Phy1 Nov 070001

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B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2007. First Semester Aeronautical Engineering PH 125/PH 131 — PHYSICS —I (Common to all branches except Marine Engineering) ‘Time : Three hours ‘Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. PART A—(10x 2 = 20 marks) 1. What is the effect of temperature on elasticity of a material? 2, Mention any two methods of producing high vacuum. 3. _ List any four factors affecting the intensity of sound in a medium. 4. Mention any four applications of ultrasonic waves. 5, State the first and second laws of thermodynamics, 6. What is the principle of refrigerator? 7. A thin wire used in an air wedge experiment produces straight parallel fringes having a mean fringe width of 1.5 mm with sodium light of wavelength 589.3 nm. If the length of airwedge is 4.5 cm, find the thickness of the wire used. 8. Mention any two applications of photoelasticity. 9. What is called the population inversion of a laser system? fee eye een fener a 12, 13. 14, (a) (b) (a) ) (a) (b) @ () PART B — (5 x 16 = 80 marks) Explain the theory and an experimental procedure of finding the rigidity modulus of a material using torsion pendulum. (8+8) Or (Discuss the working of a diffusion pump with necessary diagram. (8) Gi) Outline the method of comparison of viscosities using Ostwald’s viscometer. (8) @ Enumerate the procedure of determining the sound absorption coefficient of a material using Sabine's formula. (8) (ii) Explain the noise control measures to be adopted for machines. (8) — Or Discuss in detail the method of producing ultrasonic waves using piezo electric oscillator with necessary circuit diagram. Also mention its merits and demerits. (12 +4) Explain the various stages of Forbe's method of determining the thermal conductivity of a material and derive an expression for the same. Mention its limitations. (12 +4) Or Draw the P-V diagram for an Otto eycle and discuss various stages of it. Hence derive an expression for the efficiency of the Otto engine. (16) (Derive an expression for the thickness of antireflection coatings and mention the uses of antireflection coatings. 6) Gi) With necessary theory, explain the working of a Michelson's interferometer. (10) Or (i) Discuss the theory and applications of sextant. (8) (i) With necessary diagrams, compare the working of a metallurgical microscope with that of an electron microscope. (8) 2 Q 2453 wit 15. (a) () Discuss the principle and working of a CO, laser in detail along with its energy level scheme. (6) Or Explain in detail the application of optical fibers as displacement sensors and as microbending sensors. (8+8=16) 3 Q 2453

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