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ORR: cour woh ss whe RPS Waar UME ORLY om wea Re Bee RK seat sah ee Literatu 1 January 1963 Biographical 2 No. Vol. a @ Rot it ww x 2 RF ie ee ee / it ao ¢ ¥ # B xp t © eS ge — Ff beet ele ee : ay ad & RY x S$ ge 8 kt a : z : a 4 7 = Mi € = : ; — & ; to: OF : a xi 4 : wR i =| A & ® z e Boa EA ok * a B 2 6 Nanna RIN Biographical Literature (Monthly) Publisher-Editor: Lin Shaw-tong Addrésa: P.O. Box 1706 Taipei, Taiwan, China A Brief Biography of Chi Pe-shih (1863-1957), A Noted Painter -- I Shu-Tzu (25) My University Life in the United States and Canada ---- Cheng Tien-fang (30) Escape to Burma - + Hou Hsi-kai (33) “POSTMARKED MOSCOW” (by Lydia Kirk) ~-Tegay Chu, (35) Introduction ‘to “Some Important Diplomatic Records Concerning the Sino-Indian Border and the Problem of Tibet”---- + Chia-tuen. Lo (38) Some Important Diplomatic Records Concerning ‘the Simo-Indian Border and the Problem of ‘Tibet »- Chao Shih-shun (39) a, xy rn & & 4 * = 4 rae mH Ra ee z * a § £ nm + x e, 8 &@ RH BAK RAW E , eof om RE x Ht % a EA 5 7 @ ex Bw - B tho Seth eae co : mE z oP et & i 7 R : A: wo: : : ae 6 fis e 4 a a x R F ae * eR 2s 88 & 5 8 PINNING PILL PISS PLO ALLL, BIOGRAPHICAL. LITERATURE VOL,.2 NO. 1 JANUARY 1963 CONTENTS ‘Wang Mengrou (4) Tao Hsi-sheng (7) Liang-Chien Cha (11) « Feng-hwa Ma (13) Mao Tzu-shui (17) - Biography, Novel and Literature: Teaching in Peiping (concluded) « My Unforgettable Professor, Dr. Hsu Mo (1893-1956) In Reminiscence of Prof: Shen Tsung-wen My Experience in Purchasing Books a to the Editor: Re “How I came to know . Tao-fan Chang (19) Chin Teh-shun (20) + Chou Wen-hai (23) 1, Sun Yat-sen” ; A rie of Hopei-Chabar Political Conimission- Some Anecdotes of Prof. Ku Chi-kuang +++ 4

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