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ph a r m e xcil

Representations/ Suggestions made by Council on policy issues

a) Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) with Japan:
Council submitted required inputs on Indian pharmaceutical trade with Japan,
problems/non-tariff measures observed while exporting to Japan etc. finalize
above Agreement with Japan.
b) Procedures / guidelines for export of Pharmaceutical products:
At the advice of department of Commerce and also keeping in view increasing
adverse publicity on Indian Pharma products taking place in most of the
regulated as well as semi regulated markets about supplies of
substandard/counterfeit drugs from India, Council prepared a draft notification
on procedures and guidelines for export of Pharmaceutical products, which was
subsequently published by DGFT as notification number 173.
c) Draft Notification – Certification of AYUSH products
Dept. of Commerce has issued draft notification on Certification of Ayush
products, which was circulated to members asking for their comments. Based
on the suggestions received from members and Committee of administration,
Council made a representation to department of commerce to suspend the
notification on certification of AYUSH products as members apprehended that
many of the provisions cause delays in exports.
d) Delays in clearance of export documents:
Council, through a representation brought to the notice of DGGI about delay in
clearance of export documents by ADC office at ports , which is affecting the
e) Impact of global economic meltdown on Indian Pharma exporters:
Based on the several enquiries received from Ministry of Commerce,
Pharmexcil made a critical study of exports for the last 5 years and tried
to determine the likely impact of the two conditions viz., depreciation of rupee
value and global economic crisis. Based on the inputs received from the
members and Pharmexcil's analysis, a report has been submitted to Govt.
Govt. considered several observations / recommendations of Council and
included them in the Economic Package. After critical analysis of the export
data for the last 5 years, Council observed that Pharma exports shall continue to
grow in 2008-09, but with considerable decline due to factors contributed to
global economic crisis.

f) Suggestions on Foreign Trade Policy:
Based on the suggestions received from members, council prepared a
consolidated representation giving suggestions for modification / deletion /
addition of various provisions in Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14.
g) Task force Report on Pharmaceuticals :
Council contributed actively in the preparation of Pharma Task Force Report
prepared by Dept. of Commerce, with the help of Sri Lanka Srinivas, who has
vast experience in the field of Pharmaceuticals.


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