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Presented by :

Mangesh Ghandat 115

Nayan Yadav 091
Raviteja Vaddiparthi 106
 An honest, direct and
appropriate expression
of one’s needs, feelings,
opinions, thoughts and
belief without violating
other’s rights.
Assertive behaviour
 Standing up for your rights without infringing on the rights
of others.
 “I win; you win”

Aggresive behaviour
 Standing up for your rights while infringing on the rights of
 “I win; you lose”

 Assertiveness produces positive outcomes for all

while aggressive acts result in negative outcomes.
 Effective communication brings about
achievement of individual and/or shared goal.

 Assertiveness increases your ability to reach

these goals while maintaining your own as
well as others rights and dignity.
 Helps you become self-confident
 Increases self-esteem
 Gain respect of others
 Improve communication skills
 Improve decision-making ability
 Other person's right and feelings are more
important than you.
 You will offend others by being assertive.
 You are not important enough to express

your feelings and rights.

 Be honest and direct about your feelings, needs,
 Express yourself firmly and directly to specific
 Be reasonable in your requests
 State your viewpoint without being hesitant or
 Be honest when giving or receiving feedback.
 Learn to say “no” to unreasonable expectations.
 Paraphrase what others have stated to you.
 Recognize and respect the rights of those
around you.
 Use appropriate tone of voice.
 Be aware of body posture/language.
 Maintain eye contact.
 Use “I” statements to express self
 “I won’t be able to handle it.”
 Others’ decisions
 Others’ attitudes
 Patterns:
-  not wanting to upset
-  not wanting to put out
-  acquiescing
 Lack of self-belief
 Lack of clear intentions 
I’m OK


You’re not OK You’re OK

I’m not OK
I’m OK



You’re not OK You’re OK


I’m not OK
‘Don’t believe yourself and don’t believe anybody else.’

The Four Agreements:

 Be impeccable with your word

 Don’t take anything personally
 Don’t make assumptions
 Always do your best

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