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Decimation in Time

This process of splitting the 'time domain' sequence into even an

odd samples is what gives the algorithm its name, 'Decimation In

The DFT is defined by

where is the input signal amplitude at time , and

Note that .

When is even, the DFT summation can be split into sums over
the odd and even indexes of the input signal:
where and denote the even- and odd-
indexed samples from . Thus, the length DFT is computable

using two length DFTs. The complex factors

are called twiddle factors. The splitting into

sums over even and odd time indexes is called decimation in
time. (For decimation in frequency, the inverse DFT of the

spectrum is split into sums over even and odd bin numbers

A general diagrammatic representation for decimation in time for

8pt sequence.

DIT FFT Algorithmic Complexity (Why it's fast).

As with the DIF algorithm, the number of butterfly operations C(p)

for a 2p point DIT transform is given by:
or, in terms of N (=2p):

Dropping the constant scaling factors (including the log base) we

get an algorithmic complexity of O(N.logN)

• Simple, short, elegant
• Three-loop structure
• For efficiency, a cosine-sine lookup table should be added

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