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There is something nobody will guess in the life. Like imaginations, we can just imagine them and see
my dreams. Now a dream is becoming a reality, according to what the author said. I don’t think that
no one could see such something since Balkan Entente. But today strategic cooperation is been

After the Independence War of Turkey, Atatürk wanted to protect regional peace. That’s why, he
organized different treaties. For instance, in the east Sadakat Pact and in the west Balkan Entente
was signed. Therefore, the states which signed the treaties recognized the boundaries of each other.
And they promised not to attack each other. But because of some problems, the relationships with
Greece were split up. Cyprus Issue, the problem continental shelf in Aegean Sea, islands…etc.
especially after Kardak Crisis, a war between two states was nearly going to start. But then the crisis
was solved and any war didn’t happen. But now there are some problems among two states
particularly about Cyprus Issue. Even though a half century passed, this issue hasn’t just been solved.
That’s why, today is a turning point for two states, perhaps all these problems.

Ok, what are been mentioning at this cooperation? Firstly, High Level Strategic Cooperation Council is
been planning to found. Ten ministers from two states will take part in it. So the problems will be
solved and the cooperation will be gotten more improved. The second cooperation, maybe the first
time, will be done at military field. Regarding to this, among the force commanders of two states
visits will be organized and conferences, seminars and visits will arranged between the military
schools of two states. The last is to cooperate at economic and politic fields. Especially about
membership of Turkey to EU, Greece is to support Turkey and at economic field the projects perhaps
investments will materialize amongst two states along with The Business Council. Ok, how will be
done all these? Like what İsmail Cem said, all these can be done by creating confident milieu.

In conclusion, there are a lot of problems between Turkey and Greece like İsmail Cem said. And there
two ways which are necessary to do these two states. The first is that they will learn to live with
these problems and to be in need of each other. If we think that economic crisis influenced
everything and everyone and improvement and expansion of globalization, we can see that this
situation is impossible. Today every state is interdependent to others. The second is to create
confident milieu and in this milieu to try to solve all these problems. I think the most correct way is
the second way. The thing İsmail Cem tried to do is this, I think. I think everybody wants to be done
this. But will this occur? We’ll watch and see…




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