthermore, water is the main supplier to generate electricity through hydroelectric.

Besides that, water is also important for paddy-fields or farms. Water is supplied to
the farms or paddy-fields through water canal. Vegetables and fruits farm need water to
grow well.

As the conclusion, water is very important to all the organisms that live on the Earth.
Therefore, we must use water with the manners.

We must appreciate the water as it is the heart for this planet. So, we must have to take care
of water health as we take care of ourselves.


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