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Name : ....................................................................

College Seal
Diploma / Degree : ....................................................................
Branch & Year : ....................................................................
Cell Phone No. : ....................................................................
E-mail ID : ....................................................................
College Ph. No.:

1. How many key strokes are needed to type numbers from 1 to 100
a. 100 b. 190 c. 200 d. 189 e. 192
2. Don't ........................ you have to get over your disappointment and get on with your life
a. deliberate b. temper c. rejoice d. lament e. Obscure
3. Zoology : Animals Find the odd one
a. Ecology: Pollution b. Botony: Plants c. Chemistry: Atoms d.History: people
e. Mathematics: Geometry
4. SCURRLOUS: a. Decent b. Savage c. Major d. Volatile e. Scabby
5. A rectangle is 14 cm long and 10 cm wide. If the length is reduced by x cms and its
width is increased by x cm so as to make it a squre then its area changes by:
a. 4 b. 12. c. 8 d. 2 e. 6
6. The Speed of light will be minimum when it passes through
a. Water b. Air c. Vacuum d. glass
7. Earth quake waves travel faster in
a.Rock b. Water c. Loose Soil d. Black Soil e. Red Soil
8. Who is the CEO of Microsoft?
a. Paul Allen b. Larry Ellison c. Bill Gates d. Steve Ballmer e. Gidson
9. In which year did Mahatma Gandhi launch the Dandi March.
a. 1925 b. 1927 c. 1930 d. 1931 e. 1929
10. Which is the first Asian Country to host the Common Wealth Games?
a. S.Korea b. Japan c. Malaysia d. China e. Singapore
Note: Xerox copies can be taken or answers can be written in white paper.

1. About Myself

2. My Parents influence on me - Specify

3. My Favourite School Teacher - Why

4. My Ambition

Note: Xerox copies can be taken or answers can be written in white paper.

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