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Reinforcement 1

1 1. flavour 4. protein
2. strength 5. appetite
3. nutritious
2 1. c 3. b 5. e 7. h
2. a 4. f 6. g 8. d
3 1. nutritious 5. appetite
2. recover 6. unfit
3. overweight 7. diet
4. exhausted 8. physical strength
4 1. discomfort 5. pre-packaged
2. impossible 6. multivitamin
3. inedible 7. underweight
4. unhealthy 8. overweight
5 1. a 2. a 3. a 4. b
6 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. c 6. f

1 1. had already made 4. had been
2. Had the food 5. haven’t had
3. will have forgotten 6. will have finished
2 1. haven’t had 5. won’t have lost
2. Will … have finished 6. Had … heard
3. has caught 7. had already recovered
4. had already closed 8. has … been
3 1. have been trying 4. had been working
2. has been working 5. haven’t been exercising
3. hadn’t been eating
4 1. has been working 4. has been catching
2. hasn’t been getting 5. had been sleeping
3. hadn’t been planning 6. have been working
5 1. What have you been doing all morning?
2. How long have you been interested in cooking?
3. Had you been feeling ill before you went to the doctor?
4. What had you been eating?
5. What have you been eating lately?
6. Who has been preparing these / those meals?

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