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Use and Misuse of Balance Studies

U.S. Department of Agriculture, ARS Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, Beltsville, AID 20705

expect in studies with elements of low intestinal ab

ABSTRACT Balance studies are inadequate tools to de sorption efficiency. This alone eliminates several ele
termine human requirements for minerals and trace ele ments from consideration. Yet, the following discus
ments. At best, they estimate the amount of an element sion would be valid even in the absence of any technical
in a specified diet that maintains the existing pool size of problem.
the test subject. The relevance of pool size to health re At first it appears perfectly logical that an intake of
mains to be established by different and independent
means. J. Nutr. 117: 1811-1813, 1987. a nutrient less than the sum of the daily losses must
at some time result in deficiency and that such an in
take must therefore be considered inadequate. This is

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obviously not the case; clinical, pronounced deficien
•balance studies trace elements •diet cies that would be expected, according to that assump
•pool size tion, are extremely rare in developed countries, in spite
of intakes well below those resulting in zero or positive
balance. The following brief review of a few simple,
well-established facts will try to delineate the proper
The following discussion of balance studies will be interpretation of results from balance studies.
restricted to minerals and trace elements. Although Cotzias (3) and collaborators in pioneering studies of
some of the principles to be discussed should be valid manganese metabolism demonstrated in humans and
for other elements as well, such as nitrogen and carbon, animals that the loss of manganese from the intact
the differences between inorganic and organic com organism can be described by a series of first-order equa
pounds are such that the inclusion of the latter would tions. Expressed in the simplest terms, the amount of
transcend not only the available space but also the ex daily loss of manganese from the organism is a function
pertise of the author. Balance studies have been used of the existing body stores and can be described in terms
for two purposes: to help define nutrient requirements of percentage of the existing stores. In reality, because
and to measure the availability of nutrients for absorp the excretion kinetics are multicompartmental, we are
tion. My attempt to examine the legitimate uses of the dealing with a number of different rates of loss of which
balance approach will end with the conclusion that the the first is usually fast and of short duration, whereas
determination of human trace element or mineral re subsequent ones are slower and of longer duration. It
quirements by this method is neither legitimate nor is not known whether any of the compartments iden
useful. That conclusion is not new; Hegsted had warned tified by kinetic studies correspond with any anatom
long ago against deriving mineral requirements from ical or biochemical entity in the organism, but it can
balance studies (1). That his warning has had little ef be assumed that the first two (perhaps also the third)
fect may serve as one justification for the present dis compartments are metabolically more active and pos
cussion. sibly nutritionally more significant than the later ones,
The technical difficulties inherent in balance studies which may function as sinks and participate little in
(e.g., ensuring completeness of collection, assessment metabolism. Cotzias and collaborators reported several
of cutaneous losses and use of fecal markers, etc.) are observations that proved the validity of their model.
well known and need not be discussed here. Less ap Among them was the demonstration that the excretion
preciated is the fact that few analytical methods give of previously administered, radioactive manganese was
a coefficient of variation as good as 5%, especially in strongly accelerated by the administration of stable
complex matrices such as food, urine or feces (2).Most manganese.
methods, therefore, will be unable to detect the small Since then similar excretion kinetics have been es
but nutritionally important differences that one can tablished for zinc (4) and chromium [5], calcium (6),

0022-3166/87 $3.00 ©1987 American Institute of Nutrition. Received 24 July 1987. Accepted 27 July 1987.

