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Begin by trying to wake the person, and asking what has happened. You may need to give
the person a pinch on the earlobe to see if he reacts at all.

1. If there is no reaction, 2. Put your head next 3. If he is not breathing,

tilt his head back to to his and listen for give mouth-to-mouth
open his airway. breathing. Check if his ventilation immediately.
chest is moving.

4. Begin by keeping the victim's head well back and mouth open. Pinch shut the soft part
of his nose, take a deep breath, then seal your lips around his mouth. Blow air into the
victim's mouth until you see his chest rise.

5. If the victim's chest does not rise when you breathe into his
mouth, his airway may be blocked. To remove any obstruction,
perform a finger sweep: keeping the victim's head well back,
use two fingers to sweep the inside of his mouth. Remove any
obstruction you find.

6. Resume giving mouth-to-mouth ventilation. If the victim's chest still does not rise, check
for a pulse. If there is no pulse, follow through with chest compressions.

7. To do this, place both hands, one on top the other, on the lower third of the victim's
breatstbone. Push down firmly at a rate of about 80 to 100 compressions a minute.

8. After every 15 compressions, deliver two breaths by mouth-to-mouth ventilation. Check

for pulse. If there isn't one, resume the cycle of chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth
ventilation until help arrives.

9. If the victim is breathing, place him in

the recovery position.
This helps the victim to breathe by
keeping his jaw and tongue forward, and
allows any fluids or vomit to drain out so
that they do not block his airway.
DO NOT move the victim into the
recovery position if he has severe
injuries, which will worsen if he is moved.

Presented jointly by Malaysian Red Crescent Society and the Malaysian media in
conjunction with the "First Aider in Every Home" campaign. Call 03-4578122

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