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TOPIC : Histrory of Microbiology A. Agriculture B. Disease prevention C. Pollution remedation D.

1. Disease of silk worm studied by Pasture 37. The person proposed the use of selective chemicals to treat disease
1.Anthrax2. Tuberculosis3.rabies4. Pebrine A. Vuillemen B. Lister C. DomagkD. Ehirlich
2.The cause of plague _______ 38. The concept stating that microorganisms are the causes of infectious
3. Living things donot need parents said by diseases is known as
1. Redi 2. Spallanzani 3. Needham 4.Snow A. Theory of evolution B. Cell theory of biology
4. 1949First successful cultivation of a virus (polio) in tissue culture C.Germ theory of disease D. Spontaneous generation theory
1. Luria 2. Enders 3. Beijernick 4. Koch 39. Identification of introns in mRNA synthesis
5. Studied the biochemistry of soil bacteria 1. McClintock 2. Yallow 3. Burnet 4. Robertys, Sharp
1. Welch 2. Beijernick 3. Winogradsky 4. Ogata 40. Development of serum therapy for diptheria
6. Developed the discipline of environmental microbiology 1. Nicolle2. Edleman 3. Medawar 4. Boehring
1. Pfieffer 2. Winogradsky 3. Beijernick 4. Cohn 41. Pastuer involved in the development of
7. Synthesized a “magic bullet” for syphilis 1. rabies vaccine 2. Anthrax vaccine 3.Swan necked flasks 4. All
1. Fleming 2. Reed 3. Ehirlich 4. Wright 42. Father of modern bacteriology
8. Won the Nobel Prize for work on malaria and mosquitoes 1. Koch 2. Pastuer 3. LeeuenHoek 4. Bassi
1. Von Behring 2. Rous 3. Baltimore 4. Ross 43. Scientist worked on Tumor virus
9. Isolated gasgangrene bacilli 1. Bishop, varmus 2. Edleman, Porter 3. Peyton Rous 4. Bordet , Gengou
1. Pieffer 2. Salmon3. Welch4. Kitasato 44. Phagocytosis process was discovered by
10. Discovered how DNA controls protein synthesis in cells 1. Petri 2. Reed 3. Jansen 4. Methinkoff
1. Hooke 2. Virchow 3. Jacob & Monad 4. Beadle , Tatum 45. 1923Ultracentrifuge discovered by___________
11.Fractional sterilization was proposed by 46. Discovered reversetranscriptase in retroviruses
1.pastuer 2.koch 3.Tyndall 4.Jenner 1. Rous 2. Retro 3. Lucmontaginer , Gallo 4. Temin, Baltimore
12. Father of medical microbiology 47. Bishop and Varmus discovered ___________
1.A.V.L.Hoek 2.Louis pastuer3.Jenner4.Robert koch 48. Yallow reciverd Nobel prize for
13. Antiseptice surgery established by using phenol by 1. Prions 2. RIA technique 3. PCR technique 4. Yeelow fever
1.Elie Methinkoff 2.Joseph lister 3.Paul ehirlich 4.Waksman 49. Malarial parasite carried by mosquito dicivered by
14. Souring of wine is due to lactobacilli by repoted by 1. Laveran 2. ROss 3. Reed 4. Nirenberg
1.Lister 2.pastuer 3.Jenner4.Sharp, Roberts 50. Enrichment culture technique developed by
15. Culture media first developed by 1. Beijenick 2. Stanley 3. Winogradsky 4. Pierie
1. Fanny Hesse 2. Robert koch 3.T.vom dush 4.Needham 51. Who proposed the existence of viruses
16. Study of Wines 1. Whittaker 2. Iwanowsky 3. Beijernick 4. Lederberg
1.Enology 2.phycology3.mycology 4.Zymology 52. Who demonstrated Demonstrated that anthrax is caused by Bacillus
17. Spontaneous generation theory disproved by swan necked flask anthracis
1. Franciscoredi 2. Tyndall3.Spallanzani 4. Pastuer 1. Koch 2. Pastuer 3. Lister 4. Methinkoff
18. First virus discovered 53. Complement discovered by