1812 MERTZ
magnesium (7), selenium (8) and possibly others. This well buffered against the consequences of intake changes,
model may not be fully applicable to iron for which the whereas others are subject to more rapid changes in
amount of losses appears to be much less subject to pool size. The important physiological conclusion is
regulation and to depend largely on the amount of iron that negative balances do not persist (provided the in
sequestered in the intestinal mucosa. take is above the minimum obligatory loss), and that
Notwithstanding the multicompartmental nature of the equilibrium will establish itself, even if it takes
excretion kinetics a simplified statement can be made, years. The pool size at which the new equilibrium is
probably applicable to many trace elements, that the established depends on the intake.
amount of daily loss from the body pool is some func Although the foregoing discussion has postulated that
tion of the size of that pool. Intakes that result in an a trace element balance can be achieved with a variety
excess of absorbed trace element over the prevailing of intakes and pool sizes, there are limits to balance on
daily loss will increase the pool until the daily loss both extremes of intake. High exposures may exceed
equals the daily input. At that time a steady state is the excretion capacity of the organism and result in a
reached. Should the intake now be diminished, the daily persistent positive balance and a continuing accumu
loss would initially exceed the inflow, resulting in a lation. That is the concern with certain heavy metals
diminution of the pool until at some time the smaller in the environment, such as lead and cadmium, and
daily outflow would again equal the inflow and a new even with the essential element, iron. On the other
equilibrium would be established. Thus, expressed in hand, extremely low intakes may not compensate for
practical terms, the amount of available nutrient in the minimal obligatory losses and result in deficiency.
diet determines the pool size with time, but does not (Minimal obligatory losses are those persisting in sub
predict a priori deficiency or toxicity. It must be under jects who are adapted to a diet severely deficient in the

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stood, of course, that the regulation of body pools of element under investigation.)
trace elements is much more complicated than sug With intakes between those extremes, a positive or
gested by this simple model (9). There are exogenous negative balance would indicate that the experimental
and endogenous factors affecting the rate of inflow into diet fed is different in amount, composition and bio-
the pool and endogenous controls of rates of daily loss availability from the subject's habitual diet. A positive
(Table 1). (or negative) balance indicates that the intake and/or
bioavailability of the element under study from the test
diet is greater (smaller) than the habitual intake and
PHYSIOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION OF that the pool size is increasing (decreasing) until a new
BALANCE STUDIES equilibrium is reached. A zero balance indicates that
the intake during the study of the available element is
Time is a decisive factor in the interpretation of data equal to the habitual intake, namely, that amount nec
from balance studies. When the daily intake of an ele essary to maintain the existing pool size. Thus, a bal
ment is small relative to the total pool size, it will take ance study does not determine "the" requirement for
more time to establish a new equilibrium after changes a mineral element, but the intake required to maintain
of intake than for an element whose intake is large the existing pool size.
relative to the body pool. The daily turnover of iron is
only 1/5000 of the body content; thus, changes in the
pool size and establishment of a new equilibrium would PRACTICAL ASPECTS
be expected to take many months. In contrast, the daily
turnover of selenium in North Americans could be as Although balance studies have been used widely in
much as 1/200 of the body content, resulting in a faster the past to estimate requirements for minerals and trace
rate of changes and of attainment of a new equilibrium. elements, their suitability for that purpose has been
These examples demonstrate how some elements are questioned long ago, when Hegsted discussed the widely
different calcium intakes required to maintain balance
TABLE 1 and bone health in Americans versus those in Peruvi
ans (1). The situation with selenium is similar: Lev-
Factors affecting mineral balance ander has shown that on average 1 jig of selenium/kg
Inflow Outflow body weight maintains a zero balance and selenium
pools in Americans. Approximately one-tenth of that
Amount eaten Pool size intake maintains a balance in subjects living in low-
Gastrointestinal luminal events: Hormones
pH, dietary interactions, Kidney function selenium areas of China (10). Whereas in these latter
chemical form of nutrient Intestinal function people the risk of selenium deficiency and the resulting
Rate of transit Keshan disease is significant, the slightly larger selen
Mucosal regulation: absorption ium stores of New Zealand women (11), maintained by
efficiency depending on pool size an intake of approximately 20 M-g/d/have not been as
Hormones; cephalic influences (?]
sociated with increased health risk.
Thus, we must conclude that the results of balance substance and in subjects with a low or intermediate
studies bear no direct relationship to criteria of health. pool size to magnify the effect on absorption. They
They do relate to the pool size of the nutrient under should be of relatively short duration and should be
study (and that size can be calculated from balance data terminated before a balance is established eventually
if the turnover rate is known), but the relevance of pool for substances both of high and low bioavailability.
size to human and animal health remains to be deter
mined individually for each element.
LEGITIMATE USES OF BALANCE STUDIES 1. HEGSTED,D. M. (1973) Calcium and phosphorus. In: Modern
Nutrition in Health and Disease, 5th ed. (Goodhart, R. S. & Shils,
The results of balance studies can be used to estimate M. E., eds.), pp. 268-286, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.
the "habitual" nutrient intake of people. It can be as 2. HORWITZ,W., KAMPS,L. R. & BOYER,K. W. (1980) Quality
sumed that a person's pool of a nutrient reflects, next assurance in the analysis of foods for trace constituents. /. Assoc.
Off. Anal. Chem. 63: 1344-1354.
to body size, the amount and bioavailability of the nu 3. COTZIAS,G. C. (1962) Manganese. In: Mineral Metabolism:
trient consumed over extended periods of time. A diet An Advanced Treatise, vol. 2B (Comar, C. L. & Bronner, F., eds.),
that results in a zero balance in a person and, by defi pp. 403-442, Academic, New York.
nition, maintains the existing pool size, therefore ap 4. AAMODT,R. L., RUMBLE,W. F., JOHNSTON,G. S., FOSTER,D. &
proximates closely the diet history of that person for HENKIN,R. I. (1979) Zinc metabolism in humans after oral
and intravenous administration of Zn-69m. Am. J. Clin. ÑutÃ-.
the amount and bioavailability of the nutrient under 32: 559-569.

