Names That You Should Be Fully Aware of

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Names that you should be fully aware of

Organisational structure theorist

1. Burns & Stalker
2. Woodward
3. Fayol
4. Weber (bureaucracy)

Leadership theorist
2. Kanter
3. Drucker

4. Fayol
5. Mintzberg (roles)
6. Weber
7. Blake & Mouton
8. Hersey & Blanchard
9. Likert
10. Ouchi

Cultural theorist
1. Anthony
2. Handy

Team management theorist

1. Belbin
2. Tuckman
3. Peters & Waterman
4. Woodcock

Motivational theorist
4. Vroom
5. Argyris
6. McGregor
7. Handy

Make sure you know all the names and what was their main idea, as you can already see a pattern of names being
questioned, its best to go in the hall with the names and what they said.

Like for example - Mintzberg - 5 structures + 3 roles (10 sub-roles) of leader

What is the 5 structures? - Came out in Dec 2009
What is the 3 main roles and 10 sub-roles? could come out for June 2010

Or it could be weber - what is the characteristics of bureaucracy - SHIP RUST

Handy has a lot of things to say -ranging from the gods of culture, to motivational "E" factors and leadership styles
- that is 3 things to remember about Handy.

Make short notes and try to recall what was the main ideas that was proposed, T5 is not an application paper yet, it
is more of memory paper.

Mr. Jay FCCA

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