1. HIV2.TMV 3.T2 4.Lambda pahge 1. Bordet 2. Pastuer 3. Lister 4. Methinkoff
19. Cowpox material used as smallpox vaccine 54. __________ isolated root nodule bacteria
1.Pastuer 2.Koch 3.Jenner 4.All 1. Whittaker 2. Iwanowsky 3. Beijernick 4. Lederberg
20. Gene having criston, recon, muton said by_______ 55. Concept of chemolithotrophy given by
21.___________ show that Treponema pallidum causes syphillis 1. Whittaker 2. Iwanowsky 3. Beijernick 4. Lederberg
22. Golden era of microbiology 56. Isolation of TMV in its purest crystalline form
1. 1820-1839 2.1857-1878 3.1979-19894.1789-1889 1. Pierie 2. Stanley 3. Escherich 4. Pastuer
23. Enrichment techniques developed by 57. In 1946Conjugation in E. coli
1. Beijernick and winogradsky 2. Twort and Deherelle 3.Domagk 1. Luria 2. Avery 3. Beadle and Tatum 4. Zinder
4.Chalton 58. ________ claimed spontaneous generation was bunk.Showed that maggots
24. Pencillin discovered in the year by fleming did not arise from meat, but came from fly eggs
1. 1933 2.1944 3.1953 4.1928 1. Pastuer 2. Needham 3. Redi 4. Tyndall
25. Decreasing virulence of bacteria by heating using chemicals 59. Who performed performed first antiseptic operation
1.Vaccination 2.Inoculation 3.Variolation4.Immunization 1. Pastuer 2. Needham 3. Lister 4. Tyndall
26. Who discovered that mosquitoes transmitted yellow fever virus 60. 1911First cancer virus reported in chickens reported by
1.Chamberland 2.Loeffler and Frosch 1. varmus 2. Montaginer 3. Rous 4. Beijernick
3.Walter and reed 4.Ruska and Fracastro 61. Salk & Sabine1957Discovery of first successful vaccine against this disease
27. E.coli , a natural inhabitant of intestine discovered by 1. AIDS 2. Swine flu 3. Polio 4. Rabies
1. Escherich 2.Bilorth 3.Pfieffer 4.Eberth 62. All of the following are related with pastuer except
28.Studied sulfur and nitrifying bacteria 1. Discovered “animalcules”
1.Beihjernick 2.Gram3.Ivanowsky4.Winogrdsky 2. Lactic acid fermentation due to a microorganism
29.There is life in anaerobic condition proposed by 3. Settled spontaneous generation controversy 4. Developed rabies vaccine
1.Iwanowski 2.Koch 3.Pastuer 4.Kitasato 63. 1986First vaccine produced by genetic engineering approved for human use
30. Freeliving N2 fixer Azatobacter discovered by 1. hepatitis B. vaccine 2. Rabies 3. AIDS 4. Diabetes
1.Winogradsky 2.Berjernick3.Stanley4.Theodrschwan 64. Which of the following is wrong combination
31.Pure culture technique developed by 1. Botulism- Clostridium 2. Gas gangrene - Clostridium
1. Koch 2.Mullis 3.Bordet4.wassermann 3. Q-fever- Coxiella 4. Syphilis -- Bordetella
32.Symbiotic living Nitrogen fixer- Rhizobium discovered by 65. Robert koch discovered the causative agent of
1.Winogradsky 2.Berjernick 3.Stanley 4.Richet 1. Anthrax 2. Cholera 3. TB 4. All of the above
33. . Discovery of cyanophages__________ 66. Discovery of cyanophages__________
34.Electron microscope discovered by 67. 1932Electron microscope discovered by _________
1.Antony von leuenhoek 2. Ruska 3.Hook 4.Coons 68. _________ Discovered “animalcules
35. Discovery of Thiomargarita namibiensis, the largest known bacterium 69. _________Smallpox vaccination
36. The study of the microbiology is important in the following 70. Diphtheria antitoxin __________

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