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study. Only in that connection, as an estimator of ha 5. SARGENT,T., m, LIM, T. H. & JENSON,R. L. (1979) Reduced
bitual dietary intakes, and only if the status of the nu chromium retention in patients with hemochromatosis, a pos
trient in question has been proved adequate by inde sible basis of hemochromatotic diabetes. Metabolism 28: 70-
pendent methods, can the results of balance studies be 79.
6. BRONNER,F. (1974) Dynamics and functions of calcium. In:
used as a basis for dietary recommendations. In that Mineral Metabolism, vol. 2A (Comar, C. L. & Bronner, F., eds.),
case, adding an increment as a safety factor to the es pp. 342-444, Academic, New York.
timated requirement, as is usually done for RDAs, is 7. AVIOLI,L. V. & BERMAN,M. (1966) Mg28 kinetics in man. /.
unnecessary. It would result in unrealistically high rec Appi Physiol 21: 1688-1694.
ommendations that would be difficult to implement. 8. GRIFFITH, N. M., STEWART, R. D.H. & ROBINSON,M. F. (1976) The
metabolism of 75Se-selenomethionine in four women. Br. f. Nutr.
Balance studies can be used to compare the biological 35: 373-382.
availability of different elemental species with each 9. SOLOMON,A. K. (1960) Compartmental methods of kinetic
other. A highly available species, such as the heme iron, analysis. In: Mineral Metabolism, vol. 1A (Comar, C. L. & Bron
will produce a more positive or less negative balance ner, F., eds.), pp. 119-167, Academic, New York.
than one poorly available, such as the non-heme iron 10. LEVANDER, O. A. (1986) Selenium. In: Trace Elements in Hu
man and Animal Nutrition, 5th ed. (Mertz, W., ed.), pp. 209-
category. Balance studies can also be helpful in the 279, Academic, New York.
quantification of complex nutrient interactions as they 11. STEWART, R. D. H., GRIFFITH, N. M., THOMSON, C. D. & ROBINSON,
influence bioavailability. Sandstead has fed diets with M. F. (1978) Quantitative selenium metabolism in normal New
different contents of protein, phosphorus and calcium, Zealand women. Br. J. Nutr. 40: 45-54.
etc., and expressed the effects of those nutrients on the 12. SANDSTEAD, H. H. (1985) Are estimates of trace element re
quirements meeting the needs of the user? In: Trace Elements
requirement for trace elements to establish a zero bal in Man and Animals (TEMA-5) (Mills, C. F., Bremner, I. & Ches-
ance in regression equations (12). Such studies are best ters, f. K., eds.), pp. 875-878, Commonwealth Agricultural Bur
performed with low or intermediate intakes of the test eaux, Farnham Royal, U.K.

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